Monday, July 31, 2023
Make-A-List Monday - Back to the Real World!
Friday, July 28, 2023
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Getting Ready for A Sew-Along...
Hi, all!
Friday has rolled around once again, and hallelujah - we are finished with this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July! It was fun while it lasted, but a whole lot of work, so that's one of the things I'm whooping about this week. But I'm sure you all have things to share too, so let's get started!
I am grateful for the success of this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July - we had great blog stops, I had a PDF of the quilt to be able to send out when people asked, and I managed to get all of the posts done a few days before each had to run! But now it's time to get to work on some projects with deadlines so I can start working on the grands' annual quilts!
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Day Twelve of the Twelve Days of Christmas in July!
Hi, all!
It's finally arrived - the last day of this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop! I hope, like me, you've been wonderfully inspired with great ideas. Maybe, like me, you've also had a chance to walk down memory lane in your Pinterest or blog feed! I will confess - I even found pictures of an annual quilt I made for Lilli that I had completely forgotten about!
Today we have a chance to hop over to Karrin's blog, Karrin's Crazy World, as she shares some of the gifts she has been making - there should be lots of inspiration there! And we've reached the end of our quilt-along and it's time to assemble those blocks - finally!!
Let's go!
Monday, July 24, 2023
Day Eleven of the Twelve Days of Christmas in July!
Hi, all!
Welcome to the 11th day of the Twelve Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop! I really fell down a rabbit hole while writing this post - I couldn't for the life of me remember what the eleventh day gift was, so I went to look it up. (Just FYI, it's eleven pipers piping!) But I also found out that if you received all the gifts listed in the song (and they accumulate - each day repeats all the gifts to date) you'll have 364 separate items by the end of the 12th day! And since 1984, the cumulative costs of the items mentioned in the song have been used as a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator. Two pricing charts are created, the Christmas Price Index (the index of the current costs of one set of each of the gifts given) and the True Cost of Christmas (the cumulative cost of all the gifts with the repetition listed in the song). The people mentioned in the song were hired, not purchased. In 2015, the total cost of all goods and services in the Index was $34,130.99. The True Cost of Christmas was $155,407.18 for all 364 items!! All I have to say is that was one dedicated true love!
Now that I've dug my way out of that rabbit hole, let's get down to today's business! I've got some cute trees to share with you, along with some guidelines for how to know what you need to decorate your Christmas tree. Because this is the year of the Christmas tree, after all! Then we'll have some more instruction on the quilt top.
Let's get started!
You'd never guess it, but around my house, we love Christmas and all things Christmas-y! This is the tree that stands in our front entry area - we usually put up a fresh tree here, and it is decorated more formally than the family tree in the den. I try to get one large enough to have a real presence in the tall entry, so it's usually 8-9 feet tall. Luckily, we have a friend who runs a tree farm at Christmas time, so we know just where to get one!
If you're like me, you never know quite how much stuff to drag out to decorate a really big tree. But I stumbled across a chart on the internet that is absolute genius!

My husband says that this picture is deceptive, and makes the tree look bigger than it really is. I just like the fact that it echoes the tree in the center of the quilt waiting on the long arm!
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Day Ten of the Twelve Days of Christmas in July!
Hi, all!
It's Day Ten of the Twelve Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop, and today we get to visit with Carole of From My Carolina Home again! This will be the second part of her project, and I for one am looking forward to seeing the finale! I've also got the next steps in our quilt-along - assembly of the wall hanging, or the next block for our quilt people. Hop on over to Carole's and see what's going on there, then come back for those next steps!
4 3.5” sq. white
5 3.5” sq. red/white 9-patch blocks
Lay them out as shown below:
(Please excuse the fact that these are partially assembled - I forgot to take a progress shot!)
Assemble the 9-patch block, using a very scant 1/4" seam. Your finished block should measure 9.5" square. Make 20.
Don't worry if you don't get all of these made today - I've also set aside time tomorrow for them.
The end is so close, but we've still got lots of inspiration to come. Can you hear those sleigh bells jingling yet?
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Day Nine of the Twelve Days of Christmas in July!
Hi, all!
How quickly time flies when you're having fun - and just imagine how quickly the days until Christmas are going to fly by! But I hope that you're getting some inspiration, and maybe even a head start on your Christmas crafting! Today I'm going to share a recipe with you before we move on to the last two blocks for the center of the Christmas quilt. Let's go!
Many of you already know how proud I am of this girl (my eldest granddaughter, Lilli) since you've seen her grow up from her earliest appearance on my blog in 2010.... today. She's changed a lot, right? Well, for many years now Lilli has wanted to be a pastry chef (although she's thinking about adding astrophysicist into the mix now!) and she make SPECTACULAR chocolate chip cookies. We joke that her philosophy is 25% cookie, 75% chip! That's not precisely right, but for her, it's definitely more is more.
Well, I asked her if I could share her recipe here for the 12 Days of Christmas in July - because if you're like me, you stink at decorating cookies, but a truly delicious, well made chocolate chip cookie can go a long way in taking people's minds off those pretty decorated ones! So here's her recipe:
Lilli's Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
2 1/4 cup flour
1 cup dark chocolate chips
1 cup milk chocolate chips
Whip together butter and both sugars for 3-5 minutes or until light and fluffy.
Add in vanilla, salt and baking soda and mix until combined.
Add eggs one at a time.
Add in flour. When flour is partially mixed in, add chocolate chips.
Mix until fully combined.
Bake at 350 degrees F 13-15 minutes.
