Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I May Have A Scrap Problem... October in Review and Next Goals!

Hi, all!

It's hard to believe, but October is nearly over!  I've always looked forward to the end of October because it's my birthday (Saturday!) but also because it seems to mark the beginning of the holiday season.  Now I'm like, "EEK!" because the holidays are coming up so fast.  How about you?

I did manage to make some scrappy progress this month, though - hooray!!  The most important project for the month was the memory quilt made from mens' ties...

...and that one is finished and ready to be delivered tonight!  I love the way this one turned out - I just wish I felt safe in washing it so it would be nice and soft.  But I'm worried about the different fabrics, so I'll be handing it over unwashed.

Lilli's annual quilt was also on my list, and I did manage to get some of the smallest blocks made and laid out on my design wall.

I need to make some of the photo blocks so I can begin to pull the sections together (my design wall isn't wide enough to lay out the whole quilt before sewing it up), but when I went to print out the pictures, my printer failed me and put a white line across the pictures.  Thankfully I printed them on paper first!  So now I have a new printer and will be printing those today.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get around to playing with the Latitude scraps this month, although I think I know what I want to do with them.  I think they will have to wait, though.  Christmas is nearly upon us!!

I am thankful for early mornings, though - I got up in the dark this morning and put the orange peel quilt on the frame, and now it's finished!!

This is what this quilt looked like at 6 am this morning... some pretty free-motion quilting!  There's so much negative space on this quilt that I felt like I needed to do something a bit more than just a random meander.

The quilting took a while, but by 10 am I had a finished quilt - binding and all!  

Here's a better shot of the quilting in the orange peel segments.  They were fun to do!

I  love this backing, too - not least because it was already in my stash!  The colors are so pretty, though, and just perfect for fall.

And here's one last shot of this quilt before we move on to other things.  Just because it's pretty!  This is another quilt for #sewmystash2016...

Speaking of pretty things, take a look at these Hole In The Barn Door blocks from Chantal's blog, At The Corner of Scrap and Quilts...

I really love this creative use of those tiny scraps we just can't bear to throw away!  This one is definitely going on my bucket list...

And now for November!  Here's what I would like to get done this month... Obviously, Lilli's quilt is a huge scrap buster, and also needs to be finished in time for Christmas, so this is probably my top priority. I also have three other quilts to make before Christmas, (unfortunately not scrappy ones!) so I think Lilli's quilt will be my only scrappy goal for November.  If I finish that early, I may start to work on those Latitude scraps, though, as a Christmas gift to myself!!

How did you do on your scrappy goals for October?  What are you planning for November?  I hope you'll link up and share what you're doing to tame this scrap monster...

... because I think he's looking a little more domesticated these days, don't you?



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Have a Happy Birthday! Your birthday is the same day as my son's - that's a good day! I wonder if you have had a lot of costume birthday/Halloween parties like he has.

  2. Your Saturday will be our Sunday down here, I hope you have a wonderful day. The tie quilt, what a beautiful tribute, it will be so loved. October scraps, I made the leaf blocks, and the pumpkins, all out of scraps, it was amazing how many strips of batiks were packed in their boxes.Your November sounds like it will be very busy too.

  3. Your tie memory quilt is phenomenal! I recently worked with ties for my cousin's memory quilt to honor my uncle. I, too, handed it over unwashed, and advised her not to wash it either. Love the scrappy churndash blocks! Happy Birthday!

  4. Love how the tie quilt turned out - gorgeous. Those scrappy blocks that you show last are pretty neat - I don't know if I would have thought to use scraps like that for that block - neat idea. I have been using up a bit of scraps too - Happy upcoming Birthday

  5. Congrats on finishing two wonderful scrappy quilts. So lovely both of them. Thanks for the shout out. I am sew happy you like the blocks. ;^)

  6. Happy Birthday ( soon) and congrats on the great quilts! that little scrappy block is now on my bucket list too!!

  7. Beautiful quilting Sarah! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope it's great!

  8. Love your quilting on the orange peel quilt!!!!! Have a quilty good birthday!!!

  9. The Tie Quilt turned out SEW well (that I want to use that pattern for the ties that I will be transforming after the first of the year!!) Hope your birthday is a good one. Can't believe you loaded a quilt so early in the morning... and it was DONE by 10 AM!!!

  10. Happy Birthday.
    Here I talk about my November goals.

  11. Happy birthday! I'll start on my scrap piles in Dec. for a couple months. Thanks for sharing the scrappy Hole in the Barn door, gotta pin that one for later! Your tie quilt turned out gorgeous!

  12. Happy Birthday! Same as my BIL's.
    I have a polo shirt commission, a quilt for my SIL and a Dallas Stars quilt to make for November. I hope I can get them done for Christmas, but we'll see. My SIL has waited for a while so it is time. I think it is all doable though.

  13. The tie quilt turned out fantastic!! I bet it would wash up just fine, but completely understand that you didn't want to risk it.

    My scrappy goal is to finish my Scrappy Pretzel Twist quilt. The top is made and I just discovered the perfect fabric in my stash for the back, hooray!

    I'm glad your scrap monster is looking docile, because mine seems to be growing and growing and growing...

  14. I love your orange peel quilt. Subtle, pretty colours. Happy birthday!

  15. Lilli's quilt is looking so happy! Love how you quilted the orange peel quilt. I gulped when you said it took a little while, 'getting up early in the dark and finished by 10 with binding on'?!! Good grief girl! Speedy!

  16. Happy Birthday! I very much enjoy your blog and find lots of inspiration for scrappy projects! I have 2 scrappy ones I'm hoping to finish piecing in November: 'a road to California' and a bunch of 2 inch squares paired with hourglass blocks. Both are very graphic type designs!

  17. My favorite birthday surprise was on a cruise. My husband bought me flowers on the ship, and had them delivered to our cabin that morning.
    I was so surprised, because they were not cheap. At that price, he normally would not have bought them.


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