Friday, December 1, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? I Hear Those Sleighbells Jingling...

Hi, all!

Friday is here again - - - and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!   It's hard to believe, but including today, there are only five Fridays left in 2017... where has the year gone?  Well, let's make December the whooping-est month of the year - starting now!


Earlier this week, I posted this picture on Instagram...

This is a $4.99 placemat I found at Target.  It is beautifully embroidered, and I knew as soon as I saw it that I wanted to make a pillow out of it.  When I got home, I dug out some leftover pompom trim (from some toddler dresses I made about four years ago) and a 14" pillow form I had tucked away in a drawer.  I also found a half yard of pretty Christmas fabric in the stash for the back of the pillow cover.  I spent an evening watching tv and ripping the seams of the placemat so that I could get the largest piece possible.  It allowed me to cut a 15" square for the pillow top.

And look how cute it turned out!  It has an envelope closure on the back so I can change out the pillow when the season changes.

Then I went back to Target, and what jumped into my cart but a pack of two tea towels for $3 from their dollar area.  Isn't that the greatest place (and worst temptation) in Target?  Well, those tea towels were so cute (of course, I forgot to take a pic of them in their beginning state) that I decided they needed to become a pillow too!

Here's the front of the pillow, made with one of the tea towels.  I did pick out the bottom hem to get a little extra length to use.  I managed to cut another 15" square out of this one too!

Then I took the second tea towel, a really cute buffalo plaid, and made another envelope back.  A little leftover Christmas binding, and this one is finished!

And here they are decorating my sofa!  The pillow joining them on the right has a funny story - I cross-stitched this stocking for Nathanael, only to find that the toe points in the opposite direction from all the rest of our stockings.  ARGHHH!  So I made the first stocking into a pillow, then scanned the pattern and reversed the image and made the stocking all over again!  All is well, his stocking now points in the same direction as the rest of the family's!  And I have a cute pillow for the sofa, too!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love those cushions, and what bargains as well.

  2. Beautiful cushions and I'm so glad you were able to use the stocking in the end. I'm not sure my son would even notice if his stocking pointed in a different direction!

  3. Love your pillows. You have a good eye for such quick projects and they look lovely too. Have a peaceful weekend and I hope your open house or party or whatever it is goes well.

  4. Those pillows are awesome! I think you will get me hooked on making pillows!

  5. Sarah, these pillows are adorable and so festive. How smart you are to see past the tea towel and on to the pillow!!!

  6. How clever to make cushions from placemats and towels, love them, and I love your stocking cushion too.

  7. Cute pillows. I just love fast projects, especially at this time of year!

  8. I love your pillows! If I didn’t have so many projects going I’d probably add some pillows to the list. That dollar area of Target gets me every time. So hard to resist!

  9. Great idea on the pillows! The Dollar Spot at Target is my jam.

  10. Such festive pillows, what fun projects! Cannot believe you made that stocking twice.

  11. I love your pillows! I'm heading to Target this morning and am going to look for some tea towels. Your stocking pillow is precious! Thanks for the great idea.

  12. You are so clever. I don't think I would ever think of that and look how gorgeous they all turned out!

  13. You are having just too much fun, Sarah :-) You've got holiday parties this weekend and I hope they are all heartwarming and fun.
    You aren't seeing me comment as much here because Google is giving me grief and I have to switch browsers to comment. But I'm still here :-) Merry Christmas!

  14. Lovely pillows! Love the story about the stocking. =)

  15. What a great idea for some really fun Christmas pillows! Yep, you gotta watch the toes on those stockings. lol

  16. Hi Sarah, those are the cutest pillows! What a find and re-make. I didn't know that Christmas stockings had to face the same way...I never noticed :-)

  17. What a great idea to make pillows. I would never have thought of using a placemat or tea towel. Well done.

  18. Your pillows turned out beautifully. What a clever idea too. This will make me keep my eyes open for similar pillow making projects. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Those pillows are awesome! The patterns and different type of making is very nice. The patters are very attractive and rich in look. I would like to suggest you about Manufacturing Suiting Fabrics in India The company where fabric is produced in large numbers with wide range of products.

  20. Great score with the tea towels! They did make terrific pillows. So does the "wrong" stocking!


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