Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I May Have a Scrap Problem... Got Charm Squares?

Hi, all!

Well, it has been quite a week, with the ending of this year's Hands2Help Challenge - and that means I've been too busy to work on my Wedge Play quilt (boo...)!  And this is the last Wednesday of the month, too.  So I'm probably not going to get it finished before June 1, but I'll definitely finish it before July 1!

I'm going to wait until next week to share my June goal for Scrap Attack, because honestly, I don't have time to think about it right now!  But I did think of a great reason for this post - a way to use up charm squares!  Now, if you're new to quilting, charm squares may be one of those phrases that you wish you knew.  So here's the skinny - charm squares are 5" squares!  Isn't that simple?  It's a pretty common precut size, so most people have them in their stash.  The trick to having a box of scrappy charms is to know a way to use them!  So here are some ideas I found online....

This one's pretty simple, but offsetting the charm squares creates some nice movement.

By Dawna Caplin

This has long been a favorite of mine - simple but modern. And don't you just love that quilting?

I think using the print for sashing was brilliant - it really gives it a vintage flair!

Everyone knows you can use charm squares to make HST blocks - but have you ever put them on point?  They take on a whole new look when assembled this way!

Here's another option for laying them out on point - it really showcases the prints in these charms!

If you've got a bunch of charms in one or two colors, pairing them up with a nice neutral makes for a striking quilt!

And this would look so great totally scrappy!  It's so simple - split your charm square diagonally, sew a strip between the two triangles and trim to square...

And this quilt just fascinates me!  I love the movement, the "different" of it - and I MUST make one of these!


So now, do you feel inspired to put some of those charm squares to work?  I know I'm itching to make something but I have to finish some other things first.  Oh well - it's something to look forward to!



Monday, May 28, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - Lots of Work to Do!

Hi, all!

Monday has arrived again - although it doesn't feel like Monday, because my husband is home for the holiday!  But it's still the fresh start to a new week, and that means it's time for a new list!  First though, let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Hands2Help!  This is the final link-up week, and that means I've got a ton of administrative work to do, visiting everyone's post and organizing the prizes.  Be sure to check out Sunday's post and see all the gorgeous quilts that have been linked up!
Well, that part of the administrative work went well, but there's still a bunch more to do this week!  We ended up with 150 quilters and 416 quilts for this year's Challenge - amazing!!

2.  Sandwich the "secret" quilt!
Not only sandwiched, but I've started quilting it!  I've got to "sandwich" in some time to finish this quilt in the next few days...

3.  Quilt the turtle quilt.
With this one not having a set due date, it got put on the back burner this week.  But I did get the flannel purchased that I plan to use as the "innards" instead of batting, since this will be a summer weight bedspread.

4.  Work on the 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt.
I finished the remainder of the blocks this week, so it's moved forward a little bit.  But there's plenty of time to finish this one!

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Once again, a quiet week - although we did gift our graduating high school seniors with twin size quilts!  Twenty-six of them, which you've seen most of over the past few weeks as I did the quilting on them!

So all in all, not a bad week, even though I didn't get to everything I wanted to.  But I'm not knocking that, since it was mainly because of the great results of Hands2Help - it kept me too busy to do some of the other things on the list!  So here's my list for this week...

1.  Mail out the Hands2Help prizes!  This is the most important thing I have to do this week - because next week is Vacation Bible School and there won't be time!  

2.  Finish quilting the "secret" quilt.

3. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

A short list this week, but it's a short week already populated with trips to the post office, car repairs, long arm repairs, and visits from blog friends!  So if I get this much done, I'll be totally happy!


And as I was looking through my phone for pics for this post, I came across two favorites for the week....

Seen around the corner from my house!

And never tell this girl she's too little to do something!  That's a full roll of batting she's hauling down to the quilt room!


And now, the only question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hands2Help - Results (WOOHOO!!!) and Winners!!

Hi, all!

Oh my goodness - what a wild ride this year's Hands2Help Challenge has been!  Have you enjoyed it as much as I have?  Once again, I am amazed by how generous the quilting community is - but while I ramble on, I'm sure you are wondering just how many quilts were donated... so here it is.....

