Friday, April 2, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Beach Quilt!


Hi, all!

Friday is here again, and hopefully we all survived April Fool's Day!  I did see a few Instagram posts of people who were surprised by snow - quite a wicked April Fool's joke from God, I must say.  We woke up to a beautiful day, but twenty degrees colder than we had been the rest of the week - and so windy you could hear the wind whistle through the bathroom vents.  So we didn't have a beach day today, but we did play putt putt and watched four - count 'em, four! - Godzilla movies!  A good day was had by all.

So Friday means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on - I hope you're ready, because I sure am!  Let's go!


When I was planning for this vacation, I knew I would bring my sewing machine, even if I only got to sew the three days that we were here before the grandkids showed up.  I also brought twenty five block kits for a quilt I needed to make, in hopes that I would get at least some of them made and have a head-start on that quilt.

Well, I got a GREAT start on that quilt, because by Thursday afternoon I had finished all 25 blocks I brought with me!   You can see them all here...

This probably isn't the final layout - I just wanted to get a quick pic before we ate dinner - but I love the colors in this!  All the print pieces are Kate Spain fabrics, and the solids are Kona Snow and a pretty spring green that I can't remember the name of.  

I think I'll take these home and fiddle with the layout on my "design floor" so for now I'll just do my happy dance that the blocks are done!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!  

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. The blocks are beautiful! Those fabrics colors are a great choice, happy stitching!

  2. Your new quilt looks fantastic and boy, you've been busy, even on holiday. Love those colours.

  3. I love the colors in your blocks! So inspiring! Really beautiful pattern, too!

  4. Love your quilt. Is that your design? Pattern name?

  5. Pretty quilt! I have to laugh about the dreaded snow on April 1st as we had snow on MOTHERS DAY last year. I just couldn’t believe it!!!

  6. Those blocks are really pretty! You buzzed right through them! Enjoy your vacation :-)

  7. You get a big Whoop Whoop! Those aren't easy blocks to do in a week much less three days. Good for you!

  8. This is a perfect beach quilt!! Its gorgeous!!

  9. Beautiful quilt, looks like a tiled floor!

  10. Congrats on getting all of your block kits completed, Sarah! Definitely whoop-worthy. :o))

  11. Just incredible! I love the pop of lilac and lime green with the turquoise!

  12. Sounds like a fun filled week and Woo Hoo . Your blocks look amazing. Happy Easter and thank you so much for hosting the link party.

  13. I absolutely adore this color scheme! Such a pretty quilt.



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