Friday, January 17, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Ministry Quilts!

Hi, all!!

Wow, can you believe it - it's Friday again!!!  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I know I am!!

It's been a busy week for the quilt ministry, so I'm whooping about all the finished quilts that are going to new homes this week!

Let's start with the baby quilts first...

This pretty little flannel quilt was made by Donetta and Brooke for the new baby of a friend of theirs.

…and this sweet charm quilt was made by Olga for the new baby daughter of a teacher at our local elementary school!

This quilt was made by Mary Ann, and is going to a gentleman in the hospital in Florida with failing health.

And this quilt, its "brother", so to speak, was also made by Mary Ann.  It's going to an older gentleman with Parkinson's disease, pneumonia, and other health issues.

This quilt was pieced together by Rita, our current queen of orphan blocks!  She is so good at taking little bits and pieces sent to us and putting them together into spectacular quilts!  This one is going to an older woman in Pennsylvania who is a 13-year breast cancer survivor, but is now battling lung and ovarian cancer.

And here's Pat with one of her first tops - she's made three in the past week or so!  Didn't she do a great job?

And I finally got to do some piecing of my own - hooray!!  
This quilt was a kit donated to us by KatieQ 

Isn't that pretty? I just love the colors in this.  
I've named it Briar Rose!

It was a very windy day when I took these pictures!

And I even pieced the back for this one - haven't done that in a while!  This one is going to a woman dealing with some unexpected health issues.

So it was a busy week, but so nice to be working on quilts for others!  These are quilts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 for 2014.  So far, we're right on track for making 340 quilts this year to break the 1000 mark!

Oh, and one other great whoop whoop - 
I started a new blog for the quilt ministry, to give us a place to tell some of the great stories about the quilts!

If you haven't already dropped by, I hope you will soon!  


And now it's your turn!!

What are you dancing the happy dance about this week?

Share!  We want to dance along with you -

and it's more fun to dance with friends!

The party will remain open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Wow - a lot of gorgeous quilts done. Really love the 'twin' quilts - scrappy goodness.

  2. The quilts are all so pretty! Whoop! Whoop!

  3. Beautiful Quilts and I love the fact that they all have a special home to go to

  4. All the quilts are gorgeous. My fave is the orphan blocks one!

    Going to go check out your new blog!

  5. Such pretty quilts!
TinkSquared = Tink² Blog
    Email me:

  6. I always love stopping by on Fridays! Thanks for the inspiration Sarah!

  7. Beautiful quilts! I'm following the new blog now too, it will be so nice to read the stories about the quilts. Thanks.

  8. Beautiful work Sarah. God bless you and your friends for using your talents to give comfort to others.

  9. Some beautiful quilts. You and the ministry ladies do so much good. Thanks!

  10. Congrats to all the ladies and their awesome quilts. Bless the people they go to.

  11. You can tell there is so much love in these quilts....just beautiful.

  12. Wow, what a great collection of quilts! Really like that baby quilt up on top with its wild animal theme, and your Briar Rose! Whoop-whoop!!

  13. I love the 'Briar Rose' quilt and windy days can make for some great pictures! I'm happy to finally be at the end of my list!

  14. Beautiful Quilts! These are all simply stunning!

  15. Some amazing quilts. First time linking up. Thanks for hosting.

  16. Those baby quilts are all really cute and I lOVE that Briar Rose, it looks it may have some amazing healing powers:-)

  17. Busy busy ladies! So glad you've started the ministry blog. Can't wait to read more!

  18. Thanks for the ideas your share here
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  19. I was delighted to see that Briar Rose was completed. It looks beautiful. I'm sure the woman who receives it will feel strengthened when it is wrapped around her. The back looks wonderful too.

  20. LOVE the Briar Rose, front and back that is a wonderful quilt!

  21. I love the Briar Rose quilt. Have you seen the fabric collection by that same name?

  22. Wow, week after week you have so many beautiful quilts to share and to give away in order to let people know that they are loved and cared for. And thumbs up for Pat, three "first" quilts in week, that's a terrific start! You go, Pat!

    Greetings from Germany!

  23. You have some wonderful quilts that will be cheering up some very ill individuals! What a generous group of people donating their time, skills and resources!


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