Monday, February 20, 2023

Make-A-List Monday -Hallelujah! The End Is In Sight!


Hi, all!

Another week has come and gone, and progress has been made!  I do love making quick easy quilts - lots of instant gratification!  So let's take a look at last week's list to see how things went...

1.  Finish the tutorial for the fourth prototype quilt. Mainly that's just adding pictures!

Done!  If you missed it, the tutorial for this quilt was posted this past Sunday...

2.  Finish the fifth prototype quilt and take pics!

Done!  I'm really happy with the way this one came out.

3.  Finish the sixth prototype quilt and take pics!

Done!  I'm loving the rainbow colors in this one...

4.  Give my friend Piper a lesson in ruler quilting on the long arm.

We had fun, but of course, I forgot to take any pics! 

5.  If time permits, quilt a ministry quilt.

I didn't quilt one, but I did put binding on four that Piper brought me when she came to play in my studio!  Here's two of the quilts I finished...

And not on the list, but something I did this week...

I made a back for the baby quilt for my great-niece!

So, all in all, a good week!  I've still got a little bit to do to finish up the last two tutorials, but plenty of time to do it in.  Hooray!!!  Here's what's on my plate this week...

1.  Finish the tutorial for the fifth quilt.

2.  Finish the tutorial for the sixth quilt.

3.  Quilt my great-niece's (long overdue) baby quilt!

4.  Quilt some ministry quilts.

5.  Make backs for the stack of tops I have piled up!

6.  Pick up my studio - it's looking rough!

We are working on a couple of big projects for the quilt ministry - as usual, we are making quilts for our graduating seniors, and we're also working on quilts for a special group of teachers.  Altogether, it's about 75-80 quilts, and we're scrambling to try to get them all done by May.  We've got a really good start on it, the high school quilts will definitely be done by then, and maybe even the teacher quilts!  But it's got to be pedal to the metal time for quilting over the next couple of months.  Luckily, we've got a couple of new folks in our group with long arm machines, so we've doubled our quilting staff.  AND we got a new long arm machine at church, which is much more reliable (and larger) than our previous machine!  

I also REALLY need to clean up my studio - if it's bad enough to drive me crazy, you know it's really bad.  I think I'll try to set a timer each day for a certain amount of time to really dig in and get it done a little bit each day.

So now, I really want to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. So many pretty quilts! I am loving the orange fabrics a lot.

  2. Last week I planned to put a binding on a quilt. The quilt s trimmed but a squirrel distracted me and that's as far as I got.
    Good job at finishing much of your ambitious list.

  3. Your plate is full and your heart is so open and generous. Thanks for all you do for us quilters and your quilting ministry. Love your samples this year!

  4. I love to see what you've been playing with! I am meeting for my weekly quilt group--fun stuff!

  5. I don't know if the studio was cleaned up, but you certainly did a lo of other wonderful things!


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