Friday, April 30, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Two Big Finishes!


Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again!  How the weeks do fly by - can you believe it's already the last day of April?  But Fridays are special, because it means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on - are you ready?  Let's go!


If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen progress shots of these two quilts, but yesterday saw the completion of both and they were shipped off to their owner!

This first quilt is a puzzle style t-shirt quilt, with memorabilia from both her own past and that of her two daughters.

For example, this cute little mermaid once graced a pillow in one daughter's bedroom!

I don't know the story behind it, but this is apparently a favorite shirt!

As you can see, there's a pair of these cute reindeer shirts - one from each daughter.  What a fun way to keep these memories!

And in the corner is the pocket from her fourth grade bowling shirt.  Yes, it's still functional - a perfect spot to stash a cell phone or some M&Ms!

The backing of the quilt is made of some favorite curtains - not what I would have chosen, but she loved the curtains and had to replace them so this was a good way to save the memories!

And now the second quilt....

My customer asked for a memory quilt made of her old golf shirts and gear, but wanted something a little different, softer and a little more feminine.  I immediately thought of a pattern from the book my husband gave me for Valentine's Day, Modern Memory Quilts, and I'm happy to say the quilt is a success!

A few of the hexies had to be cut as whole pieces and appliquéd to the appropriate half-hexie pair, such as this "golfaholic" t-shirt.

How cool is it to have a sweater from the birthplace of golf, St. Andrew's Golf Course in Scotland?

There are even pieces from hats on this shirt.  They were appliquéd onto blank blocks after being deconstructed.

Once again those favorite curtains served as the backing material! I love the wavy edge of a hexagon quilt, and was glad I was able to leave it in place while binding.

And both these quilts are currently making their way to my customer.  Hooray!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Wow, Sarah. These are marvelous quilts and are so much fun. Fabulous job . Thank you for hosting the link party.

  2. The two t-shirt quilts are amazing, but I especially love the first one. Just so many interesting things going on there. Well done!


  3. Both quilts are such fun to look at, and who would've thought curtains could be used for quilt backing?? Nice work - I love the golf tidbits on the quilt - so fun!

  4. Those are fabulous memory quilts! I'm going to have to pick up your new book because I love the hexies! Love how you incorporated patches, too!

  5. Where have I been that I didn't know you have a book out or coming soon? Maybe I did know and forgot... Both quilts are amazing but I agree about the backing. Not my cup of tea. Wonderful job on both of the quilts.

  6. The hexie design is sheer genius, Sarah. And you could use nearly all of what your customers provided.

  7. Those were big jobs! Congrats on getting them finished, fabulously :)

  8. Wow what a pair of incredibly creative memory quilts! Having just finished (just doing the binding now) my first t-shirt quilt, I don't think I'll be doing any others anytime soon.

  9. I really like the hexie quilt--I knew I would! Clever use of t-shirt fabrics

  10. IO always enjoy seeing your tee shirt quilts, but the hexagon quilt is totally amazing. I love that you were able to include the logos from hats.

  11. You did a really great job on both of those quilts. So much creativity!


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