Friday, January 10, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Baby Steps...

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again - and time to get our whoop whoop on!  I imagine most of you, like me, have been holed up in your houses trying to stay warm this week.  It's really bad when you get excited because the temperature is in double digits!!  Regardless of what your weather was like, I hope you've got lots of pretties to share to inspire us all to get creative!

I didn't have any big finishes this week, but I did get a few things done that made me happy

You may recall the shameful picture of my ironing board from last week

Well, that was the first thing I fixed this week!  I think this is much better

Then I got to work on making a cataloguing system for some of the donations we receive, so that we can give credit where credit is due.  I came up with a card that can be attached to a work in progress where everyone can log what they did on that particular quilt…

The front...

and the back (which will be filed away as
the front when the quilt is given away!)
Then Lilli and I spent one of her snow days sorting through the bags of scraps I had accumulated in the past few months - it's just so much easier to throw those full bags in the corner instead of sorting them into the tubs!  Well, Lilli dumped them all in a big pile on the floor (I wish I had taken a picture of that!) and we sat on the floor and sorted them all by color!  Now it looks like this…

Look at all those pretty full tubs!  Lilli informed me that I needed to make her a quilt with the bright colored scraps - no black and white or neutral for her..  I see a scrappy quilt in my future!  Good thing, too, because some of those tubs are really full - and the blue tub has completely overflowed into a Vera Bradley shopping bag!

And my favorite little thing of the week?  I finally got to do some piecing for the quilt ministry, instead of just doing the quilting!  Look at this pretty stack I worked on today…

That's just part of the ninety-three hourglass blocks I made today - whew!!  But this was the last of the block-making, and tomorrow I can start putting it all together.  Fun!!

So that's what I'm whooping about this week!  Woohoo!!


And now it's your turn!  

What have you been working on this week?

What's made you dance the happy dance?

Share with us - we want to dance along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -
So there's plenty of time to join in!

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Happy New Year Sarah wishing you and your family all that is good! Lots happening at your place. As always, many thanks for hosting! Marie xxx

  2. Can Lilli come visit me? JK Your scrap bins look great. What a lot of work! I see lots of scrap quilts for you this year!

  3. Your pic of the sorted scraps is inspiring me to do the same. Great idea!

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  5. Sounds like you have plenty to whoop about and good for organizing too! Love your cards you created for each quilt top! Awesome :)

    Can you explain how you do your hourglass blocks to make so many or do you just do them one at a time?? I am about to make a bunch of these and would love to know more ... the backs of yours look delightful! Kathi

  6. Thanks for giving us a place to share. 93 Hour Glass blocks sounds like a lot of fun. Oy vey! And I have an ironing board that looks like that. LOL Have a good weekend. I'm grateful for an online quilt community.

  7. I made a new ironing board cover recently as well. So fun to have it nice and clean ;)

  8. I have been feverishly working on items for my soon-to-be newest grandson! The photo I added this week are all the items I worked on and finished last night! Whew!
    I still have a quilt to finish, but that will be next week!

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  11. I think it is so much more fun to sort scraps with a child - seeing color and patterns thru their eyes is very interesting. Your card catalog idea is terrific. My happy dance is waiting until I can actually dance - but really, happy to be home!

  12. Sarah, great work with your iroingboard!
    Think I have to do something with mine too:-(

  13. I love your stash! I just found your linky party, thanks for hosting it!

  14. How wonderful to have an assistant. She is expensive though.
    Love your tracking card... is there a reference where you can see what it looks like... the addy for your blog post where it is shown would work. (Looks like they are all one of a kinds, but you might like to keep a pic with the card.)

  15. Whoop whoop! And good for you for blogging the "housekeeping" because that is a big deal! I love your system for tracking work done on ministry quilts - brilliant! Wish I could have seen your lovely assistant helping dump the fabric. What a sight that was, I bet!

  16. Oh, my! Your board sure must have done an awful lot of pressing! But you fixed her right up, good as new. Great job on all your projects!

  17. Unfortunately I didn't get anything accomplished this week but hopefully soon.

  18. Sarah, even when you aren't actually quilting, you are amazingly productive. Yes, those single digit temps were really something. GREAT time for things like reorganizing and mending (and piecing)!

  19. Great way for Lilli to know her colors! Good to hear you were able to get some piecing in for yourself for once:)

  20. Sarah...I joined, but the thing went so fast, I posted the wrong icon/image for my blog...please delete #86! #87 is the real me! Thanks!Looking forward to some fun here.. I am like you.. I think I just need to make a day of "no quilting/sewing" and do my blog to document my work and all.

  21. I like the cataloging system you developed. That looks like it will work quite well. I always think I'm going to remember, and then I don't always. ;(


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