Monday, January 9, 2023

Make-A-List Monday - Getting Back In the Swing!


Hi, all!

My how time flies when you're having fun!  It seems like just a couple of days since it was Monday, but no - it's time to make a new list for the week.  But first, let's see how last week's list went!

1.  Keep working the first prototype quilt for this year's tutorial series.

The top is finished!  Now for the tutorial...

2.  Pull fabrics for the second prototype quilt.

Pulled, and I'm working on my idea.  Here's what it looks like so far!

3.  Quilt several ministry quilts.

Done!  It's tough getting back in the swing, but also fun!

4.  Clean off one of my sewing tables.

I can clean, or I can sew - and this week I chose sewing!

5.  Write three blogposts this week.

Done!  Once again, tough, but fun!

6.  At least three days of yoga.

I didn't get to this one...

7.  At least two days on the treadmill.

But I did do this!  Hooray!

So things are rolling along, if a little less ambitiously than I had hoped for.  But that's ok - progress is progress!  Here's this week's things I hope to get to...

1.  Quilt a couple more ministry quilts.

2.  Keep working on the second prototype quilt.

3.  Write the tutorial for the first prototype.

4.  Nail down the final design for the third prototype.

5. At least three days of yoga.

6.  At least five days on the treadmill.

Totally do-able, and I may even get a chance to chase some squirrels!  Who knows?

And now the big question I have is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. The first prototype quilt is so pretty! I look forward to seeing the pattern. Hope you can meet your goals for the week, happy stitching!

  2. I have seen that first quilt in several places now and have printed out a photo of it - on the long to do list

  3. You are correct... Progress IS Progress. I'm still playing catch up from the holidays :)

  4. I love the first quilt!!! Nice way for your week to unroll!

  5. Love the protos. Yes, progress is progress.

  6. Getting sick, not quilting, but being hopeful. =) Both quilts look great!

  7. I absolutely love your first prototype quilt! It would look great with my 30’s fabrics! Will be looking for the pattern! 😊
    I was looking for a lost project and wow! The dust bunnies that have hidden behind furniture have had babies…but I’ll be sewing as well!
    This weekend is open, so hopefully I’ll get a chance to sew, sew and sew!
    Hugs to you!


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