Monday, October 30, 2023

Make-a-List Monday - Fall Fell!


Hi, all!

It's Monday again!  But before we jump into regular Monday activities, let me share a little in the tree saga.  Remember last week, it looked like this?

Well, even though yesterday it was nearly 80 degrees, the wind came in overnight and blew in rain and cold weather - we didn't get above 50 today!  And this morning when I looked out at the tree....

...all those beautiful leaves were on the ground!  So if you still have beautiful leaves where you are, enjoy them now - winter is on its way!

And now let's see how last week's list went....

1.  Touch up the paint on the outside door frame where we had some repair work done.
Done!  I do love how nice and fresh new paint looks!

2.  Quilt Nathanael's annual quilt.
Done!  And not just his, but all three!  I'll share more about them closer to Christmas.

3.  Spray baste my hexagon quilt. (I will be straight line quilting this one on my Juki.)
Done! And not just spray basted, but quilted too!  I'll share more about this one on Friday.

4.  Quilt one of the vintage quilt tops.
I didn't get to this, and I think quilting week is over.  I have no quilting responsibilities on my calendar, so I may chase a few squirrels!

5.  Finalize plans for a fall quilt for my bed (king size!).
I have an idea in mind....

I also did a few other things this week, like putting patches behind the holes in my youngest granddaughter's jeans.  It is almost impossible to find cute jeans these days that aren't already hole-y!  This fabric has a little "sparkle" to it that made Emmy's eyes light up....

I also worked on taming my scrap bin - I didn't get a lot done, but anything is a win in my book!  And did you know that this Saturday, 11/4, is International Scrap Sorting Day?  If you join in the fun, share pictures of the before and after on social media with the tag #InternationalScrapSortingDay.  

And tonight I made penne alla vodka from scratch - and it was delicious!! Italy made us really appreciate good pasta in all its varieties...

So all in all, a really good week!  I have high hopes for this week, too, although I have Nana duties three afternoons that will eat into my time a good bit.  But I do have some plans....

1.  Keep working on that scrap bin!

2.  Clean up some long-neglected corners of my studio.

3.  Cut out a fall quilt for my bed.

4.  Maybe - quilt one of the vintage quilt tops.

I'm going to leave it at that for now - I'm really feeling the urge to do some deep cleaning, and if indulged, that can really turn into a project!  

So now, I really want to know - - - what are YOU working on?



Friday, October 27, 2023

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Ahead of the Game!


Hi, all!

It's finally Friday!  It seems like it's been a super-long week, but we've made it to the end, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  Let's go!


As many of you know already, each year I make a quilt for each of my grandkids - a labor of love that my daughter wishes I would rein in sometimes, because they have LOTS of quilts at their house!  But the grands love it, so I keep doing it.  

And I'm so very happy to say that as of today, all three of their quilts are completed....

...except for the labels, which I will prepare and add closer to Christmas.  Each label contains information about things they did in the past year, and it takes a while to compose them in my head before I print them out onto fabric.  But the quilts are finished!

I'm also whooping about this beautiful bouquet of fall leaves that my grandson collected for me last night!  Growing up in Florida, I didn't get to see the leaves change each year and it still amazes me - such a glorious transformation!  This little bundle of leaves is a radiant spot on my kitchen counter....

I'm also whooping because I finally started the quilting on this handmade hexagon quilt top I put together last year.  I've got something special in mind for it, but first I need to finish the quilting.  I've done the straight line quilting in one direction, but there are two more sets of straight lines I need to do through the other points.  It makes my back ache, but it's going to be worth it, I think!

And for your weekly dose of Bree, look at how nicely she was waiting for me while I was quilting Thursday!   For an active little dog, she sure can be patient when she wants to be, and I appreciate that about her so much!  

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Make-A-List Monday - Slow Progress!


Hi, all!

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day..... I've always wondered why you can't trust Monday, have you?  Well, trust it or not, it's rolled around Monday again, and that means the start of another week.  Fall has well and truly begun here - remember the picture of my tree from last week?

Well, here's what it looked like this morning!