...fabulous quilters donated....

...incredible quilts!!!!!!!  That's 25 more quilters and 149 more quilts than last year - you guys are absolutely AMAZING!!! As the numbers kept going up, I was more and more amazed.  At 300, I was jumping up and down - so you can imagine what it was like around here when we topped 400!  Let's just say my husband was a little worried for a while that I had gone completely off my noodle....

And not only are you amazing, but we have some pretty amazing sponsors, too - because EVERYONE gets a gift to thank them for participating so generously in this year's Challenge!  The list of sponsors and the winners is below...

The fabulous Kate Spain (and her husband Pete!) sent a fun box full of scraps - appropriate for this, the year of the scrap!  I've bundled them up in fun groupings that should make anyone's heart sing!  (And just imagine, Kate Spain's scraps!)
Barb N., Lisa M., Trudie C., Ursula Y., Debbie McD., Cathryn S., Susan S., Sherry B., Kathy Q., Mary D., Adele D., Jamie E., Mona R., Jeanine C.

Amy Smart, who blogs at Diary of a Quilter, has sent a huge bundle of giveaway items.  
Maria J., Rebeckah A., Marsha H., Joan D., Annie M., Kelly C., Nita C., Jan A., Ann S., Charlotta N., Pat P., Linda M., Jan O., Moira McS., Anja C., Jannette B., Terri B., Pam E., Lorraine B., Kathleen R.

Amy is now a fabric designer, with two lines under her belt!  It's fun following along and watching her creativity bloom...

The folks over at Fat Quarter Shop are back again this year, offering three $25 gift certificates!  Have you been to Fat Quarter Shop?  They have a great selection of fabrics, and they feature wonderful tutorials for easy quilts using pre-cuts.  Lots of fun things going on there!
Erica T., Wilma S., Pat C.

Christina Cameli, from A Few Scraps, is donating her newest book, Wedge Quilt Workshop!   While all of her books are excellent, this book moves beyond free motion quilting into some seriously fun piecing.
Arlyn P.

You may be most familiar with Classic Metal Company as the creators of those fabulous metal barn quilts - but Mark has been branching out, and this year he is donating four sets of these beautiful Christmas ornaments as prizes for Hands2Help!  Be sure to check out his website to see all the beautiful things he creates just for quilters!!
Elizabeth F., Paula DiM., Duffy M., Ramona N.

If you're anything like me, you're already familiar with The Warm Company, creator of Warm & Natural batting.  The Warm Company has sent us several wonderful quilt batts to be given away as prizes!
Joy M., Melissa G., Beryl R., Vicki S., Kim A.

Our friends at Craftsy have come through this year with three fabulous quilt kits as giveaway items!!  And if you haven't checked out Craftsy Unlimited yet, you really need to - imagine unlimited access to all of their classes 24/7!  You could learn how to do everything!
Karen McC. Melinda C., Debbie B.

Northcott Fabrics has joined us as a sponsor this year, sending several beautiful fabric bundles to share as giveaways!  Their fabric truly is wonderful, with a beautiful hand and great colors.
Sherrill P., Lisa E.

Moda Fabrics has also jumped on board, with a fun box of goodies that will ensure many happy hours of quilting to come for some of you!  
Louise H., Myra B.. Janine H., Becky McN., Sandy P., Kathy C., Kathleen P., Nikki M., Selina K., Charlene D., Joy McD.

And Kate Conklin has generously donated several of her patterns once again!  She's such a good friend of the Hands2Help Challenge!
Barbara H., Sarah S.

Many of you not only give it forward with your quilts, but you also help encourage the people who participate in the Challenge by donating giveaway items!  (Quilters are THE BEST!!!)  So here's what your fellow participants have donated!

Terri Johnson, who blogs at QuiltNCards, is donating a bundle of six fat quarters in warm, wonderful reds!!  Terri does the most amazing paper piecing - you should see some of her creations!
Shannon W.

