Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem... Preparations, and a Quilt-y Need!


Hi, all!

It's been an interesting week already, but I'm happy to say that I have had time to play with my scraps!  I spent part of the day today repurposing some storage...

 and sorting out some of my strings.... preparation for next January's tutorial series, which will be called String Therapy!  Many thanks to Chantal for the idea for the name, which seems perfect for us all right now.  I don't know about you, but I need a little therapy some days!

I still have lots of strings to sort into the storage, but it will be nice and useful to have them sorted out into color groups before I start putting quilts together.  I'm really looking forward to this series!

And now for the quilt-y need.  I was contacted this week by Lura Frazey with a request to spread the word.  She phrased it so well, I'm just going to copy her words here for you to see....

I am a volunteer with Quilts for Riverside Fire Survivors from Clackamas County, Oregon. You may have seen on the news recently that our state has had terrible wildfires this month after a once-in-a-hundred years wind event. Our group is collecting quilts so we can give a quilt to every person whose home burned in Riverside Fire. 

You can learn more about us here:

Anything you could do to help us spread the word about our need for quilts would be deeply appreciated. These families have lost everything and we are committed to wrapping them in a quilt. 

We need quilts of all sizes. Quilts can be sent to:
Attn: LLF
Easy E-Office, LLC
24361 S Upper Highland Rd
Colton, OR  97017

We appreciate it if people include their name and a way to contact them so we know who to thank for their generous, loving donation. 

If you, like me, have been making lots of quilts during this extended time at home, or if you need a good reason to jumpstart your quilting mojo, this is definitely a place and time for your skills to shine!  And just think about all the scraps you could turn into quilts and spread a little love!  I do hope you can find it in your heart to help Lura and the Quilts for Riverside Fire Survivors, even if it's only in spreading the word to other quilters.  Quilters are such generous people, aren't they?

And I'll leave you with another favorite thing about this time of year - it's soup and stew season!  Tonight I made a wonderful beef tomato vegetable soup/stew - it started out to be beef stew but I had to make some substitutions in the recipe and morphed into this - and it was delicious!  Paired with some crusty bread, it really hit the spot.  And it's pretty!

I hope you have lots of fun with your scraps this week!  



Monday, September 28, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - Fall Is Sewing Season!


Hi, all!

The weekend is over, and Monday has arrived, with a whole week of potential ahead of it!  Cooler temperatures coming this week, too, which always puts me in the mood to sew.  Are you the same way?  Fall is my favorite season - the colors, the cooler weather, and the upcoming holidays make it so much fun.  

I had fun with last week's list, too - let's see how it went....

1.  Work on a special secret project.
This one really grabbed my attention this week, and I managed to finish the top.  Here's a sneak peek...

2.  Keep working on the dinosaur blocks - stegosaurus is up next!
I cut out the stegosaurus blocks...

...and even sewed one of them together!  This was a fun block to make.

3.  Make backs for the commission quilts.
Done!  These guys are BIG!

4.  Baste the two commission quilts.
I didn't get to this one - I got really focused on that first project.

5.  Put the quilt ministry donations in my car so they will be there already when I head that way!
Done!  I don't have a picture, but I promise they are in there.  It feels good to have them out of the studio and it already looks a little neater.

So all in all, a pretty good week.  Let's see what's on tap for this week!

1.  Baste the two commission quilts.

2.  Quilt the two commission quilts.

3.  Start sorting out my strings for January's tutorial series.

4.  Find and make a back for the special secret project.

5.  Deliver the donations to church.

6.  Keep working on the dinosaur quilt.

More than enough to keep me busy, although if I get all of this done, I'm sure I can come up with something else to work on!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?

And just to give you something to make you smile, take a look at my youngest granddaughter, who occasionally LOVES to pose for the camera...



Friday, September 25, 2020

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Squirrel!


Hi, all!

Hard to believe, but it's already Friday!  And we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on. Let's get started!


First of all, take a look at the view out my studio window!  I am really enjoying watching the leaves turn as the temperatures cool down.  I'll keep you updated so you can enjoy with me!

And while I was watching the leaves turn, I got a wild hair to start another project...

A couple of jelly rolls, a lot of chain piecing...

...a good start on the design wall...


...and a lot more blocks to go!

I should finish piecing this top sometime on Friday.  No finish for me this week, but I'm really happy with the work I've accomplished!  It's fun to chase a squirrel sometimes!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - Fall Is In The Air!


