Friday, January 27, 2023

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Another Mixed Bag....


Hi, all!

Wow! This week has absolutely flown by, and guess what?  It's Friday!  And we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  Me too!  Let's go!


This week has been full of a lot of secret sewing, as I went from this... a quilt top I can't show you for a few more days!  It was a marathon of piecing, but so much fun - you guys are going to love this one!  

I'm also really whooping about this one - I got a new light!  It's been so gray around here this week, and I was having trouble seeing much past 3 pm to sew!  So Amazon to the rescue, and I found this desktop light that illuminates everything wonderfully!  It has five intensities AND five different light temperatures so it's easy to get whatever light works best at the time.  And it clamps to my table so if I don't need it in the summer, I can put it away.  Hooray!

And after I finished the secret project, I cut out the next project - a quilt for a new great niece!  I can't wait to get started on this one!

And in a random moment on Instagram, I spotted this wonderful version of one of Kelli Fannin's quilt designs and knew immediately it would be what I make for Nathanael's quilt for next Christmas!  PS he corroborated my choice by going nuts when he saw the picture on my phone, reminding me that he LOVES penguins!

And just in case you think I've been neglecting Bree, she's been up in the studio, mostly being good and playing.  But she did have two times this week when she decided she had just had enough.  The first time, she came up behind me and jumped, putting her paws hard on the middle of my back.  Then she sat down and GROWLED at me!  So I stopped and played with her.  And then Thursday, when I was collecting the blocks off the design wall for the last row of a quilt top I was assembling, she STOLE the last four sashing strips, which were laying on a table top waiting to be sewn in, and ran off with them.  Which of course started a chase scene (the whole purpose, I'm sure!) that ended with a squirt of whipped cream and the retrieval of my hopelessly mangled and chewed strips.  Fortunately I had enough fabric to cut more, so all is well and Bree is still alive!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I have been wanting a light box too. Looking forward to seeing your new quilt top.

  2. You've had a productive week, Sarah! Sounds like that penguin quilt is the perfect choice for Nathanael this year :)

  3. That Bree is a hoot! But sheesh, glad you had extra fabric to redo those strips. Love the penguins!

  4. That light looks very handy. I need to find one that shines down at the front of my needle. (Okay, think I have one, but it is stored away. Ha ha)

  5. That Bree is a little stinker. I saw that penquin quilt someplace before, maybe IG? But good to know that Nathanael likes it.

  6. The penquin quilt is gorgeous! I'm glad your grandson still likes them! The Bree story is very fun--as long as you had more material to cut the additional sashes! lol

  7. Sounds you have a great productive week,Sarah. The Pinguin quilt will be a winner, so cute

  8. The penguin quilt is sooo cute! And so is Bree!


  9. I'm glad my puppy is short. He does jump up against the side of my sewing chair on occasion.

  10. Thank you for the laughter! Reading about the antics of your dog and THEN reading it ended up with spraying whipped cream? I got an immediate vision -- don't be surprised if she tried that again just to get the treat! Love your blog! Deb

  11. Beware of bored pets lol! Love the penguin quilt, and what a good idea to have a plan in place early!

  12. Hi Sarah, I'm glad that you were able to make more strips and that Bree is still breathing lol

  13. Your heart project looks like a real winner. And, oh those penguins. If you are a penguin fan try reading How the Penguins Saved Veronica. Interesting story that hides a ton of information about penguins. Oh that cute dog. She definitely is an attention seeker. Maybe she shouldn't be grabbing fabric off tables!

  14. Great lamp, and I was so tempted, but I don't really need it. darn Love the hearts and penguins, both. This is Susan, unable to sugn in 😛

  15. Thank you for the link to the lamp. I've been looking for something like that for ages. It's tough not being able to cut fabric as the sun goes down. I hope you get a little something for the link. Great pictures, by the way!


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