Friday, October 14, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Sunshine-y Quilts For Kids...

Hi, all!

Wow - it's Friday again, already!  It amazes me how fast the weeks seem to go towards the end of the year - there are only ten more Fridays until Christmas, and they seem to be racing past.  But it's the time of year for creating, so we should have lots to whoop about!  Let's get started!


First of all, I want to share some quilt tops I had the honor of quilting this week...

As you may remember, I joined up to be a HeartBuilder with Stash Builder Box, and I have been quilting tops made by other Heartbuilders that will be given to children through Peach's Neet Feet, a group that provides custom, hand-painted shoes to children living with disabilities and fighting serious illnesses.  The charity receiving quilts changes every quarter - we will be making quilts for a different charity starting in November.

And here are the finished quilts, all washed and ready to be given out!  This is such a great company - subscription boxes full of fun fabric and patterns, and 20% of the proceeds goes directly to providing quilts for children in need.  If you're not already a part of this program, check it out by clicking here!


I also started working on a memory quilt this week, made of men's neckties.  Neckties take a LONG time to take apart and cut up!

I cut up an old cutting mat to make a template for the center blade of the blocks.  This is a great way to use those expensive mats when they start to get raggedy or if you iron on top of them and raise a bubble (don't ask me how I know that) and I usually tuck them away for just this purpose.  

And so, this afternoon, after finally getting all those ties cut into strips of fabric, I managed to get 18 blocks put together.  I think this is going to look really interesting - I wish the photo could pick up the iridescence of the silks in the ties, but it was late in the afternoon and no light coming in.  Only 82 more blocks to go!  This one has to be done two weeks from now, so I'll really have to buckle down and get them made.  

And that's what I've been working on this week!  
Can I get a whoop whoop?


AND - - - it's time for another stop on the Artisan blog hop for Kaffe Fassett's new line of fabrics!  Today is when Holly of Bijou Lovely shares her creation - and it's just gorgeous!  Be sure to hop over to her blog and check it out - she has some beautiful Kaffe Fassett fabrics to give away, too!  


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Lovely quilt tops, looks like your colour of the week is yellow :)

  2. Ten Fridays?!! Boy, you just opened my eyes. 😲
    I saw your toes/ties blocks on Pinterest and those diamonds look terrific.
    Thank you for an other beautiful party!

  3. lovely quilts as always and Stephen Cobert can make you laugh and dance to get rid of the politic crap we are all putting up with this season

  4. Great idea about cutting up old cutting mats! I'm going to have to give that a try when I finally retire my current mat. Truth be told, I should probably do that sooner rather than later, but I think I need to get through those quickly dwindling 10 Fridays first!

  5. Glad to see it's a slow week in your neck of the woods, Sarah. Do you ever sleep? I am paying close attention to the toe quilt, oops, TIE quilt, to see how it plays out, but I just love it so far. It reminds me so much of another you did not long ago. Also well appreciated here. You do awesome things, and I'm looking forward to meeting you in person at QuiltCon. Surprise!

  6. I love all the yellow in your quilts.
    The tie quilt is looking great!

  7. Phew, left me in the dust there, with all the work you've done this past week. Love the energy you've got. I'm sure the bright yellow quilts helped zip you along--so cute!

  8. Great quilts! What an awesome idea to use old cutting mats! I have a couple which I can't use but also could not get myself to throw away. As for the neck tie quilt, it is looking gorgeous. My husband has a bag of ties he does not use anymore. Hmmm.... I will quietly move it from his closet to my quilt room! :-)

  9. Love the quilts, I have made one for the group. Waiting on another kit.

  10. I know you said don't ask about the bubble on your cutting mat, but I think it would make for an interesting blog post LOL

  11. Love all the quilts in this post. Quick question about the neck ties - are you using interfacing to back them so they don't stretch? And is the center piece cotton fabric, it would be cool to use suit coat or trouser fabric for the center......too many ideas!

    On our way home from the beach, next time I'm taking my sewing machine along. We had a beautiful view of the water/waves, such inspiration. I even found a lovely quilt shop and bought some Christmas fabric. Fun, fun

  12. I hadn't thought of using an old mat for a template. Template plastic is too thin & flimsy, and I don't have access to acrylic. Thanks.

  13. Such a sunny and cheerful collection of quilts.

    Sarah, I am loving you necktie quilt! I have about a hundred neckties and hope to make something with them some day.

    Brilliant idea to use old cutting mats for templates!

  14. Gorgeous quilt tops, as always. What better color for happiness than yellow? Re-purposing the neckties is a wonderful idea. 'Still am amazed at all that you do for other people. You are proof that there are still caring people in this world.

  15. Yellow is such a cheerful colour. So sweet of you to help quilt for Heartbuilder.

  16. Your tie quilt is beautiful. I think the brights look brighter because of the charcoal/grey in the background.

    You quilted SIX quilts in a week?! Amazing.

    Thanks for hosting Whoop Whoop?


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