Monday, April 8, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - Making Hay!

Hi, all!

Monday has come, and almost gone, too!  It was a rainy day here so it was a great day for sewing - but I'm ready for the sunshine to come back again!  It's been a busy week and I can't wait to show you what I did - so let's get started!

There's last week's list and how it went...

1.  Prep and make backs for three quilts for graduating seniors.
Done - and I'll share more about this in a minute!

2.  Quilt two UFO tops.
Done!  It felt good to get these two off the stack and ready for donation!

3.  Keep working on the vintage quilt repair.
It's coming along - but it's a BIG quilt!

4.  Finalize the first guest blogger post for Hands2Help.
Done!  Jamie of L'Fair Quilts shared a great tutorial - you can check it out here!

5.  Straighten up the studio.
Nope - and you'll see why in a minute!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
No quilts given away this week, which is good - it gave me time for other things!

And this is what I did...

After making those three quilt backs, I quilted those three twin size quilts and one more.  Then I bound those four quilts plus one more I brought home from church, and washed them, along with two more that were finished Wednesday night at church.

Then I quilted three more twin size quilts that another ministry member will bind.

And then I managed to quilt three more twin size quilts!

But wait - - - there's one more!  That makes eleven quilts that I quilted since last Thursday!  Whew!

And that is what a brand new roll of batting looks like after a hard weekend!  If I hadn't had the tail end of a bolt to start with, it would be completely gone.  

So a very good week, and a lot accomplished!  As the saying goes, I was able to "make hay while the sun shines!"  We need 22 twin size quilts for this project, and once these are finished, we will have 17.  We have five more tops in progress, so we should make it with no problem.  That's a good thing!

And here's what's on my plate for this week...

1.  Make the top for a commission t-shirt quilt between now and Wednesday night.

2.  Pick up more twin-size quilts and backs (and another roll of batting) at church Wednesday night.

3.  Quilt the last five twin size quilts for the project.

4.  If time allows, sandwich the t-shirt quilt and quilt it.

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Definitely enough to keep me busy this week, and Saturday we have a special project for our monthly quilt ministry sewing day, so I'll need to get ready for that on Wednesday too.  So much to do, and so little time!

And now the question is - - -what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Wow!!! How do you get all of your household responsibilities done with all that quilting?? You really are super girl. Congratulations on all those accomplishments!!

  2. my tuesday to-do list...lots of tasks and only one day to finish....

  3. I just want to get back into the groove I was in before I had the stupid idea to take a little 6 day vacation! Darn! So today is making spools for my A Merry Christmas to You SAL! Have a great day!

  4. You are one fast quilter! You must have a wonderfully active quilt ministry at your church. I attended a few sessions of one in a church years ago, and the ladies were so territorial with their duties, I felt out of place and quit going. In their defense, it was an established group of dedicated ladies, and I was new to quilting, so they probably didn't trust my skills - lol!
    Does the batting come from donations?
    Have a wonderful (busy) week!

  5. Wow, I'm out of breath just reading everything you accomplished! Yay You!! Being between houses is really biting into my sewing & quilting time. My plan is to finish my Criss Cross top by this weekend and then work on making a back and getting it basted. Oh, and I just picked up another commission for a memory quilt, thankfully she has no specific time frame for getting it completed so I have some breathing room! Good luck with all you've got on your list this week :-)

  6. A very good and productive week! Are all those twin quilts for your graduating seniors? I'm sure the young folks will love them :)

  7. I need to quilt the little quilt I made for Jack's Basket. I'm also going to wrangle quilt holders so I can finally take some pictures of the charity quilts I've completed. Not much sewing really going on here. But lots of exercising and helping my sister move here :-)

  8. What batting do you use? (On the roll that you showed)

  9. You sure spent a long time in front of that frame!
    Nice work! I hope to work on a new quilt this week!


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