Hi, all!

Well, we have had a beautiful turn to the weather, with nights in the fifties and days in the seventies - it feels like fall!  I am so ready for the change of season, and I bet you are too.  After all, fall is quilting season!  

Let's take a look at last week's list...

1.  Keep working on the dinosaur quilt blocks.
I'm happy to say I made some progress here...

2.  Check my other fabric sources to see if I can find the commission quilt fabrics in stock anywhere.
Success!  I found one piece locally and another at an on-line shop, so once it arrives, I'll have all I need to finish the two commission quilts.

3.  Work on organization in the studio (work in the new stuff from my friend.)
I didn't get to this.

4.  Cut out another Plaid-ish quilt.
Or this.

5.  Take some recent donations to church and drop them off.
Or this!  I should have, as I had to go by there this morning to pick up a couple of ministry quilts, but I forgot to grab the stuff when I went.

So these two quilts went out for the quilt ministry this morning...

This quilt went to a new baby girl...

...and this one to a six year old girl diagnosed for 
the second time with cancer.

I also managed to finish the second commission quilt top - it's amazing what a difference the color change makes!  The quilts are made by the same pattern but look very different.

And on Saturday, we went to the zoo!  It was hard to get a pic of everyone when they were looking - for some reason they are all going through a "don't take my picture" phase - but at least I got one when they weren't aware!  It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.

So what am I working on this week?

1.  Work on a special secret project.

2.  Keep working on the dinosaur blocks - stegosaurus is up next!

3.  Make backs for the commission quilts.

4.  Baste the two commission quilts.

5.  Put the quilt ministry donations in my car so they will be there already when I head that way!

I really need to get out of the coronavirus funk and back on track again, but it does feel nice to go a little bit slower.  Any one else having that experience?  

And now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, September 18, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Dinos in the House!


Hi, all!

Can you believe it's Friday already?  This week has flown by - but it IS Friday and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Let's get started!


My week really did fly by, and I don't feel like I got a whole lot done -but I did start on Nathanael's annual quilt!  I am using Elizabeth Hartman's Dinosaurs pattern, and it is a lot of fun!  I had some trouble with the first dinosaur block I made, but then I went back and actually read her step-by-step instructions instead of just going by the diagram, and lo and behold, it worked!  Who knew?

I did manage to get four of the eight dinosaurs finished (and also the ferns, cycads, and vines) so let me introduce you to the gang....

First there was Danny the Dinosaur...

...who was quickly joined by his friend Barry the Brachiosaur.

Then Thor the T-Rex showed up...

...and brought his friend Thunder to round out the crew!

I still have the Stegosaurus and Triceratops blocks to make, and it will be fun to add them to the quilt and see it come to life.  Maybe not this week, though.  I am also whooping because I found an acceptable substitute for one of the Kona colors I had on back order, and was able to start on the second t-shirt quilt commission today!  Hooray!!!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem....Looking Ahead!


Hi, all!

You may recall that a few weeks ago I asked readers for suggestions for my 2021 tutorial series.  If you aren't familiar with it, each year in January I do a series of posts with tutorials for quick, simple quilts perfect for charity giving - all as a precursor to the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge.  There were lots of great suggestions, but the one that really caught my attention was a request for tutorials using scrappy strings.  Lord knows I have PLENTY of scrappy strings to play with!  

So I started keeping that in mind as I cruised around on Instagram, and here are just a few things I found that inspired me...

I really love Emily's pineapple blocks - and I wonder if you could make pineapple blocks that are a little more "wonky".  Something to play with!

This just makes my heart sing!  One of my favorite quilts ever used strips sewn together like this.  I can pretty much guarantee something along these lines will show up in the tutorial series!

Aren't these spider web blocks fun?  I love how she used color to create movement in the quilt.

And while there is much to love about this quilt (those cornerstones!) my favorite part is the Kona Chocolate sashing!  I am a big fan of using unexpected "neutrals" and there is such a wide selection in Kona cottons.  

Now I have two tasks - no wait, three.  Find more inspiration, write the tutorials, and come up with a name for the series!  Any suggestions for the name would be really useful.  Past series names have been "Sweet Sixteens", "Nifty Nines", "Stunning Stars", "Scrumptious Scraps", "Rockin' Rectangles", and "Charmed, I'm Sure".  I know the perfect name is out there just waiting but it is eluding me.  COVID brain, I think!  So chime in if you have a great (or even not-so-great) idea!

