Friday, January 3, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Productive Vacation...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - time to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope your week has been as productive as mine - a great way to start the new year!

We've been on vacation this week near Panama City Beach in Florida.  I know what you're thinking - sun, sand, warmer weather than what we'd have at home.  But no - - - sand, yes - - - sun and warmer weather, no!  It's rained almost every day we've been here  But it's been a restful vacation - we've seen lots of movies, done some shopping, a little sightseeing, eaten some good food and read some books.  And I've really put my sewing machine to good use

First of all, I took the donated paper-pieced string blocks that I pulled all the paper off of on the drive down here and put them together into a top...

…Then I took the new Kona color FQs my hubby gave me for Christmas, combined them with some Kona Iron, and made this cute quilt top….

Next up was this table runner, a kit from Connecting Threads (also a great Christmas present from my DH!)

and then today, I finished piecing this quilt top, another kit from Connecting Threads from my DH!  When I was making this one up, I realized I had pieces cut to make 24 blocks, but the pattern only called for 20.  I didn't want to waste the extra blocks, but didn't want a skinny long quilt, so I decided to make one more block in a similar style from the scraps.  See it there, second from the right, first full row?  I think it works in pretty well, and it allowed me to make the quilt about 65" square.  I'm really happy with the way this one came out!

So that's my productive week - and I'm definitely doing the happy dance!  Can I get a whoop whoop?

And a few other things that are making me stand up and cheer

Two people have written to say they want to send us quilts 
to help us reach the 1000 quilts goal…

Four people are cleaning out their stash and 
donating to the quilt ministry… 

And one woman wrote to let me know that she has been 
inspired to re-start her church's quilt ministry!

God is so good - and I'm so excited to see what He does with the quilt ministry in 2014!


And now it's your turn!

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish -
It can just be whatever made you jump for joy this week!

Share! We want to dance right along with you -
because dancing is more fun with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 
Hope to see you there!



PS - there's still time to link up your 2014 goals here!  Join in the fun!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sarah, I wish you a fabulous new year! I enjoy your blog and your endless energy and enthusiasm!
    Did your husband pick those kits or did you help?
    Enjoy every day of the ride!

  2. Goodness, you've been busy already Sarah! Well done :-)

  3. You had my kind of vacation. I hope you had some rest. All the quilts are beautiful. I look forward to seeing what amazing things you accomplish in 2014.

  4. That sounds like my kind of vacation. I love the extra block you made for the last quilt. Very cute.

  5. You know only quilting buddies would understand that sewing together quilt tops on vacation was really fun and relaxing.

  6. You were incredibly productive and while on vacation too! Hubby has great taste too - nice Christmas presents. He sure knows your heart. The additional block looks great! Once I found it I noticed the difference. The thing was I had to really look for it so it works very well! Love all the colorful log cabin blocks. It made up so pretty.

  7. Happy dance! Yesterday I found out that I won a scholarship to Quilting by the Lake in Syracuse, NY for five days. I was signed up for a two day class, but the scholarship covers 5, so I will take a 3 day one also. I am going to take Victoria Findley Wolfe's classes, so I can even be better using scraps. All I need is a roommate to cut the lodging price down! I never win, this is a blessing!

  8. Your productivity just boggles my mind...and such gorgeous projects! Your extra block worked out beautifully. Next vacation, I'm taking my sewing machine!

  9. You WERE productive. I might have to persuade DH to rent a condo rather than a hotel room on our next trip to the beach so I can take along my sewing machine!

  10. Gosh, you did have a productive holiday, perhaps you should pick rainy holiday destinations more often :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sounds like a good holiday to me! And you sweet husband definitely sounds like a KEEPER!

  13. Love all your projects, Sarah, especially the table runner. It'd make a special quilt... All I need is enough background fabrics.

  14. Great start! Love the cute table runner.

  15. Oh, that Log Cabin Quilt,yummie!!!
    It´s nice to have some time just to sew and relax;-)

  16. You deserve to whoop it up! I like all your projects but especially like the log cabin. And I wish my DH would take some hints on gifts from yours!

  17. Holy moly! I'm out of breath just looking at all the piecing you've been doing, and on vacation to boot! I cannot tell you how much I love the way you solved the enlargement dilema on the last one. That was so creative!

  18. Way to go, Sarah! Good using your noodle to squeak out another block to make the kit quilt bigger. It adds a little personality as well. Sorry your weather wasn't good for the beach, but it sure worked for getting a lot of sewing done! Any good movies to recommend? I want to see American Hustle and Inside Lewyn Davis.

  19. I just found your blog, and love it! I also love the Connecting Threads project you made for your hubby and how you changed their setting to fit your needs. Happy New Year!

  20. You have gotten a lot done. Sp jealous!! Good for you!

  21. Sarah it is amazing how much sewing you have gotten done on vacation! Congratulations to YOU! Also very happy you're meeting your goals for the ministry. Have a Happy New Year!

  22. Your quilts are amazing! I hope I can become that good! I was going to mention..same thing happened to me when I was making a civil war quilt.I ended up with to like 5 extra blocks more than I needed for the I just put them on the back, added some backing fabric and now it is a reversible quilt!

  23. Vacation??? Sounds like you worked hard. Your quilts are beautiful, I really like the log cabin one. Glad you got to sew for yourself alittle.

  24. Looks like you made great use of your vacation time. You've got some very pretty quilts finished up this last week.

  25. Nicely done, those are pretty quilts!


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