Friday, February 5, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Triplets!


Hi, all!

Another week has come and gone, and Friday is here once again - and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready (I know I am!) so let's get started....


After a couple of weeks in the making, I can finally say that the trio of memory quilts is finished!

Aren't they pretty all stacked up like that?
(I played around with the portrait feature on my camera, and I like the effect! Who knew you could take portraits of quilts?)

Even though they are very similar, each is slightly different, and has a distinctly different back.  One each for husband, son and daughter of a woman who died.

The pattern is a simple one, which allowed me to knock these out pretty quickly.  And I figured out some new ways to randomize the colors so it didn't take me forever to figure out how to lay it all out!

It was much too windy to take pictures outside today, but I decided the open front door let in some good light and not too much breeze - plus I get to show off my pretty entryway!  Some of my favorite things reside here, such as the picture on the wall, drawn by my great grandmother, and unseen under the quilts, a table made by her husband, my great grandfather.

I'm so happy that these three quilts are in the books now and I can move on to the next project - or two - or three!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. The memory quilts are so pretty, Sarah.


  2. These memory quilts are so pretty! Praying they bring comfort to the receivers. Love your entryway, and your treasured items.

  3. These sure are a beautiful trio! And I like the photos arranged like this for the quilts-nice idea.

  4. Gorgeous finishes! I love the aqua/turquoise color you added to each one!

  5. Congratulations on getting them finished so quickly, Sarah! They look fantastic :)

  6. Congrats on your triple finish, Sarah! I'm really curious about the "new ways to randomize color" that saved you time in the layout stage, and I'm sure other readers are as well. Can you please elaborate in a future post? So many of us start out with the intention of making a "quick and easy" scrappy quilt, making all of the blocks, and then get stuck when it comes time to lay them out and we're boxed in by choices we didn't realize we were making during the piecing phase. I'd love to learn how you've streamlined that process!

  7. I saw the beautiful table in the top photo, and to have those treasures there for the photo shoot is so special.The family who will receive these quilts will have also have a treasure forever, a trio of love.

  8. What Rebecca Grace said! Share the info at some time to make it easier to layout quilt blocks. It's great that you have so many artifacts from your grandparents. I used to hate antiques but currently have some nice pieces from my grandparents ... although they didn't make them! I do like those three quilts. The turquoise is a splash of joy. Hopefully they can wrap up in their quilt and feel their mother's/wife's love.

  9. Loved your string tutorial so I made a smaller version and i am using it as my virtual vacation entry in project quilting this week. Win win! Thanks for tutorial.

  10. Congratulations on finishing up those memory quilts, Sarah!! The are lovely and will surely be cherished by the recipients.

  11. Those memory quilts are all beautiful. Great work, as always.

  12. Congrats on the finish. They look great.


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