Monday, October 1, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - Taking Time To Breathe!

Hi, all!

Well, after a super busy week two weeks ago, God decided to help me take a little break - a sore back can really slow you down!  But I did get a bunch of stuff done anyway (although not everything I wanted to) so let's see how last week's list went!

1.  Assemble the furniture for the guest room and get it all set up.
Done!  Unfortunately, this was the project that took out my back and made me slow down... But doesn't it look awesome?  I've added a mattress to the top bunk now, and all that remains is to get the other side of the room straightened back up...  ðŸ˜‚

2.  Meet with a new t-shirt quilt customer.
Done!  The fabrics are on order for this quilt, so I'll be starting on it next.

3.  Create a design and make the tie table runner.
Done!  I'm so happy with this - and I want to make another with regular fabrics!

4.  Deconstruct the t-shirts for the next commission quilt.
5.  Make the blocks for that quilt.
I didn't get to this one, mainly because the customer wanted to bring me another shirt and I've been waiting for her to deliver it.  So I did something else in the meantime, which I'll show you below!

6.  Spend some time with the grands before they go to the beach next week (without us!)
Done!  We had fun before they left, and they promised to bring us back shells from the beach.  And while they're gone, we get to take care of Mr. Purple...

...and act as chauffeur to our grandpuppy Sassy from her weekend dog sitter to her weekday dog sitter!

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  This quilt went to a gentleman who had a heart attack and surgery...

..and this one went to a man with prostate cancer.

This quilt went to a woman just diagnosed with breast cancer.

And here's the other project I worked on this week - a simple, quick and fun make!

And here's a heads-up - I'll be posting a tutorial for these cute little pincushions on the blog this Wednesday!  They are so quick and easy, you'll want to make a bunch...

And I pulled all the fabrics for Emmy's annual quilt!  This one's going to take a while to cut out - it has a LOT of pieces!

So all in all, a good week, even though I didn't get to some of my list.  And now that my back is getting back to normal, I shouldn't have any excuses for this week's list...

1.  Write the tutorial for Wednesday's post (and pick a winner for the giveaway from 2 weeks ago!)

2.  Deconstruct one set of t-shirts and make blocks.

3.  Pull the house back together from the last round of home renovations.  Lots of stuff to go to the attic!

4.  Cut out Emmy's annual quilt.

5.  Figure out what to take to a quilt retreat next week (and how to get it there!)

6.  Clean up the studio a bit - it's a mess!

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Definitely enough to keep me busy and out of trouble!  And I'm sure there's more I need to do, but I can't think of it right now.  Oh well, it's all good!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Well, it seems to me that you got a lot done even with a bad back. I'm working on a baby quilt in a baby blocks design using bright primary colors. It's looking awesome, if I do say so myself.

  2. I just L O V E that tie table runner. I have a bunch of ties and I think this is going to be my inspiration. I love this one as much as the denim one you made from Christina's book. I bought the book after seeing your denim rendition!

  3. Sarah you stay so busy I'm not surprised your back finally gave out! I have been busy traveling and rarely on the computer for the last month to look at blogs but today it is raining in Utah where I am for a couple weeks so it is a day in the motorhome catching up on blogs and I see you are just as busy as always

    1. Karen,

      I am in Utah as well. Not traveling as I live here. We are in for 4 or 5 days of rain and temps getting cooler each day. In fact, I am hearing by the weekend we could see the white stuff in our mountains.

  4. Glad you got so many things done even with a sore back. You just always stay so busy. You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for always sharing.

  5. with holidays looming, got my wild turkeys all pieced, just waiting on a border to baste and quilt!

  6. Love your #3 table runner especially...quite a list you have going on there;))) hugs, Julierose

  7. Whenever I comment on Chrome, my comment doesn't show up, so I thought I'd go back to Firefox and see what happens. You are working on amazing things! Love the tie runner and the ministry quilts. My sewing room needs an overhaul, desperately, or I'm not going to be making very much in there! I worked on a gift for a friend, and moving some projects along this week, nothing as exciting as yours. =)

  8. Thanks for the tutorial. I'm going to have to read it about a half dozen times to get it. LOL I like the pincushion, though, and I can see at the end where the four squares went. I just how to figure out all the steps. Today, I worked on sewing blocks together wrong.

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing Lorna's Unicorn quilt finished.

  10. The quilting lines really set off the tie table runner!!!


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