Hope you're having fun playing with your scraps these days!



Monday, September 14, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - Back In The Real World!


Hi, all!

Well, it's been a few weeks since I did a Make-A-List Monday post - but don't think I've been slacking off!  OK, well, I did slack off a little bit during vacation, but I had fun sewing on things I *wanted* to work on rather on things I *needed* to work on.  First up was this Plaidish quilt...

...which I finished while on vacation. That was a fun bit of sewing and I will definitely be making more of these!  Then I worked on the reindeer blocks that eventually ended up in this top...

Isn't it adorable?  This is a Christmas gift for a friend, but I have to set it aside for a while to work on some commission pieces.  Speaking of which, I finished one of the commission tops this week...

I'm super happy with the way this turned out - I had to do some quick changes to the design because I miscalculated the size originally - based my measurements on 14" blocks instead of the 12" blocks I made.  But it all worked out in the end!  Can't do any more for a while though - my other fabrics (the backing for this one and the two colors for the top of the second one) are all on back order.  COVID-19 is messing up my sewing life - we need our fabric from China!

And today I started working on the pieces for Nathanael's annual quilt.  These are the greenery pieces - vines, ferns, and cycads!  I wanted to start on a dinosaur but I decided I was a little too tired to do all the cutting required to start, so I'll work on that tomorrow.

And look what my husband installed for me today!  These are two curtain rods that I bought at IKEA years ago - I decided the they would be perfect to hang my flimsies on until I had a chance to quilt them.  As you can see in the foreground, I used to use my quilt frame - but this is MUCH nicer!  

So what's on my radar for this week?  It's hard getting back in the swing of "normal" but I'm trying - here's what I 'm hoping to get to.

1.  Keep working on the dinosaur quilt blocks.

2.  Check my other fabric sources to see if I can find the commission quilt fabrics in stock anywhere.

3.  Work on organization in the studio (work in the new stuff from my friend.)

4.  Cut out another Plaid-ish quilt.

5.  Take some recent donations to church and drop them off.

Seems like a skinny list but it's hard to get motivated, isn't it?  Maybe I can get motivated about finishing up the studio organization, though - I kind of quit once I got it good enough so I could sew, and it's silly to still have things that aren't unpacked!  

So now the question is - - -  what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, September 11, 2020

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

Hi, all!

Friday is here once again (do they seem to be coming along faster as we near the fall?) and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready - I am!  So let's get started!


It was a near thing, but I did manage to have a "finish" this week...

OK, it's just the top, not truly a finish yet, but I'm pleased to have made this much progress!  I started these blocks last week while I was on vacation, and finished the last two and did the sashing and borders this week.

Look at that sashing fabric. Isn't it perfect?  And check out Rudolph's antlers - a great piece of Christmas text fabric, and wonder of wonders, I think I managed to get all the text right side up!

This will get tucked away for a while, as I need to finish the two commission t-shirt quilts first, but it will be completed in time to be given as a Christmas gift.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem... But Wow Am I Inspired!


Hi, all!

Well, vacation is over and wow was it wonderful!  And now I'm back to real life as we roar like a freight train to the holidays.  Seems like time passes so quickly, doesn't it?  

It felt really nice to be back in my studio today, although I only had a few minutes to play.  There is so much to be done then first day back from home - laundry, groceries, putting things away - but I did make a few minutes to work on another reindeer.   I'm getting close to finishing all nine, and I can't wait to pull them all together in a quilt.

I did find a lot of inspiration on Instagram this week that should keep you going for another week....

Joy is in the process of writing a pattern for this, and she's going to be hosting a quilt-along later this fall, I believe.  Might be worth checking out!

Don't you just love all that color??

I really like that she used different sizes of the same block to add visual interest and a place for your eyes to "rest"...

I don't know about you, but I'm a little bit obsessed with tiny houses these days....

This is the beginnings of a Sea Glass quilt, but it also looks like a spectacular way to reduce your fat quarter stash...

I can't begin to tell you how in love I am with this quilt!  And that tub of solid scraps is screaming "use me, use me!"

This is such an interesting way to use up strings - I really need to play with it!  This may show up in next January's tutorial series.

This quilt is just fascinating - it looks like she used Amanda Jean's technique of appliquéing scraps to a solid background, then used those blocks as the center tiles on this wonderfully scrappy quilt.

That's it for today, folks - I'm late as it is (fell asleep in my chair last night!)  Go play with scraps!

