Friday, October 12, 2018

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? I'm Counting on You!

Hi, all!  

Well, Friday has rolled around, and it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I don't know what you are whooping about today, but let me just put in a big whoop for the beautiful fall weather that seems to have descended on us today!  I can't wait to see what you're happy about, so let's get started!


This week, I've had the joy of visiting blog friends in real life - so much fun!  And it's been amazing at how easy everything feels - we talk like we've known each other forever!  We've done some sewing in Julie's beautiful studio...

...and maybe more than a little bit of monkeying around!

That's me in the center back, then clockwise is Beth, Tish, Irene and Meta. Our next task is to figure out how to get Julie in the picture with us!  

We've gone to some wonderful fabric stores...

This lovely shop had beautiful fabrics, the yummiest yarns, and so many cute things it was hard to see it all!

And there's Julie!  She got a little overexcited about the green fabrics, and they all ended up on the floor - but it was easier to see them then!  

Oh look!  It's my birthday present from my husband!  How did that get in my bag????

And here's one I got for myself - beautiful wool socks that are currently on my feet and so comfy and cozy!  Doesn't everyone need a new pair of socks for the first round of fall weather?

So it's a different kind of whoop-whoop, but this week has still been whoop-whoop worthy!

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. So much fun to meet in real life blog friend! I did the same this weekend, and it's just like you said, so easy to connect ;)

  2. You all look so great together! I am thrilled it all worked out for you.

  3. Looks like a fun day with friends. I love wool socks!!!!!

  4. That looks like it was a fantastic few days!

  5. Well, isn't your hubby just the cleverest fellow, sneaking that fun bundle in there!?! Haha. Yes to the socks; I might have to shop for mine today, we had frost last night so a bit nippy here. Say hi to the ladies, and enjoy every minute!

  6. gee your husband has good taste in

  7. It's great to get together with friends and do what you love.

  8. I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend...there's nothing like being in a small group with other quilters! And you are right...when we work up this morning (Fort Mill, SC) it was in the 50's and heavenly after all of the heat.

  9. What a great time to spend with friends! And some nice purchases, too!

  10. It looks like a great time was had by all.

  11. So fun to meet with quilty friends! Looks like you all had a great time.
    And yes we all need wool socks as the weather get cooler. I know I love mine.

  12. Looks like you are having a ball! Sew much fun to get together with friends like this..

  13. I'm sure you all had SEW much fun!!! Next time, ask one of the shop keepers take a photo with Julie and EVERYONE included. I'm sure they will be happy to help!

  14. Oh, Sarah, sounds like you all had so much fun!! I think it would be great to meet some of my cyber friends in person! And look at that luscious fabric! I hope you got a lot accomplished at your retreat - because I can tell you had fun!!

  15. Looks like you had a great time! And, what a special husband you have --- he knows you so well.

  16. Isn't it fun to meet up with people you "know" online. I love to knit wool socks but our winter weather the last few years hasn't been cold enough to wear them very much. Sigh. Yea for some fall temps here too!

  17. My husband and I celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary on Saturday. As we were headed to the restaurant for breakfast that morning I spotted a yard sale sign that merely said FABRIC. On the way back home I got my husband to turn down the street where we'd seen the sign. There was fabric galore--a woman had been sewing for 10 years and was giving it up. I bought 29 yards of fabric and am still ironing it and folding and putting it in my stash! The other Whoop whoop is that the train quilt I made for the Tehachapi Depot Railroad Museum's gift shop sold in one day and they made $65 from the sale, which was $10 more than I had suggested as a price. The shop manager said she thought to herself as she rang up the sale, "I should have asked for more, I should have asked for more!" LOL

  18. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. The lady who chose the green fabrics, that's what I'd do too. The wool socks are really pretty and look comfortable. Happy belated birthday to you.


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