Friday, March 17, 2023

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Finding Joy...


Hi, all!

Another week has come and gone, and it's Friday once again!  We all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on - so let's go!


I've got something a little bit different to share today.  As I've mentioned here before, I've been working out on the treadmill, trying to get back into shape so we can really enjoy our trip to Italy this fall.  I am still amazed at how out of shape I got last year!  

My husband introduced me to an iFit trainer named Tommy Rivs Pusey when I started walking.  Tommy has an interesting story.  He was a world-class runner, doing marathons and ultra marathons, and also had a PhD in physical therapy.  But in early 2020, he became sick.  At first they thought it was covid, but it turned out he had a rare blood cancer that was very advanced.  He started treatment for that, was in the hospital for months, where he also came down with covid.  He nearly died, but when he was finally in remission and back at home, he decided to work back up to running again.  He has done a series of "recovery" training series on iFit, and they are perfect for what I need, as well as for his own recovery.  And he's interesting!  They are filmed in beautiful locations, and he shares history of the area while we walk.  

But what brought on this post is what he shared today as we walked around the Tre Cime mountains in Italy.  He said (and I'm paraphrasing) to be sure to celebrate the small victories along the way. To congratulate yourself as you work your way towards a goal.  And isn't that exactly the purpose of Whoop Whoop Fridays?  Not necessarily a finish, but celebrating the little victories as well.  Stretching the anticipation of reaching a goal.  Finding joy in the process!

He also said something during another walk that really resonated with me.  Again paraphrasing, he said "The danger is not in setting our aim too high and missing it, but rather in setting it too low and reaching it."  So never be afraid to set big goals, and then celebrate the little victories along the way!

With that said, here's my little victories this week...

Borders! I put lots and lots of borders on tops this week, although this is the only one I took a picture of.  So this is going to have to represent the six tops that have moved one step closer to being ministry quilts.

I continued working on my fabric stash, and I'm so happy with the results!  I still need to organize the prints by color, but every piece of fabric in the second and third row (and one bin on the fourth row) has been gone through and is at least a yard.  Neatly folded and stacked!

These bins are full of fat quarters (on the left) and half yards (on the right).  I'll probably organize them by color also, at some point.

And these bins have 5" strips (on the left) and 10" squares (that big stack on the right!)  I'm not quite done yet, so there will still be some more to fill these storage containers.

And while I was looking in the bins for quilting fabric that needed to be folded, look what I found hidden in the back of one!  (Lilli has some strange organizing techniques, I think.)  I completely forgot I had this beautiful bundle of Grunge, and now I need to think of something special to make with it!

But the cleaning bug didn't stop there! I also did some cleanup at church in the quilt room when I had to be there extra early Sunday morning.  Several countertops got the once-over and saw some daylight!

And last but not least, I made a pan of cornbread from SCRATCH!  I haven't done that in a while, but I didn't have any of our preferred box mix on hand (FYI Krusteaz Honey Cornbread is amazing!) and I needed some to go with our chili, so this was the result.  My husband, the cornbread connoisseur in the family, said that it was very good (and he is very smart!)

So - - - for all the little victories - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. A Great WhoopWhoop for our little victories is part of the sucess. Thanks for such inspirational post, Sarah. Love the black red and white top.

  2. I don't know why when I enter the photo it always turns side wise? but anyhow it is almost done - you have a great outlook on life - focus on what you can do - not what you can't - sounds like a great fit ap.

  3. Loved your post this week! Your very organized studio inspires me!


  4. Little victories...great thoughts. I love the red and black quilt. You are so productive! Have a great week.

  5. Whoop! Whoop! Great job on the small steps. Love your victory quilt. Just awesome with its many borders. Wish I could see the others. Maybe another day? Have a great weekend. ;^)

  6. Thanks for sharing the iFit trainer message. I really enjoyed reading that and it sounds like a neat thing! Love that black/white/gray/red quilt! Your sewing room organization is looking great, as is that cornbread!

  7. Sheesh - I’m VERY computer/blog illiterate!! So sorry! I tried to just post a picture to the WHoop Whoop Linky and it went sideways and sent to my blog that hasn’t been posted to since 2017! LOL. The picture is truly a WIP from loooong ago and I finished it this week - well all but the binding. (Hope that counts 😁). I’ve been working on finishing the top for several weeks. And, YES Sarah, I’m sooo glad you reminded us of celebrating our accomplishments - even the seemingly small ones❤️

  8. This is Annie:

  9. We absolutely must celebrate our small victories as they do become larger ones!! Great words to think on! Your little victory quilt is sew cute!

  10. Hi Sarah, congrats on your little victories. They are worth celebrating! Thanks for your linking party too!

  11. such an uplifting post--thank you for sharing the words, your accomplishments and encouragement!

  12. Any small victory is cause for celebration. Congrats on all your hard work.

  13. Congrats on small victories and a HUGE success in the fabric organization department, Sarah!!

  14. Small victories can be big victories for some. Reorganization is a constant with quilters and always a plus when you find hidden gems. I love Grunge, so have fun with that bundle.

  15. Sarah you had such a great week. I do like the quilt you showed with its new border. Your studio is looking wonderful and the cornbread had me craving it now. Thank you for sharing the info on your trainer. He is one smart man! 😁. Aril

    1. And the name was supposed to be Carol above. 😁. We do love autocorrect.

  16. When I read on my phone, I can't comment, so I sometimes forget to go back and do that. I liked the things your iFit person said, and will think about those often. I'm celebrating lots of small things these days, and it IS healthy and helpful!

  17. Where did you get the clear containers for the fat quarters


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