Friday, July 15, 2016

Whoop Whoop Friday, Twelve Days of Christmas in July - And Quilt-Along, Day 2!

Hi, all!

Welcome to Whoop Whoop Friday and the second day of the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop!  I hope you're enjoying yourself so far - but we've only just begun!  

Today there are two more great bloggers ready to share their creations with you.  First up is Yanicka Hachez, who blogs at Finding Myself As An Artist.  Yanicka hails from Quebec, Canada, and has a really fun project to share!  And then there's Chris Dodsley, who you may know better as made by ChrissieD.  I had the fun and good fortune to meet Chris in person when I went to NYC a few weeks ago - so much fun!!  She's going to be one of the contenders in the Quilters Take Manhattan competition this year, but she's made some time to share a great scrappy project with us.  

So hop on over and check out their efforts - they're waiting anxiously for you!  Then come back for the second step in your Christmas quilt.  I'll wait!


And now it's time for Day 2 of the quilt-along!  This will be a fairly simple day, as we make the centers of all four blocks.  

You will need the four 6 1/8" squares and eight of the 5" background squares.  Be sure you get the 5" squares, and NOT the 4.5" squares (don't ask me how I know...)

Take the 5" background squares and cut them in half diagonally.

Take a 6 1/8" square and fold it in half, finger pressing the halfway fold on each side.  

Take a triangle and fold the longest side in half.  Finger press the halfway fold on the edge.

Pin the triangle to one of the sides of the 6 1/8" square, matching the center fold marks. The ends of the triangle will hang over.  Stitch with a 1/4" seam.  Repeat for the opposite side of the square. Press the seams out toward the triangles.

Repeat for the other two sides of the square.  Press the seams out toward the triangles.

Trim off the points that extend past the edges. Your blocks should measure 8.5" square, more or less.  If they are larger, trim to the correct size.   Be sure you have 1/4" past  the points of the center square for the seam allowance, so you don't lose your points!

Congratulations!  You've finished for the day!


And now it's your chance to whoop it up! 

What are you doing the happy dance about this week?
(Maybe starting a Christmas quilt?)

Share - we want to dance right along with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!

Hugs and see you tomorrow!


PS - Please remember, particularly if you leave a question in your comment, to leave your email address too!  For some reason there are WAY more no-reply bloggers than before, and I'd hate to be unable to answer a question or thank you for a nice comment!

Blog Hop Schedule:

July 14th:     Sharon Vrooman @ Vrooman’s Quilts
                    Carole Carter @ From My Caroline Home

July 15th:    Yanicka Hachez @ Finding Myself As An Artist
                   Chris Dodsley @ Made by ChrissieD

July 16th:     Marsha Hodgkins @ Quilter in Motion
                    Leanne Parsons  @ Devoted Quilter

July 17th:     Tonia Conner @ All Thingz Sewn
                    Selina @ Selina Quilts

July 18th:     Lara Buccella @ Buzzin Bumble
                    Soma Acharya @ Whims and Fancies

July 19th:     Joanne Harris@ Quilts by Joanne
                    Suzy Webster @ Adventurous Applique and Quilting

July 20th:     Vicki in MN @ Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
                    Jennifer Fulton @ The Inquiring Quilter

July 21st:     Michele Kuhns @ Crayon Box Quilt Studio
                    Jan Ochterbeck @ The Colorful Fabriholic

July 22nd:     Alla Blanca @ Rainbows. Bunnies. Cupcakes.
                     Zenia Rene Lewis @ A Quilted Passion

July 23rd:     Joanne Hubbard @ Everyone Deserves a Quilt
                    Paige Alexander @ Quilted Blooms

July 24th:     Carolyn Jones @ …by CJ
                    Tisha Nagel @ Quilty Therapy

July 25th:     Susan Arnold @ Quilt Fabrication
                    Beth Sellers @ Cooking Up Quilts
                    Linda Pearl @ One Quilting Circle

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Looking forward to more Christmas ideas! Thanks for hosting the bog hop and the party!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. I have enjoyed the blog hop so far. So many great ideas!

  3. Sarah

    Can you give us the name and numbers of the fabric that you are using. I recognized the middle fabric I have that. I love the way yours look and I want my quilt to look just like yours (BIG SMILE).

  4. Good morning Sarah! Well girlfriend, I'm excited and could do the happy dance because " I'm making a Christmas quilt!" This blog hop QAL was/is that inspirational nudge I needed. It's so much more fun sewing along with quilting friends. Have a great Friday.

  5. So many fun things going on here. Thanks for all you effort to put it together

  6. Enjoying the hop and looking at all the lovelies linked up today.

  7. Oh Darn! I'm behind before I even get started :-( I've been so busy at work that I didn't get my fabric...I finally went online last night and ordered them. Hopefully they'll arrive quickly and I can play catch up next weekend.


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.