Friday, January 20, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Some Fun Projects...

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again!  And you all know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!!   Something tells me that there's been a whole lot of sewing going on, courtesy of all the snow that's been falling - so let's see what everyone's been working on!  Remember, you don't have to have a finish - just something you're doing a happy dance about!


Shortly before Christmas, I was contacted again by Free Spirit Fabrics to see if I wanted to help promote some of their new releases, and of course I said yes!  So for the last couple of weeks, I've been playing with Tanya Whelan's new line, Rambling Rose.  The big reveal is this coming Monday (1/23), but today I'm going to do a little whooping about some of the small projects I've been making this week... little trinket bowls...

...and my first fabric-covered rope bowl!

I also made headbands for the little girls... match the twirly skirts I made for them!

Now I'm just praying for good weather on Saturday so I can have a successful photo shoot!  


There are links to all of the tutorials I used for these items above.  I thought I'd better share some changes I did for my twirly skirts.  The tutorial I linked to is for a reversible skirt, but I didn't want that for these, so I made mine neatly finished on the inside.  I used french seams, and zig-zagged my gathered seams to neaten them up a bit, then topstitched them down on the skirt itself.  I also used two lines of gathering threads, about 1/8" apart, which gives a prettier gather.  It also takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R, but when I get to see those pretty girls twirling around, it will all be worth it!  Be sure to come back Monday to see the big reveal of all these pretties and more - in (hopefully) much artier photographs!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Lovely hexagon trays, and bands to match the twirly skirts, perfect. I like the yoke then the first gathers lower down that straight at the waist, this gives it a lovely line.

  2. I saw a spelling error after I posted my comment, it should be... the first lot of gathers lower down THAN straight at the waist.. makes a lot better sense.

  3. I love the skirts! Thanks for the links. :-) I am really looking forward to Monday's reveal. Have a great weekend.

  4. Love your projects. The fabrics are gorgeous.

  5. Oh wow! The projects you chose and the fabrics look amazing! And thank you so much for the links to the tutorials!

  6. The skirts are wonderful, they look so springy! Your granddaughters will love them! I always enjoyed sewing clothing for my daughter.

  7. I love those fabric type baskets! Sorry about the double linkup. Could you delete the first one with the broken image?

  8. Those bowls are simply adorable. I've seen square ones. I really like the flair of round! And the twirly skirts... I bet they get a kick out of those!

  9. Look at you go - what fun projects. That bowl is really cute!

  10. Your granddaughters are going to look so cute in their matching headbands and twirling skirts. How fun!

  11. Looks like you've had so much fun with those gorgeous fabrics, the two skirts are adorable!

  12. All the projects look great! The fabrics are sooo fun!

  13. You've been very busy. How did you connect the rope in your rope bowl; by hand sewing them together or machine zig zag? I made one years ago and did it by hand but have seen some done by machine. Just curious. Thanks for letting me link my tip for rotary cutters. karen

  14. Such great little projects. I'm sure the girls will love the skirts.

  15. Fun little snow day projects, Sarah! Or maybe not so little...those skirts look a bit challenging to me. I was never good at three dimensional sewing. That Rambling Rose fabric is so fresh and pretty! I can't wait to see more of it :)

  16. Congratulations on being asked to help feature yet another line of fabrics. That's a great tribute to the value and popularity of your blog! Good for you.
    But I have to say that on this Friday, on the inauguration of what I think is the biggest mistake America has ever made, I am absolutely not doing any happy dances. I'm sure this is the beginning of a very dark period in America. Our new president will do a lot of damage to our country. And to so many Americans, poor and middle class Americans in particular, people of color in particular, women and children, people with disabilities, the environment, immigrants and refugees, and the LGBTQ community in particular will suffer as a result.

  17. There is just something about little girls and twirly skirts that belong together! Those are so sweet, as are all your projects.

  18. These projects are very nice and love them all.I am looking forward to Monday's reveal.

  19. Can hardly wait to see Stunning Stars reveal.

  20. I make so many quilts especially for Quilts of Valor that this Sat I am actually getting a Presidential Volunteer Service Award. It's called the MLK Drum Major Award. I could use some new fabric!!

  21. You chose the perfect projects for the new Free Spirit fabrics-everything is beautiful!
    Your lovely granddaughters are certainly lucky little girls😊

  22. Great projects for the beautiful fabrics!
    Thank you.

  23. Beautifu fabric and gorgeus work. How do you ever get so much doe? I am so amazed!! Sandy @@


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