Monday, May 7, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - Marathoning!

Hi, all!

Welcome to a brand new week!  Last week seems like it just flew by, but it's time for a fresh start and a whole new bunch of goals... but first let's see how last week's list went!

1.  Start rebuilding the turtle quilt.
Serious progress!  I have squared up all the turtles and sewn them together in four-patch blocks.  Next step is to cut the top and bottom borders that will make them squares, and sew them on!

2.  Write the pattern for the 12DCIJ quilt.
3.  Using that pattern, cut out another in a  different color way.
I've started the pattern, and with the part I wrote, cut out the second color way.  

4.   Finish up the pillowcase dresses for the Haiti mission trip.
All finished, folded nicely, and ready to be packed up! (Unfortunately no picture, though...)

5.  Quilt two high school quilts for the ministry.
I quilted three of these quilts today!  I'll go pick up some more tomorrow for the rest of the week.  We've got a bunch (20) to do in a short time, so I think this will be a marathon quilting week for me!

6.  Quilt a top for a friend.
Done!  It's such a pretty, colorful thing, it was a joy to quilt!

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We gave away a few quilts this week...

This quilt went to a woman whose breast cancer spread to her bones...

...and this quilt went to the wife of a young man who committed suicide recently.

And this quilt went to a sweet new little baby girl!

So all in all, a pretty productive week!  Plus, I managed to locate new brushes for my long arm motor (requested by my repairman since mine were starting to get worn) AND I managed to work out every day this week!  In fact, I'm on my eighth week of working out every. single. day!  

And with last week in the books, it's now time to focus in on finishing the quilts for our graduating seniors.  Normally it wouldn't be a problem, but our quilting machine at church is being temperamental, and the repairman can't get there for a couple of weeks, so I will be hosting a quilting marathon at my house!  I may be the only one attending, but it's my focus for the next two weeks. So here's my to-do list for next week...

1.  Quilt as many of the high school quilts as possible, aiming for a minimum of ten.

2.  Continue working on the turtle blocks, cutting out the chambray top and bottom borders for each block and attaching them.

3.  Start assembling the second Christmas in July quilt top.

4.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Short list, but lots of work - and it will definitely keep me out of trouble!  

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Phew!!! I am amazed at your list. I have a green bear to applique, a visit to the optician, sort out the fabrics for the QAL with Tish ( that is the hardest to decide ), and usual household things. And fantasise about the dream long arm machine I might get one day, if the old Gammill cannot be rewired.

  2. Sarah, the turtle quilt is going to be so cute! Can’t wait to see the finished product. I love the love you and others pour into your graduates as they prepare for the next season of life. The only “work” I am doing this weekend is packing my car and driving four hours to a Mennonite retreat center in Michigan for a week of quilting and walks in the woods.. I can’t wait to go!

  3. The quilt ministry is so thoughtful and comforting; excellent work you do!

  4. Your friend's quilt is so lovely, bright and happy! Sounds like a busy week of quilting for you with all those HS pieces to be finished. No sewing for me this week because we have a guest on board and the studio has been turned back into a guest bedroom :)


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