Joanne Hubbard, who blogs at Everyone Deserves a Quilt, has donated this beautiful jelly roll of Grunge Hits the Spot by Moda for one lucky winner!
Ann W.

Kathleen Gansert, a/k/a KatieQ, who blogs at Katie's Salt Marsh Path, is donating a $25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop.  Katie's trying to get back into the habit of blogging, so stop by her blog and show her some love!!
Robyn O.

Selina Kidney, who blogs at Selina Quilts, has found a great prize to donate - an OttLite!  These things are awesome - just great for adding a little extra light just where you need it...
Carol S.

Many of you have sent quilts for Quilty Hugs for Happy Chemo to Emily Bailey over the years - but did you know that she makes beautiful all natural soaps, too?  And this year, she's donating three of her mini-samplers as giveaways.  The winners will get to choose their three favorites - and I guarantee it will be a tough choice!
Susan R., Deb A., Carolyn B.

Susan Smith of Stitched by Susan has decided she wants to be a giver this year, so she's offering edge to edge long arm quilting services, batting and return postage for one lap size quilt, (max 4875 square inches).
Paula B.

Chris Behme of chrisknitssews and not much else (don't you love that name!) has donated a $25 gift certificate to Always In Stitches in Noblesville, Indiana!  They have a great on-line shop you should check out...
Sharon T.

Karen McCutchen has very generously shared some quilting goodies with us - a Connecting Threads Essential Cotton Salt & Pepper thread set, a Connecting Threads 5000 yard black cotton cone, Machine Quilting Skillbuilder 1, a large fabric with preprinted quilting to practice on, and a Mini Coffee Cup Quilt Pattern!
Heide D., Tracey B., Darlene H., Jean S., Cathy K., Sue D., 

Terri a/k/a Quilting Nonnie has jumped in with a Kaffe Fassett Classics Layer Cake and an American Jane Honey Bun - how fun!  I love both those designers!  Just imagine what you could create with those beautiful fabrics....
Tonia C., Sue G.

And Robyn Ostby is providing this beautiful 27-fat quarter bundle for one lucky winner!  Don't you just want to pet all that gorgeousness?
Debbie D.

We've also had some wonderful Quilt Fairies who are helping us obtain more goodies to giveaway. That's still in progress, but here's a few pictures of some of the goodies just to whet your appetite...

One of our quilt fairies got in contact with some folks, and arranged for a $20 gift certificate to Fort Worth Fabric Studio...

They have a beautiful website, and a great selection of fabrics, but my favorite thing is the Friday Bundle Batch - a curated collection of fabrics for a great price.  Head over there and sign up for their email newsletter to keep up with everything that's going on!  
Kate S.

And that same quilt fairy got in touch with Quilter's Dream, the batting folks - and they send a big box of battings to give away! Can I tell you how very grateful I am for quilt fairies?
Geri DeB., Becky D., Juli M., Cindy P., Marsha P., Joanne B., Helen S., Carol E., Kristi B.

I have a wide variety of anonymous donations that I didn't take the time to photograph and won't list in detail here in the interests of getting this post finished in time to publish on Sunday - but here are the winners of those wonderful prizes:
Mari H., Ruth H., Diann B., Sharon V., Brenda R., Karen G., Ilana J., Charmaine T., Terri J., Sue B., Deborah S., Carole C., Patricia E., Christina P., Bonnie S., Susan N., Joanna P., Mina K., Joanna H., Brooke K., Joanne H., Kathy D., Julie K., Amanda R., Michelle R., Kathy D.'s mom, Anita S., Paulette H., Julie S., Bernie K., Nancy C., Carolyn J., Irene V., Val R., Ida F., Karen K., Sandra W., Joann O'N., Linda S., Danice G., Mary G., Karen G., Doris M., Charlotte M., Paula A., Cathy L., Cynthia B., Kathy S., Amber B., Maria S., Lynette C., Sylvia A., Sherry V., Liz H., Ashley B., Loris M.


