Monday, January 16, 2023

Make-A-List Monday - Where Did My Week Go?


Hi, all!

Monday snuck up on me this week - do you have that problem with long weekends, too?  But we did have an enjoyable day today - we went to see A Man Called Otto!  I really loved the book (A Man Called Ove) and Tom Hanks did a great job with the movie version.  I highly recommend both the book and the movie!

That being said, I didn't do very well on my list from last week.  I made the mistake of starting a puzzle, which dragged my attention away from almost everything I was supposed to be doing.  So let's see how it all went...

1.  Quilt a couple more ministry quilts.

I haven't done this yet.  Supposedly Monday will be my ministry quilting day, but between my usual daily Monday chores and the movie, today slipped away from me.  So that project is moved to tomorrow!

2.  Keep working on the second prototype quilt.

It's coming along - I've changed the orientation of the blocks on my design wall, and I think I like it... maybe.

3.  Write the tutorial for the first prototype.

Does it count if it's written in my head? This one will definitely have to be done this week, though...

4.  Nail down the final design for the third prototype.

Done!  Now I'm just waiting for some special fabric to arrive...

5. At least three days of yoga.

I didn't get to this.  My TV upstairs isn't cooperating and I don't have the whatever-it-takes to mess with the technology right now! I need to get my hubby up there one day this week, or move my yoga DVD downstairs!

6.  At least five days on the treadmill.

I did do this one, though!  My husband introduced me to a great program on the iFit done by a world-class runner who had a serious bout with cancer and Covid during 2020.  He recorded a series of "road to recovery" videos that are easy walks in beautiful places, and it's been just the right speed for me.  I got a lot more out of shape than I thought last year!

So, as I said, I didn't get a whole lot done, but I am having fun!  I do love working jigsaw puzzles, and couldn't work on them while the house was decorated for Christmas, because the nativity scene was set up on the top of the piano, where I usually work my puzzles.  But I think I need to set a timer to limit how much time I work on them each day!

I've also been working hard on learning Italian.  Every morning after I check my email (early early!) I spend at least half an hour on Duolingo.  It's going well - I find myself practicing in my sleep, and I can recall the Italian words for many everyday things!

So here's my list for this week....

1.  Quilt a couple of ministry quilts.

2.  Write the tutorial for the first prototype.

3. Finish the blocks for the second prototype and decide on a layout.

4.  Start writing the tutorial for the second prototype.

5.  Five days on the treadmill.

6.  Get started with yoga!

7.  Keep up with the Italian lessons.

So that's my list for the week, and hopefully I'll stay a little more focused this week!  

And now I really want to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?



PS Bree says hi....    


  1. Good stuff to look forward to working on! I hope to do some hippo stitching tomorrow!

  2. That walking program sounds broken ankle might appreciate it. Gonna look it up! Some weeks are better than are doing a fabulous job....keeping lists and moving through them is what works for me...even if I misjudge what I can do in a day!

  3. Sometimes we have to be ok with just having fun. I'm still trying to incorporate a new routine to get housework, job and creating done.

  4. I loved the book, A Man Called Ove and am so looking forward to seeing A Man Called Otto. Backman is one of my favorite authors!
    Yes, I hear you about puzzles! I bet you had fun with it though!
    Your prototype quilt has such pretty colors…looks like a pattern that even might be for beginners? Maybe?
    Absolutely counts if it’s written in your head! 😊
    Good for you making yoga a part of your life! I’ve heard it’s very relaxing and a gentle way to strengthen our muscles!
    I’m wondering who the runner is whose videos you watch? That’s awesome!
    Take good care and happy stitching!

  5. Bree look so cute,
    wanna play with me with link slot gacor to make a lot money cutie :D

  6. I love your second prototype quilt so far!! What DVDs do you have for yoga? Reading that made me remember that I was gifted yoga DVDs for Christmas 2 years ago. Have I even opened the package, I wonder? I need to find them and set a goal to get back to doing yoga. It'll be like starting over completely, but it's something I want to get back in the habit of. Good luck on your goals!

  7. That was me, by the way. Forgot to pick my Google account to comment, sorry.


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