Sunday, May 20, 2018

Hands2Help - It's Time to Link Up and SHOW OFF!!!

Hi, all!

Well, it has finally arrived - the beginning of the end of this year's Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!  It's hard to believe it's here - this year's Challenge has just flown by - but it's time to show off the beautiful quilts you have created for charity and tell us about them! The link-up is at the bottom of this post, but I thought I'd take this time to remind you of our wonderful sponsors, and introduce you to some new ones who have come on board since I last posted about them.

First, let's meet the corporate sponsors.  

You should have already received (via email from me) a discount code from C&T Publishing 

good from now until the end of 2018 on most of the items on their website.  If you haven't checked it out, be sure to! You can get a great deal on fabulous quilting books and other items!  NOTE:  If you signed up for the Challenge after I emailed this discount code, drop me a note at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send it to you now!

The fabulous Kate Spain (and her husband Pete!) sent a fun box full of scraps - appropriate for this, the year of the scrap!  I've bundled them up in fun groupings that should make anyone's heart sing!  (And just imagine, Kate Spain's scraps!)

Amy Smart, who blogs at Diary of a Quilter, has sent a huge bundle of giveaway items.  

Amy is now a fabric designer, with two lines under her belt!  It's fun following along and watching her creativity bloom...

The folks over at Fat Quarter Shop are back again this year, offering three $25 gift certificates!  Have you been to Fat Quarter Shop?  They have a great selection of fabrics, and they feature wonderful tutorials for easy quilts using pre-cuts.  Lots of fun things going on there!

Christina Cameli, from A Few Scraps, is donating her newest book, Wedge Quilt Workshop!   While all of her books are excellent, this book moves beyond free motion quilting into some seriously fun piecing.

You may be most familiar with Classic Metal Company as the creators of those fabulous metal barn quilts - but Mark has been branching out, and this year he is donating four sets of these beautiful Christmas ornaments as prizes for Hands2Help!  Be sure to check out his website to see all the beautiful things he creates just for quilters!!

If you're anything like me, you're already familiar with The Warm Company, creator of Warm & Natural batting.  The Warm Company has sent us several wonderful quilt batts to be given away as prizes!

Our friends at Craftsy have come through this year with three fabulous quilt kits as giveaway items!!  And if you haven't checked out Craftsy Unlimited yet, you really need to - imagine unlimited access to all of their classes 24/7!  You could learn how to do everything!

Northcott Fabrics has joined us as a sponsor this year, sending several beautiful fabric bundles to share as giveaways!  Their fabric truly is wonderful, with a beautiful hand and great colors.

Moda Fabrics has also jumped on board, with a fun box of goodies that will ensure many happy hours of quilting to come for some of you!  

And Kate Conklin has generously donated several of her patterns once again!  She's such a good friend of the Hands2Help Challenge!

Many of you not only give it forward with your quilts, but you also help encourage the people who participate in the Challenge by donating giveaway items!  (Quilters are THE BEST!!!)  So here's what your fellow participants have donated!

Terri Johnson, who blogs at QuiltNCards, is donating a bundle of six fat quarters in warm, wonderful reds!!  Terri does the most amazing paper piecing - you should see some of her creations!

Joanne Hubbard, who blogs at Everyone Deserves a Quilt, has donated this beautiful jelly roll of Grunge Hits the Spot by Moda for one lucky winner!

Kathleen Gansert, a/k/a KatieQ, who blogs at Katie's Salt Marsh Path, is donating a $25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop.  Katie's trying to get back into the habit of blogging, so stop by her blog and show her some love!!

Selina Kidney, who blogs at Selina Quilts, has found a great prize to donate - an OttLite!  These things are awesome - just great for adding a little extra light just where you need it...

Many of you have sent quilts for Quilty Hugs for Happy Chemo to Emily Bailey over the years - but did you know that she makes beautiful all natural soaps, too?  And this year, she's donating three of her mini-samplers as giveaways.  The winners will get to choose their three favorites - and I guarantee it will be a tough choice!

Susan Smith of Stitched by Susan has decided she wants to be a giver this year, so she's offering edge to edge long arm quilting services, batting and return postage for one lap size quilt, (max 4875 square inches).

Chris Behme of chrisknitssews and not much else (don't you love that name!) has donated a $25 gift certificate to Always In Stitches in Noblesville, Indiana!  They have a great on-line shop you should check out...

Karen McCutchen has very generously shared some quilting goodies with us - a Connecting Threads Essential Cotton Salt & Pepper thread set, a Connecting Threads 5000 yard black cotton cone, Machine Quilting Skillbuilder 1, a large fabric with preprinted quilting to practice on, and a Mini Coffee Cup Quilt Pattern!

Terri a/k/a Quilting Nonnie has jumped in with a Kaffe Fassett Classics Layer Cake and an American Jane Honey Bun - how fun!  I love both those designers!  Just imagine what you could create with those beautiful fabrics....

And Robyn Ostby is providing this beautiful 27-fat quarter bundle for one lucky winner!  Don't you just want to pet all that gorgeousness?

We've also had some wonderful Quilt Fairies who are helping us obtain more goodies to giveaway. That's still in progress, but here's a few pictures of some of the goodies just to whet your appetite...

One of our quilt fairies got in contact with some folks, and arranged for a $20 gift certificate to Fort Worth Fabric Studio...

They have a beautiful website, and a great selection of fabrics, but my favorite thing is the Friday Bundle Batch - a curated collection of fabrics for a great price.  Head over there and sign up for their email newsletter to keep up with everything that's going on!  