So that's a wrap for this year's Hands2Help Challenge (at least for you guys - I've got to get all those prizes in the mail or notify the sponsors who will be mailing theirs out directly!)  And remember, it's never too early to start thinking about next year's Challenge!  I particularly appreciated some of our anonymous donors, who did some legwork to get additional corporate sponsors.  If you have contacts with quilting related companies, businesses, pattern designers, etc., think about asking them to help sponsor the Challenge next year - because if this year is any indication, I'm going to need to start collecting prizes and sponsors a whole lot earlier!  

Hugs!  Huge Hugs!!!


PS For some reason, Blogger stopped sending me email notification of comments made on my blog on Friday.  If that continues, I may have trouble responding to your comments - but please leave them anyway and I'll try to find a way to answer (like replying on the blog.)  I love hearing from you all!!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? So Much to Be Thankful For!

Hi, all!

Wow - talk about time flying!!  Can you believe it's Friday already?  This week has just flown by, and I know many of you probably have lots of fun plans for the Memorial Day weekend.  Ours will be full of boats and spending time with the grandkids - but before the festivities start, let's get our whoop whoop on!


I have been diligently working this week on the final Hands2Help link-up, counting all the quilts and marking down those who participated.  And wow, is it exciting!!!  As of the time I'm writing this, we have had more than 300 quilts donated!  I'm excited to see what the final number is - you can come back on Sunday to find out!  And there's still time to link up if you haven't already - the linky closes at noon CST today (Friday).  Be sure to head over there and take a look at all the beautiful quilts!

Just check out this Instagram post from Little Lambs Foundation - those quilts in the background are some that were sent as part of Hands2Help this year!  Isn't it wonderful to see them all together?

And I wanted to share (again) my own quilts for this year's Challenge!  This quit will be going to Little Lambs Foundation for Kids, a group that works with foster children.  They provide each child with a backpack with personal care items and a comfort item of some sort.

And this quilt, made using Jamie Elfert's great tutorial, will be going to Quilty Hugs for Happy Chemo!  This was a great scrap buster, and I love Jamie's pattern - so simple, yet it looks complicated.  

And that's what I'm excited about today!  

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

I May Have a Scrap Problem... Leftover Binding!

Hi, all!

I definitely have a scrap problem this week - my scrap bucket is starting to overflow, but no time to deal with it as I work hard on the end of Hands2Help!  But I did do a little clean-up today putting away binding scraps, so I thought I'd share my process with you!

I started with some leftover binding, and added my tools - something to measure with, post-it notes, a pencil, and some short straight pins!

Step one:  measure that binding scrap!  (Duh!)  This isn't rocket science, you just want a general length.  I usually round down from any partial inches.

Take your pencil and write the measurement on your post-it note.  If you use different widths of binding, this would be a good place to note the width, too.

Then I wrap the binding around my fingers to get it all neat and tidy.  If it's a really long piece, I'll use three fingers instead of four so all the little bundles are about the same size.  

Pin that post-it note to your nice neat bundle and you're all set!

Here's a picture of the tub I use to store my binding scraps in.  You can see the print bindings toward the bottom of the picture, and the solid bindings toward the top.  My pins and post-it notes live in here, too!

In the center is a zip loc bag that holds all of my bias binding scraps.  I don't do bias binding very often - usually only when I have an oddly shaped piece to bind (curves, hexies, etc.) and I always end up making too much - so I save it for later projects.

And at one end of the box I keep the instructions for making continuous bias binding - because I got tired of trying to track it down every time I needed it!  

So that's how I save my binding scraps - and here's why!  First of all, binding scraps are PERFECT for binding scrappy quilts.  (Duh!) And with the pieces already measured, it's easy to pull out enough for your whole quilt and not come up short.

Second, when your binding scrap box starts overflowing, you can turn them into fabulous quilts... only by your imagination!  So don't waste those binding scraps - use them!

And don't think that I haven't been working on my scrap projects at all - I did manage to get the arcs attached to the denim quilt, and trimmed the edges so it's ready for quilting!

So what have you been doing with your scraps this week?

