Friday, February 12, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Serious Progress....


Hi, all!

Guess what?  It's Friday again - hard to believe it, but we're almost halfway through February, too!  And because it's Friday, it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on - are you ready?  I am!  Let's get started!


A little over a week ago, I met with a woman who needed a t-shirt quilt made for her daughter.  She had 45 t-shirts, and she wanted as many as possible used in her quilt.  And she needed it all by 2/19!  I had some memory quilts to finish up, and got those finished and delivered.  Then all the t-shirts were sorted out and deconstructed.

All sorted out by color, and stacked neatly, ready for the assistance of... lovely granddaughter Lilli, who helped me lay it all out (much easier with two people, I must say!) and then graphed it out as I called out measurements to her.

That was six days ago.  And today I am incredibly happy to say that the top is completed!

I learned a lot with this top - including that almost no cutting error is irretrievable!  I goofed when cutting out this block and cut it right at the edge of the outer letters in King.  As you can see if you look closely, I had to add a narrow piece of fabric on each side to bring it back up to size.  What you may not notice is that I actually lost the upper left corner of the "K" in the seam - because I found a sharpie exactly the right color, and drew it back in on the new fabric!

In trying to incorporate all the t-shirts, I found ways to combine shirts that were nearly identical but from different years.

And I found ways to make the pieces the size I needed!  I learned that making all the blocks measure to the full inch, no fractions, made it much easier to make the whole quilt work out well.  Mine ended up square and exactly the size I intended it to be, the first time!

So my next step is to make the back, baste, quilt and bind this baby.  I've got a lovely navy solid for the back and a red and white stripe for binding.  Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, it will be done in plenty of time to meet the deadline.  Wish me luck!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Wow! The t-shirt quilt top looks great. I love how the pops of color are arranged. You are so lucky to have a lovely assistant. Great job, Lilli!

  2. You're the queen of T-shirt quilts, this one is arranged beautifully. The red stripe will be perfect for the binding.

  3. This is a wonderful t-shirt quilt that is filled with memories. Your granddaughter had the right plan for the blocks. I like the variety in piecing and placement. There are two t-shirt quilts and one sweatshirt quilts waiting for me to create, and will borrow the idea of a vertical placement of some of the blocks. Thanks for the idea and inspiration . D. Weeks (aka Momma Llama)

  4. Yessirree--you deserve a "whooping crane" of a whoop to have done all that this week;))).
    Nice work and your helper is a great grapher...nice!!
    Hugs for a fun weekend Julierose

  5. Brilliant method of repairing an off-cut! And how awesome that Lilli could help you in such a mathematical way!!! I remember when she was just tiny! Perhaps she will be a quilter, too!

  6. Dang!!! You are the T shirt QUEEN!!! I love it - and what an amazing quilt!!!

  7. Dito what Alycia said! I've heard of using a marker to fix embroidery booboos but never on a t shirt quilt! I admit I noticed the K but I really thought you'd sewn it so it worked. Now thinking about it I realize it wouldn't have worked because of seams. Excellent recovery!!

  8. What an incredible job with this t-shirt quilt!!! Great saves and good info for all of us!

  9. Nice job on the t-shirt quilt. Great fix on that corner. I would never have known.

  10. I really like the busy-ness of this t-shirt quilt. It’s so fun to look at! (Nothing like waiting until the last minute to approach you about making this though!) The recipient is going to be thrilled.


  11. That's a whole lot of work, and it looks fabulous!

  12. That's amazing. Maybe this will be the year that I make one with my Girl Guide shirts.

  13. Good save on that mis-cut shirt, Sarah (and the quilt top turned out great!!)

  14. I hope your customer knows how fortunate she is! I cannot imagine that anybody else anywhere would have been willing, much less able to pull that off! And do a great job too! You should charge a pretty penny for that job, but knowing you, I have a feeling you probably won’t! You are amazing!

  15. That's brilliant, Sarah! Big whoop-whoop!!

  16. That is some fancy work on that t-shirt quilt. First, kudos on the quick thinking to save that "K", but also, getting this done by that deadline. I hope you've added in a fee for "expediting". LOL I thought I was pretty good at squeezing in 26 shirts in a similar quilt, but you've lapped me! What a wonderful gift this will be to someone.

  17. Love your T-shirt quilt. I have yet to make one for my daughter. She collected many band t-shirt while travelling the US some years ago. One day .....

  18. Whole inch measurements are the key, aren't they? Makes the math soooo much simpler. This piece looks great and I'm sure the daughter will love it :)

  19. I love reading about your process. It is similar to mine. I learned a few things from your post that I will need to incorporate into my next t-shirt quilt! I love the colors of this one and how you fixed that K!


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