Isn't that gorgeous?  It won't last long - we'll have a windy day soon that will deposit all those leaves on the ground - but it is glorious to see while we have it!

I have to confess that I didn't get too much done on last week's list, because I had a "sick day" and also a day with the grands while they were out of school.  But here's what I did accomplish....

1.  Quilt at least three quilts.  Top of my list is the annual quilts for the kids so I can quit stressing over them, but I think I have seven or eight more tops that are ready for quilting!
I managed to quilt two of the annual quilts (Emmy's and Lilli's), but regrouped on the backing for Nathanael's.  I really wasn't feeling what I had chosen previously, so I went today and bought something different.  I also made backs for two more quilts that will be next up on my list.

2.  Hem two pairs of jeans for my husband.
Done!  I heard in a story today that anything you didn't really want to do should be the first thing you do, and hemming pants ranks right up there for me.  So it was the first thing I did!

3.  Make backs for three vintage tops I have in my stash.
I didn't get to this and I'm ashamed to say I didn't even check in my stash to see what I had that might work!

4.  Work on processing my overflowing scrap bin!  
I did process some of it but it is still overflowing.  But at least I can see my countertop again!

However, while I was feeling cruddy on Wednesday, we had a handyman come out and replace the rickety steps we used to have at the side of our house.  Honestly, after I took a good look at them, I don't know how they lasted as long as they did!  But the new ones should hang in a good long while...

And look!  My wonderful husband hung up my metal barn quilt!  I love the way it looks there, don't you?

So while I got some things done, there's still a lot to do.  Here's what I'm hoping to get to this week....

1.  Touch up the paint on the outside door frame where we had some repair work done.

2.  Quilt Nathanael's annual quilt.

3.  Spray baste my hexagon quilt. (I will be straight line quilting this one on my Juki.)

4.  Quilt one of the vintage quilt tops.

5.  Finalize plans for a fall quilt for my bed (king size!).

So much more than enough to keep me out of trouble this week!  I just need to buckle down and get to work.  There are too many squirrels living in my studio that like to distract me....

And now I really want to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, October 20, 2023

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Not Much To Show.....


Hi, all!

It's Friday again - - - and we all know what that means!  It's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  Let's go!


I have to admit that it's been a weird week around here - Monday and Tuesday had some unusual things scheduled that interfered with quilting time, and then Tuesday night I had some viciously spicy kung pao chicken for supper that had my stomach tied in knots all day Wednesday.  And then Thursday, my grandkids were off from school (teacher workday) so I took advantage of it to spend some quality time with them.  But I do have one thing I'm whooping about this week....

...we finally found someone to replace the old and very rickety stairs that used to be here!  They've needed to be replaced for a couple of years but it's been really hard to find someone willing to do such a small job.  Then a friend suggested a guy who had done good work for him - what a blessing!  Within a week he had come out, given us an estimate, and four days later came out to do the work.  

I've added a solar light cap to the post on the left (next to the wall) and a new doormat.  I also want to hang up my red metal barn quilt on the brick wall, but I need help from my husband to do that.  Maybe this weekend!  I will post an updated picture once all that is done.

And this is kind of silly, but it made me smile when I saw it one morning this week - when I entered my studio I saw what looked like a spotlight on my sewing stool!  It's just the way the light is reflecting off the tree into the window, but it is kind of pretty, isn't it?

So - - - even though it's not much, can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Make-A-List Monday - Quilting Week Continues!

Hi, all!

Welcome to another beautiful fall Monday!  Well, actually not too beautiful around here - it was gray and overcast all day, but at least it's finally sweater weather!  I do love that it puts me more in the mood to work in my studio, and this view of the tree outside my window always makes me smile....

So now, let's see how I did on last week's list....

1.  Quilt the top for the special recipient.
2.  Quilt the baby quilt.
3.  Quilt Nathanael's annual quilt.
4.  Quilt Lilli's annual quilt.
I've lumped all these together, and you'll see why in a minute.  The first top on the left is the quilt for the special recipient (#1).  The quilt on the right is the baby quilt (#2).  I didn't get a chance to quilt Lilli's quilt or Nathanael's quilt yet, but I did quilt a couple of quilts for the ministry - the one in the center of this picture....

