Monday, February 5, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - Victories!

Hi, all!

Welcome to Monday!  I hope you had a fabulous weekend, and have recovered from either your Super Bowl Sunday, or your crying jag after This Is Us!  Both were nail biters, for sure - but I think that ball game was the most fun I've had in a long time.  I did spend some time Sunday afternoon cutting up scraps (always a fun project on Super Bowl Sunday!)  But now, let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Quilt the second t-shirt quilt.
Done!  Both quilts are finished and will be delivered tomorrow!

2.  Make a special quilt for a 2-year old with cystic fibrosis.
Done, although I forgot to take a picture of the finished quilt.  Here's a pic of the flimsy blowing in the breeze...

3.  Start contacting donors for Hands2Help.
The first round of requests went out this morning and I'm already starting to get responses!  I love the quilting community!

4.  Keep cutting those scraps, and write the Scrap Attack 2018 monthly summary blogpost.
Oh boy, have I been cutting scraps!  I cut up all the t-shirt remnants I had stashed away, ending up with a large pile of pieces 15" wide and various lengths...

...and I cut up a bunch of scrap quilting fabric and ended up with these two boxes nearly full of pieces!

5.  Quilt the third Scrumptious Scraps quilt.
I did this today - here's a pic of it on the frame.  I finished it late this afternoon, but it was too dark to get a finished shot, so this will have to do!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
It was a little bit easier this week...

These two quilts went to sisters whose father died unexpectedly.  We also sent one for his wife, but apparently that picture disappeared!

And this quilt went to a woman who is in hospice care.

 And..... I got to spend some quality time with my favorite young'uns!

I'm really happy I finished everything on the list, and I'm definitely counting cutting up all those scraps as a victory (or two or three!)  Here's what I'm hoping to get to this week...

1.  Write a tutorial for this week's Scrumptious Scraps quilt-along post.

2.  Work on repairing a t-shirt quilt top for a customer, and sandwich for quilting.

3.  Mail off a prize package of scraps.

4.  Keep cutting up those scraps!

5.  Start on a second list of potential donors for Hands2Help.

6.  Finish some quilts for the quilt ministry.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Once again, it feels like I'm forgetting something important, but I'm sure it will come to me!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Well, I have an urge to do a string quilt, just because it looks fun and I haven't tried that yet. Trying to decide how a girl with limited strings should tackle cutting up some other fabric to make it happen. Slice a bit off many fat quarters? Coordinate some fat quarters and cut varying strips out of most of that pile of fabric? Still contemplating as I try to decide how scrappy or organized scrappy I want to be.

  2. This week I am working on cleaning out/reorganizing my sewing room.
    Love the block from Sharon and the way you offset the four patches in the third scrap quilt.

  3. Yesterday I finished sorting, disposing, saving and tidying the fabrics and other stuff in my little room that I call " The Office", Hugh calls it the Junk Room. The bench is all clear, I have put my huge cutting board back there, and with the big plastic clear bins, can see where everything is. Love your ministry quilts, as always.The flimsy in the wind, beautiful.

  4. Hi Sarah. I am working on a quilt top that was started about 8 years ago. I have been having trouble matching fabrics up to the blocks that I already had made. It is a sampler though so they won't need to be exactly alike.Hopefully, I can get enough blocks made to finish it.

  5. I'm curious what you will do with the leftover t-shirt material? I'm just finishing up a t-shirt quilt, and have lots of leftovers. Wasn't quite sure what to do with them.

    1. Connie, I will be making beach/picnic blankets out of them. Keep an eye on my Wednesday posts for updates on the progress, because it's my February Scrap Attack goal!

  6. I'll donate 5 red fat quarters.

  7. I've been finishing some string blocks and have been cutting out flannel for some Linus Project quilts!


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