Monday, April 11, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - A Good Week!

Hi, all!

Well, it's definitely spring in Tennessee - know how I can tell?  Saturday it was 55, today it was 72, rainy and super-windy, and tomorrow it will be 65 and sunny.  If you don't like the weather, just hang around for a few minutes - it will change!  But cold wet days make for good sewing time - and I took advantage of it last week!  

1.  Finish the Craftsy project.
Done!  I just love the way this turned out - you can read more about it in last Friday's blog post!

2.  Make backs for all the quilt tops I have so they will be ready for quilting.
I didn't get all the quilt backs made, but I did make two backs and quilt those quilts, and I pulled fabric for several others.

3.  Quilt at least two quilt tops for my special project.
Done!  The Craftsy solids quilt is one, and then there are these two that I finished up this afternoon...

4.  Decide on a goal for April for the I May Have A Scrap Problem challenge.
Done!  I'm going to tackle this tub of blue scraps!  I've already started, pressing some of the larger pieces in preparation for cutting orange peel segments out of them.

5.  Mail fabric scrap packages to the people who requested them on last week's I May Have a Scrap Problem post.
Done!  It was a nice pile of packages - scrap management at its best!

6.  Clean out my closet and dresser drawers.
Started!  I took a before picture of my closet...

...and after pulling out all this to go to Goodwill... now looks like this!  I still need to do some more in there, and clean out my drawers, but it's getting there!

7.  More string blocks!
Done!  I used a lot of strings this week for something very special that I'm going to share on Wednesday - so I'm keeping it quiet for now.  Be sure to come back by and see!

8. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  This quilt went to a man with heart issues...

This one went to a woman who was diagnosed with a brain tumor; the doctors were unable to remove it all in surgery...

And this quilt went to one of our ministry members who will be having back surgery in a week or so - she'll be out for four to twelve weeks recuperating and we will miss her!!

I feel much better today than I did last Monday!  It was a very productive week and that feels good!  So let's see what is on the horizon for this week...

1.  A secret project to go along with Wednesday's blogpost.

2.  Quilt at least three more of the quilt tops for the special project.

3.  Work on the orange peel blocks.

4.  Mail the prizes from last Wednesday's giveaway.

5.  Meet with a friend to help her create her very special scrap quilt.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Definitely enough to keep me busy and out of trouble!  Hopefully I can do as well this week as I did last week, and knock all of this out.  

And hey - I've got a major whoop whoop for all of us - I just checked the signup spreadsheet, and there are 121people signed up to participate in Hands2Help!!!!  That is almost double the number of people who participated last year - and that. is. amazing!!!  Just think of all the people who are going to be touched by the quilts that are made....  Thank you, everyone!!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. my closet looks like that too and then I clean out for Goodwill - on my list this month

  2. No photos for the world to see of my closet, but I did do a major hoe-out before we moved back east a year and a half ago. Agenda for this week-to finish a baby quilt for one of our church members' shower on the 23rd. Looking forward to seeing your secret project(s).

  3. You are like the energizer bunny - what keeps you moving!

  4. Great work on the closet! Mine still needs some attention :-/ but I did do some of it this week :-)
    I've been quilting and will be finishing up two quilts this week. Then I'm going to work on my H2H quilt. Can't wait to see the Wednesday string surprise!

  5. I always love your list and that you show how you worked thru it. I'm a list maker, too - but I don't think I make as much progress as you.

  6. Wow, I am officially dizzy from all that activity. I need to go make a list!

  7. Good work this week. I struggle getting backs done also. Wonderful quilts for the ministry this week.


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