Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I May Have a Scrap Problem... 2018 Scrap Attack Goals!

Hi, all!

We've made it to the last Wednesday of 2017 - hard to believe, isn't it?  I'm ready to share my goals for Scrap Attack 2018, and I hope you are too!  

If you're just now hearing about Scrap Attack, here's the skinny.  The idea is to make a list of twelve goals for 2018, things you want to get done during the year specifically related to scraps.  Some big, some small, but all are things that need to be done.  

So here's my list, in no particular order...

1.  Scrappy double wedding ring quilt, using my new templates (a Christmas gift!)

2.  Sort through the solids scrap tubs and make a project using them.

3. Sort through scrap tub "A" and make a project using those scraps.

4. Sort through scrap tub "B" and make a project using those scraps.

5. Sort through scrap tub "C" and make a project using those scraps.

6. Sort through scrap tub "D" and make a project using those scraps.

(I'm sensing a theme here...)

7.  Use this tub of green "bricks and blocks" to make another quilt.

8.  Trim and square up bonus HSTs and make a project using them.

9.  Cut denim scraps into long strips for a quilt.

10.   Use T-shirt scraps to make at least one more beach blanket.

11.  For one month, always cut and sort scraps ta the end of projects. (A habit-builder, hopefully!)

12.  Mail someone a large flat rate box full of scraps.

At the beginning of each month, I'll draw one of these tasks from my little box of projects (one of hubby's cigar boxes - useful things, those!) and get to work on whatever project it is, in addition to anything else I'm working on that month.  

I hope you'll link up and share your twelve projects with us - I'm really interested to see what everyone is planning to work on this year!  And I'm hoping that my twelve projects can help decimate the mountain of scraps that is threatening to take over my sewing room!  

Just a note, too - starting in January, I'll be featuring six great simple scrappy designs as part of the lead-in to this year's Hands2Help Challenge, too - designed to inspire you to make quilts for charity.  Some good inspiration if you need ideas for using those scraps!

So link up below and share your goals!  And next week, I'll share which project I drew from the box for January...



This linky list is now closed.


  1. A,B.C,D, then it skipped to G for Green!!! This is a great way to be organised,maybe I might be a little daring and sort of give it a try!!! Colours would be easier, for me, and all those tiny batik scraps could be ironed and nicely placed FLAT, so I could see what I had.Happy scrapping.

  2. 1. Don't buy any more fabric in 2018.
    2. Sew some tree blocks for a Christmas quilt.
    3. Zippy pouches
    4. Dop kits (another kind of zippy pouch)
    5. Cut scraps into usable shapes
    6. Potholders
    7. Small fabric buckets for gifting succulents.
    8. Swoon blocks from scraps
    9. Plus quilt blocks from scraps
    10. Star quilt blocks from scraps
    11. Christmas stockings
    12. Journal covers
    A lot of these could be used for Christmas gifts. I guess that's on my mind right now! Ha Ha Ha! Such a great idea! Thanks for inviting us to join. Happy New Year!

  3. Great to read your goals. I have to figure mine out and go through the UFOs. I have a lot of scraps to cut up in boxes by the longarm. I need to find some more scrappy quilts to make. Hard for me to make the same one twice. I also need to cut denim in long strips for a quiilt pattern I bought, a star. You are on a roll.

  4. Most of my scraps are already cut in 2.5x4.5 rectangles so I searched Pinterest for quilts using rectangles and saved a bunch to a new board just for this challenge. I then printed out just the picture of each, cut them out and put them in a tin. Each month I'll pull a picture and that will be my goal for the month...wish me luck!!

  5. How did you decide what is the tubs A-D? I plan on making a list for APQ's FAL. I should make a list for this challenge too!

  6. I have 2 questions:
    Which double wedding ring templates did you get?
    Is there info on the beach blanket using t-shirt pieces? Maybe a tutorial? Or just some pics and explanation? Thanks

  7. Doh! I forgot to put my denim projects in the lot. Oh well, next year. Thanks for the inspiration. ;^)

  8. Wonderful goals! I love your plan of just grabbing a tub and making something out of it! Here's my goals so far:

    1. Using a color each month (last 2 years I've followed along with the RSC Challenges) sew together my crumbs and make a simple rainbow quilt by the end of the year.

    2. Same as 1. above, but sew together my strings of the monthly color into squares to make another rainbow quilt. I'm going to make a 'woven' type of ribbon pattern.

    3. Use lots of 2 1/2 inch squares! I've been eyeing a few designs that look 'square' intensive!

    4. Use scrappy fabric donated to Project Linus to make fun kids quilts!

    5. Make a quilt with my neutral scrap bin (I have lots of grays!).

    6. Make string 'sticks' with my white/light neutrals to combine with solid colors into a quilt.

    7. Watch my color bins to make sure they don't get out of hand...I've been eyeing the blue one!!!

  9. Sarah - it’s a great idea and I’m so impressed, but I know better than trying to join. There’s no way I could keep up. I can’t even get my act together to write up a list. But I will be admiring you from cyberspace, and I will be doing a little sewing on my own. Haltingly and randomly. You go girl!

  10. Wow might have to do this. I will have to work on my list.

  11. NO new QAL's and finish 2017's.
    No new fabric UNLESS it is for a commission backing. I can piece it if they are for me or family.
    Use what I have (goes along with the rest, lol)
    Use my Quilters planner!
    Save $ for my LA Quilter fees.
    Quilt as much as I can (straightline only, pretty much)
    other goals for the household and stuff...

    Thanks! This is the year!

  12. I forgot my triangle bin!!! I'm hoping to sew those up a little each month too so they don't get out of hand!

  13. Really liked this idea. For the past several years I've made a list of 12 things I want to do or accomplish throughout the year. In 2017 I accomplished the most on my list that I ever have. I totally missed number 5: lose 15lbs. Maybe next year. My lists usually include something with donating to a thrift store or reducing clutter, learning new skills, making new recipes. In 2017 I had down to complete 4 quilts which at the time would have been a big feat...I ended up finishing 9 so not too shabby.

  14. What a great idea! My list of 12 is for the American Patchwork & Quilting 2018 UFO Challenge. (I have a UFO problem - lol!) The Scrap Attack sounds like so much fun! Love your list.

  15. I've been doing this for the past year, so I'll go along with your great idea. I have one goal I will repeat 12 times this year - once per month: Use those scraps! LOL. I'll report on the linkies so I'll hold myself accountable. Thanks for the motivation, Sarah.

  16. Sarah, this looks like a ton of fun! I'd join you, but I need to decrease my UFOs this coming year, not make more UFOs :-)

  17. Thanks for doing this. I realized after I posted my 12 and mentioned the other 4 things I want to make, I didn't even include UFO's in my goals list. YIKES!

  18. I knew I forgot to do something...guess I better get working on my list.

  19. Step 1. Paste the button. Now to think of 11 more goals. Gotta make the first one easy. :-)

    I especially liked your #11 and #12. Claire aka knitnkwilt


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