...and this beautiful top, which was donated at just the right time for a special quilt ministry need which arose unexpectedly.

So even though I didn't get to two of the quilts on my list, I did manage to quilt four tops, like I wanted to.

5.  Find a back for this beautiful vintage top I found at a fall sale this past weekend!
I had this wonderful navy print in my stash that I think is going to look great on this quilt!  Hooray for stash!

6.  Work on piecing Emmy's quilt.  
Tada!  Emmy's top is finished, and I did decide to add sashing - a narrow 1" strip between the blocks, and a 2" border.

So I'm really pleased with the progress I made this week - lots of quilting happened, and progress was made!  Here's what I'm planning on working on this week.....

1.  Quilt at least three quilts.  Top of my list is the annual quilts for the kids so I can quit stressing over them, but I think I have seven or eight more tops that are ready for quilting!

2.  Hem two pairs of jeans for my husband.

3.  Make backs for three vintage tops I have in my stash.

4.  Work on processing my overflowing scrap bin!  Isn't this embarrassing?

And just in case you think Bree has been neglected this week, take a look at the silly picture I took of her as she was playing with the large squeaker she managed to get out of one of her toys...

She wandered around holding it like a cigar in her mouth for a couple of hours one day before she finally chewed one end off and I had to throw it away.  Goofy dog!

So now, I really need to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, October 13, 2023

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Quilting Week Progress!


Hi, all!

Guess what?  It's finally Friday, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Have you become fully invested in quilting season yet? The cooler weather always makes me anxious to play with fabric - who knows why?  Anyway, let's get started!


This week I set a goal of quilting a bunch of the tops I have awaiting that crucial step.  When I set the goal, I had fourteen quilts awaiting quilting....

...all of these, plus two ministry quilts, one baby quilt for our niece, and two annual quilts for the grandkids.  Then I added this vintage beauty....

...which I found at a "flea market" put on by our local antique shop.  That beauty, which is in perfect condition and pieced beautifully by hand, cost me only $40!!  I can't wait to find just the right piece of backing material and put it on the frame.  

I've also added one more quilt to my mental list, that may be needed for the quilt ministry.  That may be the next one up for me.

I am pleased to say that these three quilts have been completely finished and are ready to move on to their next home!  It's been a good start to quilting week, I must say.

I've also been working on these blocks for Emmy's quilt - and today I added seven more, although I didn't get a picture of them yet.  I'm thinking about sashing these blocks, and playing with some ideas for how to do that still.  

And Thursday I made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce from scratch AND a batch of Halloween cookies for our family night dinner!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun  to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Make-A-List Monday - It's Fall, Y'all, and Quilting Week!


Hi, all!

Monday has come around once again, and with it, cooler weather - it looks like fall has finally started!  I'm really enjoying it, but Bree is over the moon - she spends large parts of the day romping in the back yard and rolling in the grass.  Is the weather cooling off yet where you are?  

Despite the pretty weather, though, I did get some sewing done this week!   Let's see how last week's list went....

1.  Finish the baby quilt top.
Done, and ready to quilt!  And not only the top, but a pieced back too!

2.  Bind five quilts for the quilt ministry.
Done - and of course, I forgot to take a picture before I took them to church Sunday.  But trust me, they're finished!

3.  Assemble a beautiful pile of blocks we received in the mail for the ministry this week.
Done!  And I decided to put sashing between the blocks, because I am entirely too lazy to match all those seams - and I LOVE IT!

4.  Quilt a top for a special recipient.
I haven't quilted it yet (more on that later) but it is loaded on the frame and ready to go!

5.  Draft out a design for a new fall quilt for my bed.
Thanks to Amy at Diary of a Quilter (who is quite the enabler) I think I have an idea for what I want to do for my next quilt.  She mentioned this pattern in her newsletter and I fell in love with the gorgeous maple leaf blocks!  The pattern is Fall Leaves by Cluck Cluck Sew.

So all in all, not a bad bit of productivity for the week!  And I've decided that this week is going to be quilting week.  I've got a bunch of quilts ready to go, and I think that will be my focus.  So here's my list for this week....

