Friday, April 15, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's Important to Listen...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and you know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  I know you've been working hard all week, and here's your chance to show off your progress.  Let's get started!!


My whoop whoop for this week starts out with a little story.  An acquaintance of mine, S., was just re-diagnosed with cancer after 10 years of being cancer free.  One of her friends started a "Can You Spare A Square For S." campaign, asking for people to send a piece of fabric so S. could make her very first quilt.  She had an overwhelming response, and in addition to sending some fabric, I told them I'd give them any help I could, and quilt it for her too.  The three of us decided to meet this past Wednesday to talk about how she should start, and what she would need to make her quilt.  

So - - - Wednesday morning before we were going to meet, I got up early and quilted this quilt, which I had loaded on the frame the night before so I could get an early start.  You may recognize it - it's the scrappy green quilt that I made as part of the I May Have A Scrap Problem series.  I had intended it for my special project (more on that soon, I promise!) but as I was putting the binding on, I got the distinct feeling that I needed to give this quilt to S.  I resisted - the special project is a big one and I need all the quilts I can make in a short time.  I considered the ministry quilt that I had on hand, all washed and ready to go - surely that would do?  But no, I still felt an overwhelming urge to give the quilt I was binding to S.  So I finished up the binding, threw it in the wash and took it out of the dryer just a few minutes before I had to leave to meet S. and M.  

Rushed out to the clothesline - thank heavens it was a pretty sunny day! - and took some pictures of this quilt.

Doesn't it look cheerful and completely at home against all that pretty spring green grass?

The combination of the quilting and the vintage linen I used for the background give it a wonderful texture.

And I even found two great fabrics in the stash to make the back - I just love that green stripe!  And the polka dot (it's hard to say what color it is exactly - gray? brown? mud?) blended very well!

S. loved her quilt, especially the fact that it was still warm from the dryer when she held it!  It will serve as a tangible reminder of all the people who are praying for her.  I'm so glad I listened to that small voice telling me to give it to her!


And I had one other finish this week - I won't tell all about it here, because I wrote about it on Wednesday's post, but I do want to show you a picture of it just in case you missed it!  This quilt is called Beautiful Family, because all of these orphan blocks have now found a happy home!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up?

What's got you dancing a happy little dance this week?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you -

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!



PS - Just a reminder, this Sunday is the first check-in date for Hands2Help - come show your progress on your quilt for Hands2Help and see what everyone else is working on too!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your quilt is gorgeous, and the story gave me happy glad you could bring some sunshine to her day! x

  2. Both quilts are so beautiful. Love the green colors of the quilt for S. I can understand she was happy with the warm quilt. But the second qujilt is amazing. I can not believe it all are orphan blocks!!

  3. Beautiful again!! You get so much done - that's great!

  4. You're right, its important to listen. S was obviously happy that you did! This is a very beautiful quilt and it looks stunning outside your house.

  5. It's strange but I've always felt that our quilts speak to us, we spend so much time on them so maybe it's not so strange, I'm glad you listened.

  6. Nothing says love like a quilt! Thanks for the ideas for scrappy quilts too.

  7. a very nice quilt to give to some one. I bet she loves it

  8. I have quilts that "speak" to me, too. I'm glad I'm not alone! What a wonderful gift you have given to your friend... and countless others. Blessings to you.

  9. Your green quilt is so pretty and refreshing! Sometimes a quilt just tells you where it needs to go. I'm glad it could give comfort to your friend.

  10. Sending prayers and good wishes for S. I see you added some in the green quilt too.

    ...and I always love an orphan block quilt.

  11. So amazing, both quilts, Sarah. I, too, have had that strong feeling...most recently the first of my 2 H2H quilts, which told me it was going to go to a child...Love the texture in both, and those greens just sparkle! And I am blown away (not in your TN wind lol) by how beautiful the Family quilt came together. You rock.

  12. Glad you listened - sometimes its hard - but you are amazing - and she will love the extra hug!

  13. Good job listening to that quilt. When I see it I just think "new life" which is probably exactly what S needs to be surrounded by. I bet the other big project works itself out before you know it.

  14. You most certainly get a Whoop Whoop! Great finish and that you were able to gift it to your friend. I wish her all the best.

  15. Sarah, you are the sweetest! I know S. needs a quilty hug right NOW and you stepped up! Thank you for hosting the linky party!

  16. The green quilt is gorgeous, and it is such a lovely gift for S.

  17. You get the biggest Whoop Whoop this week - two delightful quilts and a beautiful story too. Thanks for hosting ... X

  18. Your quilt is beautiful. I love the linen you used for the background. Yes, listening is so important and I am glad the quilt will be loved.

  19. God knew where that quilt was supposed to go. Glad you listened to him. Great quilt!

  20. What a lovely and thoughtful gift for someone who needed it. We had good news this week, after being told Dad had cancer four weeks ago and having all the treatment options discussed the final test was negative. The doctors don't know what it is and it may even go away on it's own. He may be 84 but I still feel like a child when I'm with him, he's my Dad.

  21. I do love that still, small voice and it's always the right thing to obey. Beautiful quilt and beautiful blessing for you both!

  22. What a wonderful thing you did in listening to your Guardian Angel. Both beautiful quilts.


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