Friday, December 8, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? This One's For Jolene...

Hi, all!

Wasn't it just Friday a couple of days ago?  Where does the week go??  Well, wherever it went, it's Friday again, and you know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  Let's get started!!


I have a different kind of whoop whoop today - earlier this week, when I needed to quilt a bunch of quilts for the ministry, my beautiful long arm machine started exhibiting some serious signs of wearing out.  (PS her name is Jolene.)  The needle up/down button and the jog button wouldn't work at first, until the machine warmed up, and the motor was running slower than usual.  One frantic call to my repairman, and an appointment was scheduled for next Tuesday.  He says it sounds like the brushes in the motor need some attention - whatever that means.  So I started working on some other, no-quilting-required, projects and gave Jolene a rest.

Then Thursday morning, my husband sent me a text saying that a friend of his needed a ministry quilt, and could I bring it when I met him for lunch.  Oh no!  Our stock at church (of finished quilts) is totally depleted, except for one that would not be appropriate for an adult man.  I did have a top and back at the house that would be perfect, but would Jolene cooperate enough to get it quilted?  

Fingers crossed, I loaded it on the frame and started quilting...

...and God bless her, Jolene powered through to the end!  A quick binding job and a run through the steam cycle of the dryer - no time to wash this one - and it's time for the photo shoot!

This really is a beautiful quilt - lots of earth and forest toned batiks, and it's plenty big enough for a big guy.  Just goes to show that God has a plan - I just happened to have the right quilt at home waiting to go on the frame!

One more shot, just because it's pretty - and see that goofy brown dog to the left of the quilt?  Silly girl wouldn't come in the house this morning, so she spent her time terrorizing the mailman, the UPS man, and the FedEx guy!  She loves the cooler weather, and would stay outside all day if I'd let her - or even if I don't!

And one more whoop whoop - I finished the dolphin appliqué on Lilli's annual quilt!  Now once Jolene is back up and running, I can get all three quilts finished and I'll be ready for Christmas.  Keep your fingers crossed that Jolene's problem is a minor one, easily fixed!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


Now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Perfect fabrics, and to get it done in time, a real miracle. there was a ministry for you all happening at the same time. Love the photo session too.

  2. My mouth is still hanging open after reading about the lightening speed quilt finish! You are one very special person.....

  3. I hope that Jolene only has a minor problem. Then you can really Whoop it up!

  4. Holy cow, that was a fast finish! It's beautiful. What is the name of that pattern, by the way, it's so cool. The dolphin quilt is shaping up. You had a good week.

  5. I cried when I read about the ministry quilt. I just know it will be a comfort to the man. Brushes are not a big deal. I always worry about the electronics.

  6. I am amazed that you can get a quilt done that fast and binding too

  7. Changing the brushes isn't a big deal, so I hope that's what it is. I have changed mine a couple of times on my Gammill. The quilt is really nice! I have that pattern and haven't tried it yet! Maybe I will, now. Merry Christmas!

  8. God is good!! And you are FAST!! Both quilts are beautiful. Do you know where I could find the patterns for each? Your dolphin is just gorgeous and has so much movement in it. Wow! I sure hope Jolene is repaired and running to speed very soon. :)

  9. Fabulous finish, Sarah! Hope Jolene will be up and running in no time! The dolphin is so cute against all the blues and aquas!

  10. Both quilts look great! I am glad Jolene is fixed!

  11. Best of luck with Jolene's problem. How fortunate that everything worked out and you were able to get the beautiful donation quilt finished in time. You work fast!!!

  12. Congrats on getting the quilt ready, I had the same thing happen to me. The Prayer committee needed a quilt for someone who is leaving the church (long time member) and thankfully I saved one quilt that I was going to give to an auction for our camp. I do know have an extra prayer shawl & a quilt now on hand for these emergency.

  13. Whoop! Whoop! You and Jolene did good. That quilt is gorgeous. Seems like the pattern is do-able. Do you know where it comes from? the name of it? I need to branch out of squares and try triangles.

  14. Definitely a whoop whoop for having this ready to go, and that your machine cooperated. Hope she's ok!

  15. Love the finished quilt. Wow that you had the right quilt for a man and your machine did not let you down. Great Finish for sure! I do hope your machine can be fixed so you can keep doing your good work.

  16. What a great quilt and the block looks easy, too. Just right for the recipient. Blessings.

  17. The Ministry Quilt story is beautiful -- Jolene's determination to come through for you was a blessing indeed. your Dolphin.

  18. God always has a plan. So glad Jolene cooperated.

  19. Love the dolphin, thanks for sharing. I finished the quilt that I was piecing this week, so off to the quilter!

  20. I just wanted to say, I really look forward to reading your blog posts. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  21. The dolphin motif is great! And I am always heartened and blessed to hear how your quilt ministry helps those in need of comfort. Thanks for sharing your adventures with this encouraging project.

  22. You really are amazing in your productiveness! I can't imagine Scott calling me in the morning needing a quilt at lunch time, and me being able to quilt one up (even on the longarm), bind it, mist it, photo it, and get it there on time! I love seeing everything you accomplish. :) And you're right about this being a beautiful top.

  23. More beautiful work, and so fast. Hoping the long arm repair is easy and not too expensive :)

  24. Hopefully, your machine won't need major repairs. The dolphin quilt is awesome!

  25. I do hope Jolene is easily fixed. Wow you are so speedy! Text in the morning and the quilt is not only off the frame and bound, but steam dried, and photographed to boot! Whirling dervish you are, my friend. And I LOVE the whirling dervish of a reindeer you put at the bottom. Too darn cute!

  26. I love that ministry quilt that you worked on. I'm trying to figure out how the blocks go together. I'm glad that your long arm cooperated.

    Jolene is an interesting name for a sewing machine. Now I am hearing Dolly Parton singing that song.

  27. Yeah for Jolene working again so you could finish that beautiful quilt! I love it and am saving the picture for inspiration in the future.

  28. I feel your pain. My purple featherweight isn't happy, and I haven't had time to see if I can fix the problem. It is my main electric machine for piecing. I've been doing lots of really fast hand cranking instead.


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