And that same quilt fairy got in touch with Quilter's Dream, the batting folks - and they send a big box of battings to give away! Can I tell you how very grateful I am for quilt fairies?


And now it's time for you to link up!  You can link up a blogpost (new or written earlier), an Instagram post (new or posted earlier) or a picture posted on Flickr.  If you aren't on any of these platforms, please feel free to send me your pictures and I will post them to my own Flickr account and link them up for you (be sure to list which charity you are sending them to!)  This link-up is how we get the final quilt and participant count, so please link up - and then go show some love to your fellow participants!    FYI you can put more than one quilt per link-up - I will check and count each one!  No need for an individual link for each quilt if you have posted about several in your post.

The linky party will stay open until noon on Friday, May 25th, at which time I will start feverishly collating the responses and divvying up the giveaway goodies!  The final count and winners of the giveaways will be announced on Sunday, May 27th, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, as they say here in Tennessee....

Thank you all so much for your heart for those in need!  When I did the first Challenge in 2011, I never planned for it to become an annual event - but so many of you asked for a chance to do it again, it was a no-brainer.  I am blown away by the love and charity in the quilting community - my hat's off to you!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sarah, thank you so much for all your hard work behind the scenes to make H2H happen each year! I hope this work fills you with joy and not too many late nights :)

    I'm off to check out the blogs of all the individual donors.

  2. So much fun! Thanks Sarah for all your hard work! I’m so thrilled to participate this year.

  3. I always love this final link up! It fills my heart to see how many people are willing to help out such worthy causes. Thank you Sarah for organizing this, thank you to all the sponsors, and thank you to all the quiltmakers. I am proud to be a part of such an awesome group of people!

  4. Now this is an amazine group of sponsors and quilters! Excellent turnouts on both sides of the batting!

  5. Hi, Sarah, I never signed up for H2H, but still wanted to donate a quilt, so am linking up my post. It's wonderful to read the posts of such generous quilters!

  6. This is again a wonderful event, and so many generous sponsors. And at the end everyone benefits, the quilters, the givers, the receivers, and those of us who did not participate due to other things happening in our lives at the time, can see how this has a huge ripple effect on so many. Well done for continuing the H2H each year Sarah. You are the winner here too.

  7. Thank you for doing this year after year. It's wonderful to see it grow and benefit so many!

  8. Yes, THANK YOU Sara for this amazing event. Both mine have been delivered. :) :) And thanks for organizing so many amazing prizes! WOW!!!

  9. Thank you for hosting this challenge. I cant imagine the work that must go on. Cant wait for next year!

  10. Oh my...that's an impressive list of prizes. I hope the number of quilts exceeds last year.

  11. Sara, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to help others. I'm not on social media, but would like to send photos of my quilts. Please contact me, as I can't find your email on the blog. Thanks.

  12. Thank you for all you do for this special event each year. I hope to visit each link and leave a comment as each quilter deserves a bit of praise for their quilty hugs.

  13. Sarah, thank you for hosting this event. I cannot imagine the amount of time & effort you put into it.

    Somehow I have 2 entries in the link up. . .I don't know how to delete one. If you have the time to do that I would appreciate it.

    Thank you again.

  14. Every year, I am in awe of how many people support this project through quilt donations and prize donations! This year is even more awesome! Thank you for all the time you donate for 1/4 of every year ... or probably more, considering the time and planning beforehand! YOU are amazing!

  15. Sarah, I am late to the event this year, but will definitely be helping out next year. This is an awesome challenge and you are awesome for pulling it all together! Great job to you, the quilters, and the sponsors!

  16. Thanks Sarah! Linky done! This is my favorite event of the year! Thank you so much for your hard work. And thank you to all the sponsors for supporting this great endeavor!

  17. Sarah, did you get the pix of my two quilts from Emily? Didn't see them in the show. Thanks!

  18. Sarah, A generous thank-you for all your hard work to make this challenge come to fruition. We have come a long way since that first year when we had partners and exchanged fabrics to make our first H2H quilts. I am still "blog" friends with some of those quilters from that first year. What a delight to see all the many, many quilts that have been donated this year! Amazing. Thanks Again! Ann

  19. Thank you for all of the hard work that you do for this Sarah! And thanks to all of the wonderful sponsors as well.

  20. Sarah thanks so much for hosting this again this year.
    I want to thank all of the sponcers as well. The quilters have out done themselves. Some beautiful heartfelt work here. Proud to be part of it.

  21. Always a wonderful time making quilts for others. I have participated every year!!! I love doing this, you are amazing for taking care of this!!

  22. Looks like another great year! Thank you Sarah for all you do to make this happen - so many will benefit from these quilts and generosity.

  23. Looking at all of the beautiful quilts. Thank you for hosting this worthy event yearly.

  24. Sarah, thank you, thank you, thank you for hosting this challenge and putting in I-can’t-imagine-how-many hours to keep track of everything related to it. Obviously, we love making and seeing all the quilts, but it’s knowing that we can collectively give a hug to organizations and individuals who need some special love that makes this such a wonderful experience. And every year the group hug gets bigger!

  25. wow, so many goodies and such generous sponsors! Thank you so much for organizing this, it must have been so much work for you! You deserve a well earned rest!! xx

  26. How do we sign up for next year??

    1. Signups for next year will be right here on my blog starting March 10, 2019. Hope to see you there!


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