Now, in the interest of being sure the recipe was correct, I made a batch. No other purpose, I promise (ha ha!). Trust me that your cookies will taste best if you really whip up that butter! I set my stand mixer to a high speed and set a timer for five minutes, just so I don't shortchange the process. I do scrape down the sides of my bowl occasionally (I have the really large mixer and small batches sometimes get pushed up on the sides and not mixed well) so you may need to do this as well. Your butter will get lighter in color as well as fluffier the more you whip it.
Now, I have to admit that quite a few cool kitchen tools have made their way into my drawers since Lilli started baking over here.... these magnetic double-ended measuring spoons. Very useful for this recipe, as I can use one end for the liquid measurements and one end for the dry! But the fact that they all stick together in the drawer is a plus too.
3 3.5” sq. white
3 3.5” x 2” white
1 3.5” x 2” green
1 2” sq. green
4 3.5” sq. red/white 9-patch blocks
Step 1 - Lay out the pieces as shown below.
Step 2 - Draw a diagonal line on the back of the green 2” square. Take one of the white 3.5” x 2” pieces and lay the green square on the right end of it, aligning edges and corners and having the diagonal line running from upper right to lower left. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out. Take another of the white 3.5” x 2” pieces and sew it to the bottom of the W/G piece. Press seam down toward the white piece. Replace in the layout on your work table.
Step 3 - Take the remaining white 3.5" x 2” piece and the green 3.5” x 2” piece and sew them together along the long edge. Press seam up towards the green piece. Replace in the layout on your work table.
Step 4 - Assemble the nine-patch block. This block will go in the lower left of your Christmas tree unit.
3 3.5” sq. white
3 3.5” x 2” white
1 3.5” x 2” green
1 2” sq. green
4 3.5” sq. red/white 9-patch blocks
Step 1 - Lay out the pieces as shown below.
Step 2 - Draw a diagonal line on the back of the green 2” square. Take one of the white 3.5” x 2” pieces and lay the green square on the left end of it, aligning edges and corners and having the diagonal line running from upper left to lower right. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out. Take another of the white 3.5” x 2” pieces and sew it to the bottom of the W/G piece. Press seam down toward the white piece. Replace in the layout on your work table.
Step 3 - Take the remaining white 3.5" x 2” piece and the green 3.5” x 2” piece and sew them together along the long edge. Press seam up towards the green piece. Replace in the layout on your work table.
Step 4 - Assemble the nine-patch block. This block will go in the lower right of your Christmas tree unit.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Day Eight of The Twelve Days of Christmas in July!
Hi, all!
Welcome to Day Eight of this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop! Today I have a fun craft to share with you that may help alleviate some "stash" at your home, as it has at mine, plus give you a way to spend some fun time with the kiddos in your life. We'll also be working on two more blocks for the Christmas tree center of this year's quilt. Let's go!
Every so often, you should take the time to look back through your old Pinterest pins. Rather like scrolling through years-old blog posts, you will find things you completely forgot about. I discovered this picture that I had saved as inspiration, and boy was I inspired!
1 2” sq. green
1 3.5” sq. green
1 2” x 3.5” green
Step 1 - Take the white 9.5" x 5” piece and the green 2” square. Draw a diagonal line on the green square from corner to corner. Take the green square and lay it on the lower right corner of the white piece, aligning the sides and corner, with the diagonal line running from upper right to lower left. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out.
Step 2 - Take the white 9.5” x 3.5” piece and the green 3.5” square. Draw a diagonal line on the green square from corner to corner. Take the green square and lay it on the right end of the white piece, aligning the sides and corners, with the diagonal line running from upper right to lower left. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out.
Step 3 - Take the white 8” x 2” piece and the green 2” x 3.5” piece. Lay the short end of the green piece on top of the right end of the white piece, aligning the sides and corner, with the extra length of the green piece above the white piece as shown below. Draw a diagonal line from the lower left corner of the green piece to the spot where the white piece and the green piece meet at the upper right. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out.
Step 4 - Sew the 9.5” x 3.5” piece to the bottom of the 9.5” x 5” piece. Sew the 9.5” x 2” piece to the bottom of that piece.
1 9.5” x 5” white
1 9.5” x 3.5” white
1 8” x 2” white
1 2” sq. green
1 3.5” sq. green
1 2” x 3.5” green
Step 1 - Take the white 9.5" x 5” piece and the green 2” square. Draw a diagonal line on the green square from corner to corner. Take the green square and lay it on the lower left corner of the white piece, aligning the sides and corner, with the diagonal line running from upper left to lower right. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out.
Step 2 - Take the white 9.5” x 3.5” piece and the green 3.5” square. Draw a diagonal line on the green square from corner to corner. Take the green square and lay it on the left end of the white piece, aligning the sides and corners, with the diagonal line running from upper left to lower right. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out.
Step 3 - Take the white 8” x 2” piece and the green 2” x 3.5” piece. Lay the short end of the green piece on top of the left end of the white piece, aligning the sides and corner, with the extra length of the green piece above the white piece as shown below. Draw a diagonal line from the lower right corner of the green piece to the spot where the white piece and the green piece meet at the upper left. Stitch on the line. Trim off the corner. Press out.
Step 4 - Sew the 9.5” x 3.5” piece to the bottom of the 9.5” x 5” piece. Sew the 9.5” x 2” piece to the bottom of that piece.
Your block G is finished, and you have completed today's blocks!
Come back tomorrow, when I'll be sharing a delicious recipe that makes a perfect small gift, and the last two blocks for the Christmas tree center!
See you then!