Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals for 2014 - The Linky Party!

Hi, all!

Happy, happy new year to each and every one of you!  I don't know about you, but to me each new year seems like a blank journal, all ready to be written in.  And I find myself with ideas of things I want to do, or make, or accomplish, all rolling around in my head.  So I decided to write them down for posterity here, which will allow them to come back and haunt me at the end of the year!  Won't you join me?  We'll make it a linky party!

When I was making my list, I found that things naturally fell into certain categories - and I think I'll stick with it.  Here are my personal goals, in no particular order of importance…

Things I Need To Do

Organize my quilting studio a little better

Skills I Want To Learn

Learn new negative space quilting techniques 

Skills I Want To Teach

Teach a string piecing class to the quilt ministry ladies

Teach a slab piecing class to the quilt ministry ladies

Teach a straight line quilting class to the quilt ministry ladies

For The Quilt Ministry

Reach the 1000 quilts given away mark (330 more)

Create a cataloguing system to keep track of donations and hands that have worked on each quilt

Blog about the quilt ministry on a regular basis (new blog?)

Things I Want To Make

Kaffe Fassett quilt

Judi Madsen quilt (from her new book)

Make a string or slab quilt from the scrap bins

Finish a very old UFO

The Unattainable Goal

Write a rough draft of a book about how to start a quilt ministry

 I added that "unattainable goal" because that's something I've wanted to do for years, but have never quite managed to get down on paper.  It's rolling around in my head, though.  But between the granddaughters, the quilt ministry, and the things I want to do personally with quilting, I never seem to quite find the time.  Maybe this will be the year, now that I've put it down in writing!


And now it's your turn!

Have you set goals for yourself for 2014?

Link up below to share your plans with us!

Inspire someone else to achieve something great!
(The linky will remain open until 1/8/14)


I can't wait to see what all of you are planning to do - I may have to add to my own list once I do!  You've all inspired me so much during 2013 - to learn new things, stretch myself, move out of my comfort zone - and I'm hoping for the same in 2014.

Happy New Year to one and all!!


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Dear Sarah, do NOT give up on the book idea. I have been so impressed with what you are doing. I'm sure others would love to know how to get started. My DIL is doing a book on prayer shawls -- not how to get started, but the effects on the creator and the receiver. You should include a chapter on that, too. I'd be happy to come teach your group.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your goals here. It's exciting to see all that God is doing in, around, and through you and the quilt ministry. I'm still working on my goals. I love January...such an exciting time, full of possibilities!

  3. Why not borrow the technique of quite a few bloggers who used their blogs to write the first draft of their later published (and successful) books? You might have one dedicated day a week that becomes your 'quilt ministry story' post. Writing a post a week would be a way to chunk the story into manageable pieces, and at the end of 2014, you would have either a completed first draft or a very good outline. The end of 2014 is going to come no matter what, so why not finish the year with this goal realized or well under way?
    Best wishes!
    p.s. One of my audacious 2014 goals is to start a blog. I'm wondering how you (and your blogging readers) chose your blog home (like blogspot, etc.).

  4. I was going to wait until tomorrow to write my goal post, but I guess I need to go ahead and do that! I would love to write a book someday, I have actually written some children's short stories and just need to figure out the illustrations part.

  5. You have a great list of goals for 2014. If you want to get closer to your meeting your unattainable goal, Goggle the term "SMART goals". There is lots of information out there about setting manageable goals that help you achieve what seems unattainable. I've used this technique when I've had to get something specific done.

    Have a very Happy New Year.

  6. I think you my have more than 24 houers/ day and more than 7days / week , to have time to make all att your list, god luck :)
    I so glad that i found your blog, werry nice things you have done this year.

  7. You're amazing, Sarah and I'm sure you will attain the important goals this year. Thanks for hosting another fabby linky party and happy New Year :)

  8. Wow you sure do get a lot done! I'm hoping this year to just get moving and stop dreaming about what I can do!

  9. Amazing goals, I need to get my own out of my head and done on paper. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I am always inspired by all you do! Sounds like you will have an amazing 2014!

  11. Ok, you made me do it,list my goals in my blog. I would love to know more about slab piecing. I so much want to belong/start a quilt ministry-it is too lonely/slow doing it by myself.

  12. Sounds like you have a fun year planned. The Ministry ladies are going to learn some great things from a wonderful teacher.

  13. I hope you are able to make time to write your book this year. Your quilt ministry has touched so many people. A book would be a wonderful way to spread this beautiful ministry even farther.

  14. you need to do what your heart tells you. take one sheet of paper and write six lines. tomorrow another six.
    keep doing it and you will get it done.

  15. What a terrific set of goals. I sure enjoy your blog, and your vision. I like your efforts to make a difference to others. thanks
    LeeAnna Paylor

  16. Good for you! Keep working on that book idea too - it is one I would love to read!
    I posted my goals a couple days ago on my blog:
    Having trouble with the linky thing but will keep trying.

  17. Your goals look great... I love setting goals and I love getting ideas from other peoples goals too so I hope to come back and check out all the links for inspiration. Thanks for hosting!

  18. Great post!
    Love all your projects.
    Do you use a foundation piece for your string piecing? I've thought of doing one of these but wasn't sure if I should use a foundation or not.

  19. Hi Sarah, I have been following your blog for awhile and I love your quilts. I would be very interested in following a blog about a quilt ministry, as well as reading a book on starting up one. Happy New Year 2014!


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