Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I May Have A Scrap Problem... Progress, and Some Fresh Inspiration!

Hi, all!

How's that scrap monster these days?  Mine is feeling a little threatened - I'm enjoying digging in my scrap buckets to find interesting pieces for my Long Time Gone quilt!  Here's the newest set of blocks I made this week...

These blocks are called Crosses of the U.K. - and they are tiny!  I raided my Kate Spain scraps to make these.

I also decided to pull the fabric for this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt along, and cut the strips so they are ready to take along on vacation in just 9 days!  I knew I would want something to sew on in the evenings, and if I can get the sewing and tutorial done for 12DCIJ, I'll be that much farther ahead!!  All the fabrics came from my stash - technically not scraps, but my Christmas fabric never seems to disappear either, so I try to use it as often as I can....

If you want to get a head start on this year's 12DCIJ quilt along, you'll need sixteen pieces of at least 10" width of fabric.  That could be sixteen different prints, or you could repeat some if you want.  There should be some contrast between the prints - I chose four green, four red, four light, and four blue based prints. 

And here's a little inspiration for the week...

Isn't this a beautiful scrappy quilt?  I love the blues and greens, and my blue bin is totally overflowing, so this one may be on my horizon soon!

I also love the layout of this 16-patch quilt - so unique!  And imagine how many scraps it would use up...

I don't know about you, but I've become so accustomed to making chevron quilts where the prints are all the same in each row, I forget how pretty a scrappy chevron can be!

And take a look at these two quilts - both are made by the same pattern, but one puts a dark solid in the center and radiating out, the other puts the prints in the center and radiating out!  It makes them look so different, doesn't it?  

Now take a look at the same pattern with sashing and cornerstones!  

And last but not least, Jenny Doan's Falling Stones pattern would be an awesome scrap buster - particularly for those leftover charm squares we all having hanging around!  You could even add in 5" orphan blocks if you have any!

So that's what I've got for us this week - a little progress, and lots of inspiration!  Now if I could only find a way to manufacture a few more hours in the day....😄

Link up below to share your scrappy progress or how you're doing with the Long Time Gone quilt!  Inspiration comes from everywhere!!



PS You can find the original links for the pictures above on my Pinterest board, Oh Scrap!


  1. those are a lot of ideas for scrap quilts and heaven knows I have a lot more to use.

  2. I really like all these scrappy ideas especially the 16 patch layout. I'm taking your suggestion on my scrappy leaders/enders and splitting them into two quilts ;-)

  3. I like that Falling Stones pattern. I'm going to check that out :-)

  4. The sixteen patch quilt layout is interesting. I have the sixteen patch blocks done waiting for me to find the right blue solid. If I go with the rectangles I need half as much fabric...

  5. Falling stones, beautiful, and the other one with sashing and corner stones, that would be such fun and a good way to use up those HST by the look of it.Is there a pattern out there for this one? Thanks for inspiration, now, do you have time available as well? That is in really short supply down here right now!!!Please post some.

  6. I love the layout of the 16-patch too! Fun scrappy stuff!

  7. I would say yes to the scrappy chevron - that looks like a great quilt to make. (So do many of the others. So many choices!)

  8. I find the problem with scraps is they never seem to get smaller. How tiny are your Crosses of the UK blocks? Love the last quilt too must go on utube and find a video

  9. Oh yeah, that is what I need too. Let me know if you figure out how to manufacture more hours in the day! My head is spinning with all the inspiration. I would love to make all of those quilts!

  10. Beautiful inspiration! I love the sixteen patch with the smaller white pieces and the HST with the sashing is gorgeous, it reminds of bridges.

  11. Thanks for the inspiration! When you figure out how to add more hours to the day, please post a tutorial. :-)

  12. Thank you for all that scrappy inspiration. I, too, love scrap quilts. Unfortunately, I have so many WIPs that I can't possibly start a new scrap quilt. Or a new anything quilt, as tempting as it is. I just HAVE to finish some of all the quilts I already have started. But I will save your recommendations for whenever I want to start a quilt.

  13. Your quilts are beautiful. After finishing a project I cut all my scraps to differnt sizes or strips and stack them in several boxes. I have a lot of differnt sizes and squares which one day I plan on making my scrap quilt. I am overwhelmed by how many beautiful quilts and projects are posted. It's like I want to make them all but I know that is impossible.

  14. What is the pattern for the quilt made with hawaiian fabric at the top of your blog page? Please. And a photo of the entire quilt would be greatly appreciated

  15. It's called Tumbling Charms on Missouri Quilting tutorials on YouTube. Thanks for posting this. I've been depressed and not motivated to quilt for 2 years, this might just get me going


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