Friday, January 5, 2018

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? I'm Still Alive...

Hi, all!

Well, it's Friday again, and of course that means it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  It's been a weird two weeks for me - I haven't touched my sewing machine the whole time, between Christmas, going to NYC, having a wicked cold, and then, for the past three days, being on Nana duty 24/7!

It's always fun having the kids, but I'll tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for my daughter's abilities as a mom!  

I have the littles because these three are at Universal Studios visiting Harry Potter World for Lilli's 10th birthday!
(I am so jealous...)

It's really cold here, so we've been spending a lot of time watching movies (in between running around the house like loony birds) but I thought I'd share a quiet moment with you.  It was hard to capture one on camera, but I succeeded - whoop whoop!!

And we had a lovely few days in NYC - I even got to see the Empire State Building lit up for the holidays!  It was so cold while we were there, I only caught this picture while we were on the way to look at the tree at Rockefeller Center, but I'm glad I did!  

And here it is!  I've seen it now, in person, and I can return to coming to NYC in warmer weather.  It turns out I still do have orange juice for blood - a long-standing joke because I grew up in Miami, FL.  I've learned to tolerate cold weather a little better - I don't put on a coat at 60 degrees any more - but really cold weather is not my favorite!

So once again, I don't have a finish for the week, but I am doing a little whooping - I've survived (at least so far) 24/7 Nana duty, I got to enjoy NYC before the "bomb cyclone" hit, I finally saw Hamilton (which was AMAZING!) so it's been a really great week!

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. You get a big whoop, whoop from me. We just had to babysit one 4 year old for a week, and my husband and I went to bed early each day :)! Also my daughter and her friend were in New York shortly before Christmas to see the beautiful displays - probably bumped into each other without knowing - yes she mentioned too how cold it was, and she should be used to it from up north here :)! Wishing you lots of happy sewing in this New Year of 2018!

  2. Even though you weren't at your sewing machine, it sounds like you had a lovely time! Whoop whoop!

  3. I have Nana duty starting at 10 am today. School was cancelled due to the cold and my daughter in law is going to Harry Potter World today, so I have the two kiddos until Monday morning when I take them to school. I plan on being exhausted.

  4. It sounds like you had a fantastic trip, Sarah! I'm going to NYC in a few weeks to see Sarah Bareilles in Waitress with my sister and my 10-year-old neice; that's what she wanted for HER birthday. Thanks for reminding a fellow Southern-blooded woman to BRING A WARM COAT AND SCARF!!! If you have orange juice for blood, I probably have mimosa blood... ;-) I enjoyed seeing and reading about your family in this post, and I'll look forward to seeing your sewing once the "littles" are returned to their parents. Happy New Year!

  5. glad you go to see NYC in the holiday time, but I think I would rather see it in the spring or fall maybe - too cold for me at this time of year - glad you had fun

  6. I have never been to NYC - what a fun trip!! Happy New Year Sarah!

  7. I want to go to Harry Potter world!!!! I haven't sewn, other than to finish a binding, since Dec 14th. Hopefully I fixed the thread nest problem on my Featherweight last night, so that I can start stitching up a storm again. Enjoy the munchkins.

  8. Happy Birthday to Lilli! What a fun birthday treat! Enjoy those little ones.

  9. Sounds like you had fund despite the cold. Hope it warms up for all of you soon.

  10. Nana duty is always fun. I love Auntie duty because I know they go home eventually LOL

  11. Oh... but grandma duty can be better than a finish!

  12. Sounds like you've been having fun away from projects. LOL Last thing I worked on was a quilt for myself. My first. I give the others away. LOL

  13. What cold fun it looks like you were having. Here's to the finding sewing time in the new year.

  14. I had 24/7 nana duty during my break .... and we do forgot how exhausting it is huh!! (But, of course...well worth it) Thanks for sharing your NY adventure with us. It's quite amazing isn't it!

  15. HaHa! I live in New York State and I've never seen the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in person, so you're one up on me. Of course, NYC is a 6.5 hr ride from here and parking/driving in NYC is no picnic. Glad you had a good trip, but sorry you got sick. That's what travel and crowds will do to you. You'll be back on schedule next week. It's 0.7° here right now.

  16. Such cute grandkids and glad you survived the cold temps in NY. I was not raised in a warm climate area, but the cold gets to me these days too. Hope this is the last of being sick for all of 2018.

  17. Oh wow! You've had an interesting few weeks. I'm jealous -- you got to see Hamilton. I doubt we'll see it until it starts lots of touring. We could go to DC but -- eh, not likely. Looking forward to seeing what you will be sewing in 2018.

  18. OK, that is nothing like how I fall on snow/ice. ;D NYC sure can get cold! I'd be jealous, too, staying home from a Harry Potter trip, but I'd also like time with grandkids.


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