Friday, August 17, 2018

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Easin' on Down The Road...

Hi, all!

Wow, has it been week!  But it's finally Friday, and that means it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  I'm excited to have some things to share this week, so let's get started...


If you'll remember, last week I didn't have much to show because I had been painting.  Well, I painted some more this week, and I learned a valuable lesson while doing so.  My first attempt at chalk painting yielded this...

I wasn't very happy with the way it finished, and sent this pic to my daughter (who has done a lot of chalk painting) and asked her why it was so streaky.  After much searching on the internet and pondering, we decided that it was the wax - probably inexpertly applied (by me, definitely) and that I might have to sand it and repaint it.  But the next morning...

It looked like this!  The wax had finally dried (cured?) and the color was as even as I originally aimed for.  Hooray!  So occasionally, ignoring something long enough will make the problem go away!  I also painted this piece...

...and I'm happy with the way it turned out too, now that some time has passed.  Now my daughter tells me I need to recover my chairs!

And on the sewing front, I did manage to get some things moved on down the road...

I made two of these memory quilt tops, using denim shirts and Kona Snow.  Each of them has one block that has a monogramed shirt pocket on it...

...which I personally feel would be a great place to tuck kleenex, a cell phone, or ... I don't know .... chocolate???

And I made these two memory pillows, also from denim shirts.  They were super simple - just cut a large square from both front and back, and bind the edges.  The button placket on the front of the shirt can be opened to insert a pillow form.  

And last but not least, I did manage to finish the golf shirt memory quilt top...

I love the color combination of this top - it turned out much better than I anticipated!  So now it goes in the stack of quilt tops for this job as I work on three more - then I'll get down to quilting them all!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your chalk painting project turned out very nice. The denim flimsies are looking good. Happy stitching!

  2. What beautiful project finishes, from your cabinets to your quilts. Love them all! I finally got my stack of quilts quilted, and most bound - yay!! Shhhh, but I again have a few quilt tops sewn inbetween waiting for the next step - quilting!!

  3. You were very productive this week! I love how the drawers paint job shaped up over night. That is amazing. Neat that you documented it. Those memory quilt are classic beauty and love.

  4. Not chocolate, Tootsie rolls. Tootsie rolls don't melt like chocolate, but still taste like chocolate.

  5. I have loved watching your kitchen redo! Great job all around. And those pillows! I love them. I keep thinking I will take one of my wool sweaters I no longer wear and felt it down for a pillow cover.

  6. Wow! The overnight change in the chalk painted dresser is amazing. It's like the television commercial, "set it and forget it." I've really enjoyed seeing all of the non-quilty things you've been accomplishing.

  7. That is super cool how it changed overnight. So glad you didn't have to redo it, and that it's now as you expected it. That piece really turned out great!

  8. You are multi talented. The furniture looks great. I love the idea of a pocket for chocolate. All quilts should have that.

  9. My vote is for chocolate. That is a great idea for pillows as I despise sewing zippers. Two birds! Thank you for the linky party.

  10. LOVE those denim quilts!! How are you going to deal with quilting the pocketed squares? (Apologies in advance of the following statement: The golf tee top turned out WAY nicer than I expected, too!)

  11. Whoop got a lot accomplished this week. The painting looks great. I love the pocket on the quilt.

  12. Between the furniture and the memory shirts, you had some very positive outcomes this week! :)

  13. Your painted furniture looks wonderful! I also really love the denim shirt tranquil. Do you mind sharing what brand of chalk paint you used? I'm gearing up to paint some furniture myself and gathering information...

  14. Great job on the painted furniture!!!!
    The new quilts are real accomplishments; I especially like the denim one!

  15. Great job on the furniture AND the quilts!! I really love those pillows too. I've been in a "fancy" pillow class the last two days and will have a post about that soon! I never knew pillows could be so much fun!!

  16. I have no doubt that as a child I must have tried to suggest to my mom that ignoring a problem was the solution. I'm also pretty sure that was met with a strongly opposing view. Glad it worked in your case with the chalk paint! Ha-ha.

  17. Pretty painting and quilting. 'Glad the paint dried as you want it to look. I also do not like "waiting on paint to dry", as the saying goes.


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