Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I May Have a Scrap Problem... What a Month!

Hi, all!

We are in the final days of January, and so it's time to review the month, scrap-wise.  Even though my scraps still seem to be replicating themselves while I sleep, I did make some progress this month.  

At the beginning of January, I decided to work on my "String Hamper of Shame" and also to work with my solids scraps to cut 7.5" squares for a QuiltCon class.  

This tub is full of 8.5" wide pieces of strings, which I created after pressing a bunch of strings from my hamper.  And no, it didn't empty the hamper - and I swear the hamper gets fuller every day!  But it's a start.  Then I took those 8.5" pieces and made a quilt top!

Isn't it pretty?  This will be part of the Rockin' Rectangles tutorial series running right now - probably close to the end - so start cutting up your strings and join in!  

I also did a lot of sewing out of my stash, with an eye to designs that could be made scrappy as well.  The tutorial for the quilt above appeared last Sunday, and the quilt below will be featured this coming Sunday.  

I also did manage to cut a few 7.5" squares from solid scraps, but not nearly enough...

...which means that this project will carry over into the first few weeks of February.  After all, QuiltCon is this month!!!!!!  (Can you tell I'm excited?)

So all in all, I think January went rather well in the scrap- and stash-sewing area.  In February, I will be working on reducing this mess...

....a collection of batting remnants from the last couple of years!   I think I need to spend a day or two making "frankenbattings" so they will be easier to use - and sorting out the pieces that are just too narrow to use for anything but wiping up oil spills or dusting.  If I can use these up, I'll have three empty cubbies on one of my storage shelves, which I can use to organize something else - wouldn't that be nice?

And while I'm cutting up those 7.5" solid squares for QuiltCon, I may cut pieces for this beautiful quilt...

Isn't that wonderful?  And just imagine how many solid scraps it would use up.....

So that's my plan for February.  What are you hoping to do with your little scrap monster this month?  Link up below and share, or just tell us in the comments.  After all, we're all in this together!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I have scrap batting I plan to work down in February. Some to piece for a quilt or two and the rest for the JR rug (or two). AND I like them for dusting as well.

  2. You get SO much done!! Love your string hamper of shame!!! ha ha

  3. That last inspiration picture is lovely! And I've been waiting to see your blue and yellow project, I'm a sucker for that combination. I'm digging out my shirt scraps to make a quilt for a friend who is experiencing a health issue. He's 6'4", it's going to take a while.

  4. It must be something in the air! I'm making a coins quilt, too. Several people are, and other strings, as well. So much fun! Yours are all wonderful, too. It turns out I can't go to QuiltCon after all. It's during my trip to Arizona. =( All good things happen at the same time!

  5. Great progress this month! I'm in love with the blue and yellow - one of my favorite color combos. Beautiful post. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at QuiltCon. I'll be anxious to see and hear about your experience.

  6. I'm really looking forward to the next Rockin' Rectangle tutorial!! I have a stack of strips that I never used for their intended quilt. It just might be time to use them up!

  7. There is only one explanation for your scraps multiplying. The 'scrap bunny' left my place and went straight to yours.

  8. That tub of neatly cut and stacked rectangles makes me want to spend the day doing the same thing to my scraps! Such a satisfying sight :)

  9. Pretty scrappy star inspiration! Do you ever place the remnants on a quilt and just quilt over the pieces (layers)?

  10. Do you know the pattern for the last quilt you pictured?? They are all beautiful!!

  11. An accreditation is formed for the options for the things. Skills of the faint line on pregnancy test
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