1.  Quilt the top for the special recipient.

2.  Quilt the baby quilt.

3.  Quilt Nathanael's annual quilt.

4.  Quilt Lilli's annual quilt.

5.  Find a back for this beautiful vintage top I found at a fall sale this past weekend!

6.  Work on piecing Emmy's quilt.  This is what I'm working on right now - 25 patch blocks from an ocean-themed fat quarter bundle.

I'm thinking, though, that this might also be interesting with a deep sapphire blue sashing between the blocks, so I may fiddle with that and see how it looks!  Oh the possibilities!

If quilting week goes really well, I've got several other tops I could throw on the frame, including two more vintage tops.  And since I hit that sale a few weeks ago, I've got backing options!  

And I saw a funny today that I want to share with you (mainly so you have this song running through your head too!)

So now, I really need to know - - -  what are YOU working this week?



Friday, October 6, 2023

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Petting Fabric Is Good For Your Mojo....


Hi, all!

Well, here it is, Friday again - - - and we all know what that means!  It's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!! Are you ready?  Let's go!


I had an adventure this week!  But first I need to tell you some back story, as kindly as I can.  For years and years (since 1988) there was a fabric store in a nearby town.  I finally went there about ten or eleven years ago (just as I was starting my quilting career) and was absolutely overwhelmed (not in a good way) by the amount of fabric in the store. The shelves were sagging under the weight of the bolts and there were hundreds of bolts on the floor.  There was little to no organization of the fabric, and no one who worked there seemed to know what they had on hand.  I even found bolts of some very early Kate Spain fabric that was long out of print.  Nothing was marked down to make way for newer fabric, but that didn't seem to stop more fabric from coming in.  I managed to last about fifteen minutes in the store before, my skin crawling, I had to leave.  Over the years, I occasionally tried again, but had the same reaction.  I never thought I would feel that way about a fabric store, but the sheer immensity of the amount of fabric and the lack of organization was just. too. much.

A couple of months ago, though, my friend Piper started talking about this great fabric store she had found that had such fabulous prices.  She told me the name, and I realized it was the same store - but it turns out that the original owner had died and her children were trying to liquidate some of the stock while trying to decide whether to keep the store open in the future.  They had moved everything to another location nearby.  I decided to give it a try once again when they were holding a back room sale, offering thousands of bolts at $3 a yard.  

I got a pretty nice haul of some fabrics for backing that time, and the store didn't make my skin crawl!  And I found out that I was not alone in feeling that way about the store as I spoke with some of the other people who were there for the sale.  Turns out it was a universal condition!

Well, this month as they celebrate 35 years in business, they are having some pretty magnificent sales, and I went back on Wednesday to see what kind of mischief I could get into....

This was my main goal - quilt shop quality fat quarters for - - - 
25 cents each!  I got 120 of them.

Then I grabbed a grab bag - about 7 1/2 yards of fabric, mostly fat quarters and half yards, for $15.

I found some jelly rolls, too - both of the big rolls contain 50 strips each, and the one on the left is Kaffe Fassett shot cotton stripes!  The one in front is only 20 strips, but still, I got all that for $35.

Two identical Bali Crackers, eighty 10" squares, for $10.

Three roll-ups for $10 each.   Two of them have 20 fat quarters and the other has 35 batik fat eighths.

So I got about 66 yards of fabric for around $130 - less than $2 a yard!

Thursday morning I had so much fun poring over my loot, counting the pieces in the roll-ups, and generally petting everything!  And I must say, petting all that fabric must be good for my quilting mojo, because after doing that I buckled down at my sewing machine and finished this baby top!

And before you ask, I'm not going to share the pattern information because I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone.  It only came in hard copy form, was badly written, had a bunch of mistakes, and was printed so small that I had to get out my magnifying glass to read!  But it was requested by my niece, so I used it.  It did turn out cute, though!

But wait - I didn't stop there!  I actually pieced a back for the baby quilt, and it is going into the stack for quilting next week!

And then I started working on another project, but I'll save pictures of that for next week, I think!  

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.