Wednesday, February 3, 2021

I May Have A Scrap Problem... But Here's a Great Solution!


Hi, all!

There has been a serious lack of scrappy sewing around here lately, but it doesn't mean that I'm not looking for future projects!  You may remember the Scrap Mountain quilt and quilt-along that happened last year on Instagram...

Joy Martin at @themakingsofjoy designed this fabulous pattern, and I have to say it is one of the most creatively produced patterns I've ever seen.  It's fun to read and beautiful to look at - not your average pattern!  I can't wait to make my own version (although it ain't gonna happen any time soon, unfortunately!)

Well, Joy has been at it again, and has just released her second pattern!  

This one is called Pride and Prejudice, and while her cover version doesn't look super-scrappy...

...take a look at this scrappy version one of her testers made!  Isn't that fun?  And maybe you're looking at this quilt and considering your scrap stash with a different eye?  

Go forth and conquer those scraps!!




  1. I was looking for some blue batik today, and surprised to find that in the scrap containers, I did not have enough to do " Daddy Hex" from Becca over at Scraps are son valuable for quilts like those in your photos, and I do have mine sorted in like colours.

    1. Scraps are so valuable, oops for the word " son" fingers type ahead of my brain!!!

  2. What great inspiration photos! I really like the new pattern Joy has released!

  3. Goes to prove, simple blocks (when made with scraps) make great quilts. Thanks for sharing. ;^)

  4. A new-to-me quilter with fun patterns? Thanks for sharing!

  5. These are stunning.The blue one is my best fav

  6. Wow! What a neat quilt. I'll have to go check it out. Thanks for sharing.


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