Friday, November 20, 2020

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? When in Quarantine....


Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around once again - and not just any Friday!  Do you realize that Christmas is six weeks from today????? So it's crunch time!  But before we all get down to the hard stuff, let's take a few minutes to whoop it up!  Are you ready?  Let's go!


As you know if you saw my blogpost on Monday, my husband and I have been in quarantine this week, because we both tested positive for COVID.  Not to worry, though, he is better and I never had any symptoms, so our quarantine officially ends today.  Hooray!  That's definitely whoop-worthy!

But while I was in quarantine, I managed to make some serious inroads in my stack of quilts to finish!  First up was Nathanael's annual quilt...

Wow!  That went well!  And since I was on a roll, I decided to load Lilli's monster Harry Potter quilt on the frame next.  It took a bit longer, but...

Isn't that cool?  The guest bed was the only place I could find to really show it off, it's so big!  I'll get some better shots later for a full post.  

And then Emmy's quilt was calling my name.  Hers is a whole cloth panel that I immediately knew would be her quilt, and I hope she loves it!  I had a lot of fun quilting this, and will definitely share some more pictures in a later post...

So now all three annual quilts are quilted and bound - but I still need to prepare the labels and attach them.  But oops - I ran out of label fabric and forgot to order more, so that will have to wait.  Thank heavens for Amazon Prime!

And one last thing I did this week - I made bread!!!  This recipe was touted as "Miracle No-Knead Bread" and I have to say that it was the easiest bread I have EVER made!!  Patience not being my virtue, I don't usually have much success with bread, which definitely takes patience - but this was so simple absolutely anyone could make it.  Now I just need to get my own dutch oven, since I had to borrow my daughter's.....

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



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  1. I am so glad you and your husband are well! The three quilts are just fabulous! I know your grandkids will love them.


  2. Congratulations on the wonderful quilt finishes! They are fantastic. I'm so glad your bouts with Covid were on the mild side. It is scary not knowing how it might hit you. Take care and have a fabulous weekend! PS - the bread looks great! I love no-knead bread recipes.

  3. glad you are both feeling ok - the bread looks wonderful I haven't made any in a while will need to next week with the temperatures cooling back off then.

  4. Nice accomplishments!!! I'm glad you stayed healthy!

  5. Beautiful bread!! Just gotta admire that! Love those quilts - I have been watching your dinosaur one and I still LOVE it! Glad you guys are okay!!!

  6. Sarah, so glad to hear your Covid experience hasn't been a terrible one. Phew!! Love that bread recipe - it is so easy and really yummy. Also love that panel quilt! Yikes - what line is the panel from?

  7. Only SIX weeks until Christmas?! YIKES!! So glad to hear you're out of quarantine. All three quilts look fabulous!

  8. I saw that recipe and thought about it, but no dutch oven.

  9. absolutely loving both the dinosaur (fabulous color choices) and the Harry Potter quilts!

  10. I am commenting for the first time after enjoying your informative and uplifting blog for a while now. I really hate to burst your Christmas planning bubble, but Christmas is actually FIVE weeks away. I hope this doesn't throw a wrench into your schedule! :-)
    Terri from Canada

  11. Wow you've had a busy week! well done. I have some blocks of the HP quilt done, one day I'll finish it....

  12. Well done, Sarah! The quilting on Emmy's wholecloth quilt is amazing!

  13. Wow, only a 7 day quarantine. It's 14 days or till a clear Covid test around here. That bread looks yummy. I might try it (I'm not very good with bread). The quilts look great. I still have one to make (I've only cut it out at this point).

  14. Congrats on getting the quilts done. They'll have such great memories as they get older.

  15. Congrats on getting the annual quilts done for the grands, Sarah! Glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend. Scary stuff!!

  16. What kind of label fabric do you use, thanks!

  17. Wow! You are on a roll. You did fabulous on all of the kids quilts. And you are finished way ahead of time!

  18. The kids' quilts look sooo good! Time flies so fast, I can't believe they need such big quilts already :)

    1. PS I finished my orphan block version of Jen Kingwell's heart this week. Thank you so much for providing the original inspiration photo months ago!

  19. I'm glad you are both faring well with the virus and congrats to you for getting all 3 quilts done already. I'm sure it's a relief to have them finished.

  20. Great job on getting some quilting done. Glad to hear you've been free of symptoms. Hope hubby continues to improve. It's amazing what you can get done when you put your mind and isolation together.

  21. Your grandkids quilts are so cute!


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