Monday, April 15, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - I Need a Breather!

Hi, all!

Wow, is it Monday again already?  Last week went by in a blur of sewing and quilting and I am ready. for. a. breather.  Ever feel like that yourself?  

So here's how last week's list went...

1.  Make the top for a commission t-shirt quilt between now and Wednesday night.
Done!   After a couple of false near-starts, I finally got the go-ahead and once I did, it went fairly quickly.

2.  Pick up more twin-size quilts and backs (and another roll of batting) at church Wednesday night.
Done!  I looked like I was running away from home with the huge load I took out to my car!

3.  Quilt the last five twin size quilts for the project.
Done!  Apparently I only took pics of four of them, but I promise I quilted five - and put the bindings on the last two, just because I wanted them to be completely finished!

4.  If time allows, sandwich the t-shirt quilt and quilt it.
Done!  This one is ready for delivery!

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We gave away a few quilts this week...

This quilt went to a woman who had a double knee replacement....

...and this one went to a man dealing with some serious medical issues.

And finally, this quilt went to a woman going through a difficult time.

So all in all, I managed to get everything done that needed to be done, and that's a good thing!  But like I said, I need a breather - so I think I'll take it a little easier this week.  Here's what I've got on my horizon for the week...

1.  Put some serious time into repair work on the vintage quilt.

2.  Try out my double wedding ring templates.

3.  Clean out the grandkids' toy closet.  (It hasn't been done in a long time and there's a bunch of stuff they're too old for in there!)

4.  Paint the stair risers while my hubby is out of town.

5.  Post the non-blogger Hands2Help updates that have been hitting my inbox this week!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

It looks like a mighty skinny list, but I think it will keep me out of trouble. I might even dust a little bit!

And here's a little laugh for you...




  1. Love the creative saying. Hope you have a great week.

  2. that is my belief as mantra and life philosophy too! when one keeps busy the weeks DO fly...working my way down my weekly far so good!

  3. Oh, no! Definitely quilt and don't dust! lol

  4. I hope you get time for a little breather!
    Will you post about the repairs you make on the vintage quilt? I have one I purchased last year and hope to start on it soon. I would love to see what you do with yours.

  5. Breathe, breathe, breathe!! And I totally agree about cleaning house! LOL

  6. I make lists on Monday too! Gotta have a list, I have too many "squirrel" moments.

  7. Whew!! You have been active and blessing many around you! One thing to add to your list: I hope you have a chance to take a breather! :) Hugs to you!


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