Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I May Have A Scrap Problem... Here's a Solution!

Hi, all!

How are you doing with YOUR scraps?  Still drowning in them?  I know I am!  It seems like a never-ending deluge of fabric, but at least it's fun to play with them!  And I've got a great suggestion for you this week...

Carole @ From My Carolina Home is once again hosting a Scrap Dance Mystery Quilt Along!  This year's version is called the Two-Step.  You can see the introductory post by clicking here and the first post by clicking here.  New clues post on the third Friday of every month, and the whole mystery will last about 7 months, with plenty of time between posts to get your steps done.  Sounds like a great way to use up some scraps!!!

And if a mystery isn't your cup of tea, how about a little visual inspiration?  I saw this quilt today in a catalog and it immediately caught my eye - I think it would be the perfect cure for my overflowing string basket!!

And finally, here's what I've been working on this week - and I've used up a BUNCH of scraps!!!  Woohoo!!

These are for the Stunning Stars Quilt-Along which starts this coming Sunday, so I'm saving the full reveal for then, but you can see that there's a lot of scraps in the two of them!  

I feel so virtuous.....  ðŸ˜‡



Reminder:  There's a giveaway going on right now on my blog - be sure to check it out on this post!  


  1. You always inspire me to dig through my scraps. Now to do more than dig.

  2. Wonderful scrappy quilts, I'm always tempted to jump in. I had planned to jump into the Two Step mystery but now I've changed my mind. I am downloading the pattern though. Looking forward to seeing Stunning Stars. Happy sewing!

  3. You have been busy! I love the star quilts. That would be something we could do for the comfort quilts. I am slowly working on the wedding quilt and hope to make some more progress tonight. Happy Stitching!

  4. I rarely do mystery quilts having had one "designer" have us do a lot of sewing and then say "oops" rip a number of those apart into smaller units. It wasn't a disaster, but it wasn't that pretty a quilt either. So I rarely do mystery quilts.

  5. Thanks for the mention, Sarah! Gene, I alwasy make one or two before I publish the steps, so never a chance of having to rip. Come quilt along, you'll use up your leftovers and have something fun at the end. Scrap Dance and Scrap Dance Tango were mystery quilts, now available as patterns, see my sidebar to see the kind of quilt this will be. All scrappy!!

  6. Thanks, Sarah! I am going to follow Carole's scrap quilt along.

  7. Pretty quilts, as always. I love the string quilt, and will make one...someday, lol. I am also joining in Carole's 2 Step QAL :)

  8. I like your stunning star quilt. I might have to do one to use up some of my scraps .


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