Friday, June 28, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Something To Think About...

Hi, all!

Guess what? It's Friday again - and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready - I know I am - so let's get started!


You probably know that I've been on vacation this week, and we've been having a wonderful time.  The beach is gorgeous...

...the water is wonderful, and we've even had some unexpected visitors!  

But in the midst of all this, we've also seen what is just north of us.

We are staying in Mexico Beach, Florida, which was hit so hard by Hurricane Michael last October.  

The devastation here is unbelievable.

This is what it looks like almost TEN MONTHS after the storm.

Houses have broken windows, plywood covering broken walls...

...and blue tarps covering broken roofs are seen everywhere.

Some are vacation homes, some are the homes of the town residents.

Beautiful homes on the beach are standing empty and damaged.

But there are signs of things improving, like this person who is living in a camper in front of his property as he works on repairing it.

You see some construction going on to repair buildings that were destroyed.

But considering the amount of damage in this area, these sights are few and far between.  So when you don't think you have much to whoop about, remember these folks and be grateful for all you have.


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends.

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Always a great reminder! I feel blessed every day for what God has given me and where my life is right now!

  2. Our daughter does field research for shorebirds in that area, and has mentioned the devastation. So sobering, to see the work that needs to be done in that area. Your vacation looked so relaxing and fun though; glad you were able to get away! Just tried to link up, but got a weird error message. Will try again later.

  3. Oh I am so jealous, I need a beach vacation.

  4. Too true. We have a friend working in this area, he says he has to drive away every few days just so he doesn't feel hopeless at the destruction! You don't hear about them on the news, though, do you?!

  5. We were in Puerto Rico last spring. It was so chilling to see the damage. For our excursion that day, we took a tour of the devastation to an especially hard hit area (where the Despecito video was filmed) and got to meet with some of the aid workers. It will stay with our family for a long time.

  6. That hurricane damage looks awful. We had a tornado go through our neighborhood a while back - a couple of blocks from where we live. It missed our street, but the houses here haven't recovered here either. I don't know if people didn't have insurance or are renters and the owners took the insurance money and ran, or just can't afford the repairs, but it is sad to see.

  7. Such tremendous damages. Yes, we all should be thankful for all that we have. Hoping these victims can get everything rebuilt soon.

  8. My best friend's niece's home was destroyed in Mexico Beach, but they are rebuilding.

  9. Yea for a vacation. But, thanks for sharing the devastation. So many parts of our country, heck our world, are suffering from weird weather phenomena. Hopefully folks will continue to make progress. And, kudos for going to that beach area rather than going somewhere that hasn't had a bunch of damage.

  10. Wow...thank you for the reminder of all we have to be grateful for and for hosting the party!

  11. My first whoop is that I actually have a blog post to link. LOL! And it is definitely a whoop worthy week as I had two (count em' 2) classes with Bonnie Hunter! It was so enjoyable and I learned so much. She really is a great quilt teacher. I was blessed. And I continue to pray for those effected by the disasters..especially last year. I'm sending more quilts for those in North Carolina.

  12. Our coastline was hit by Harvey and Rockport Texas really got hit hard. So sad to go see it. We have gone there 2 times, but will wait until this Fall to return hopefully things will get back to normal!

  13. I'm glad you're there, spending your tourism dollars in a place that can really use them!

  14. The federal disaster funding has not come. No one has held huge televised fund raisers. These people don't whine about what they don't have. People who could barely make it before are unable to recover without help and the celebrities just do not care. These people are hard working and churches and the relief organizations are doing their best but never ask me for a nickel for California fires or Puerto Rico again. I have seen how little has been done for this area.

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