Friday, May 15, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Science Fair!

Hi, all!

Friday has come along again, speeding like gangbusters this week! This week has flown by, but I've had a lot of fun starting some new projects!  I hope you're ready to get your whoop whoop on - let's get started!

I have a new baby grand-nephew coming along in July, and so when I started looking around on Shannon's new website, I saw this quilt and fell in love!

When I ordered the kit, I thought I had the required Hex-N-More ruler - but oops, turned out I had one for a different set of Jaybird patterns!  So I had to wait a day for my ruler to arrive - but thankfully, Shannon's shop is close enough that it arrived the next day!  I got started cutting and assembling Thursday morning, and it made it this far...

...before I had to leave to go pick up my girlies from school.  I wanted to have it done to take a great stained-glass shot Thursday, but no such luck.  I'm hoping to finish assembling the top Friday morning.  I'm really impressed with how quickly and easily this little top is going together - that Hex-N-More ruler is worth the price.  So that's my not-quite-finished quilt-y whoop whoop for the week!

And my other whoop whoop?  Read what my daughter posted on Facebook this afternoon!

Spent a very long afternoon at the local Children's Hospital getting Nathanael's heart checked out. After an echo, EKG, and chest x-Ray, the cardiologist confirmed that the heart surgery Nathanael had in China was done very well and it is very unlikely that he will ever have to have a heart surgery again. Chris Cornwell was happy to learn that Nathanael is free to play any sports he wants as he grows up and has no restrictions or daily medications to take. We will follow up with the cardiologist in 6 months and then will hopefully be on a yearly visit schedule. We are so thankful for this wonderful news!! The list continues to grow of the amazing things God has done for our little boy!

And that's a HUGE whoop whoop!!!


Now it's your turn! 

What's got you whooping this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!


This linky list is now closed.


  1. That is wonderful news about Nathanael's heart. Praise God. Very pretty quilt.

  2. That is going to be one gorgeous beauty of a quilt. Just as I am sure that Nathaneal will be one happy, healthy boy running around, playing and keeping you on your toes.

  3. Great news about Nathanael and Great quilt!

  4. Wonderful and news about must be so relieved!

  5. What a gift you all received with the news of Nathanael's heart!! Praise Him!! Love your quilt, too.

  6. I had goosebumps reading your good news. Smiles all around. Now to look into this pattern and fabulous ruler you're ranting about! It's such a cute pattern, but you got me at 'quick'.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  7. Such wonderful news about Nathanael and a great start on your quilt

  8. great news that he is healthy I'm sure the family was very excited about this.

  9. So thrilled for you, that's incredible news indeed worthy of a HUGE whoop whoop - Chris x

  10. Wow, that is definitely something to be whooping about!!! So happy for Nathanael.

  11. Praise God for Nathanael and the surgeons in China for their exceptional work!

  12. Am I missing something? I don't see the whoop whoop linky party?

  13. Wonderful news about Nathanael's health - I'm sure your whole family is feeling very whoopy about that! very cute Science Fair quilt. Gotta love that Hex & More ruler!

  14. The quilt is wonderful, I can't wait to see it finished. That's such good news about Nathanael's heart!

  15. What amazing and wonderful news about Nathanael - that is worthy of a huge Whoop Whoop and happy dance!!! :)

  16. Great news about Nathanael! You did an amazing job with the Science Fair quilt. Whoop! Whoop!

  17. Good news! Love the colors in your new quilt.

  18. Wow great news about the heart surgery! Our whoop whoop is that my sister is getting married tomorrow! After a year or more of planning it's finally time for her to say I DO!

  19. That is the very best kind of Whoop Whoop about Nathanael's heart Sarah! It will be wonderful for him to be able to lead the life of a healthy little boy.
    That Science Fair quilt is really cool!
    My whoop whoop today is that our daughter is graduating from law school this weekend.

  20. Great news! And your newest quilt looks awesome! Love the picture you shared on IG with the sun shining through it.

  21. Such wonderful news about Nathanael! I hope the news keeps being good!

  22. Great news, and love how the new quilt is looking!

  23. That is a Whoop Whoop we can truly rejoice in!!! Congratulations. Tell him to run 'til his heart's content. And congratulations on a really neat quilt.

  24. This is great news concerning Nathanael! It's been a long time since I last linked up as I didn't have anything I could show and because life has been incredibly busy lately. BUT I have sometimes found time to read your blog posts and want to congratulate you and your daughter to your family's new addition! I am impressed by their / your heartwarming generosity of giving little deaf Nathanael a new life and perspective and much love. Sending hugs and well wishes for everyone!

  25. This is great news concerning Nathanael! It's been a long time since I last linked up as I didn't have anything I could show and because life has been incredibly busy lately. BUT I have sometimes found time to read your blog posts and want to congratulate you and your daughter to your family's new addition! I am impressed by their / your heartwarming generosity of giving little deaf Nathanael a new life and perspective and much love. Sending hugs and well wishes for everyone!

  26. Your quilt is looking great! Happy to hear about Nathanael.

  27. Your daughter's news is the absolute best kind of Whoop Whoop there is! And I love your quilt, too.

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