Friday, May 27, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Barn Quilts Rock - and a GIVEAWAY!!

Hi, all!

Friday!  Don't you just love the sound of that?  The beginning of a long holiday weekend for many of us, the start of summer activities - so much to whoop about!  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  Let's start!!


Because of dealing with all the Hands2Help administrative work (FYI, this is the week when everyone links up the quilts they made for the Challenge - if you haven't already checked them out, click here to see all the gorgeous eye candy!) I don't have any personal finishes to share, but that's ok...because....

I'm going to add one more fun thing to your weekend - 
a giveaway!!! 

You may remember that when I was in Paducah, I met the gentleman who owns Classic Metal Company, which produces really cool metal barn quilts and a whole host of other products specifically designed for those of us of the quilt-y persuasion.  He donated a beautiful barn quilt for the Hands2Help Challenge then, and contacted me shortly after to ask if I'd like to do a giveaway of a new product on the blog.  

Hmmm... let's see..... great quilt-y product and a giveaway?  
Heck, yeah!!

First of all, let me tell you a little bit about Mark's company.  He and his wife Danira run this small family business, with the help of their border collie, Jack.  Apparently Jack is the motivational coach and cheerleader!  

Their barn quilts are cut out of 14 gauge steel, then "painted" with a powder coat process that gives them a hard, durable, long-lasting finish good for any climate.  Almost all of their products are made in the USA, too!  

I seriously love their barn quilts and related metal products.  I have a barn quilt hanging next to my front door, and one of the ruler holders on my worktable holding rulers and clipboards, and I just purchased one of the "A Quilter Lives Here" signs.  

But today I want to share a new product that Mark has come up - you're going to love it!  Take a few minutes to watch this video and you'll see what I mean.....

This is perfect for a nightlight or for a pretty decorative accent in your home - and what a great gift for a quilt-y friend!  Keep in mind Christmas parties, too - this would make a fun swap gift (note to self: order one!) You could wrap up your gift shopping right here!  

There's a great variety of different light panels for your LED base, too - Americana Star, Carpenter's Wheel, Feathered Star, Hunter's Star, Mariner's Compass, and Ohio Star blocks, and inspirational sayings too - "Home is Where The Quilt Is" and "Stitch Together Friendships".  And of course, "A Quilter Lives Here"!

And here's a reason to whoop it up today - 
I have one of these LED light bases and three light panels 
to give to one lucky reader!!

Here's how to enter - choose one way, or more for multiple entries!

1.  Hop over to Classic Metal Company's site, then come back here and comment about something you like! Be sure to leave your email address in your comment, also, so I can reach you if you win!

2.  Visit their Facebook page!  "Like" them if you want to stay up to date on all the new and cool items they have.  (Leave a comment here saying you visited the page for this to count.)

3. Be a follower of this blog!  New followers are always welcome! (Leave a comment letting me know you follow.)

4.  Link up for Whoop Whoop Friday below!  You don't have to have a finish, just something you're doing a happy dance about this week.  No comment necessary, I'll grab your entry from your link!

 Easy peasy, right?  The giveaway will remain open for entries until Wednesday, June 1st at noon.  I'll announce the winner next Friday, June 3rd in the Whoop Whoop Friday post - giving one person a great reason to whoop it up!


And now it's time to share - 

What are you whooping it up about today?

What's got you dancing a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you!

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

This party will stay open until Wednesday, June 1st
at 11:59 am.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. The LED lights are lovely, I hope he does well, I do like to support small family businesses. I am in the UK so i'm not sure if I am eligible but I follow you anyway. As always, thank you for hosting. Because of you and others like you I have made some lovely quilty friends since joining the blogging community only four months ago.

  2. This is another amazing give-away, and as I am in New Zealand, like Kate in the U.K., not sure if it is international. If so , my choice would HAVE to be the Mariner's Compass napkin holder. I named my blog with thoughts of a very dear friend who was in the UK Navy in WW2, mine laying, he was awarded a DSC, and for his 90th birthday I made a 'Mariner's Compass" wall hanging, and then my blog had the name " All Points of the Compass".All those beautiful quilts for the Hands2Help, generosity and distance has no limitations, and such a variety of colours and designs.

  3. I like the LED lights. They are very pretty and would be great gifts.

  4. These are lovely! I love the Americana Star Barn quilt.

  5. I like the Mariners's compass.

  6. Visited their facebook page - that quilter lives here light is so cool.

  7. I follow your blog via feedly

  8. I completely thought those were quilts when I first saw them! They are wonderful! I love the feathered star -- if I could only quilt one so beautiful!

  9. I have been looking for something to add panache to my home and quilting studio. Just started following them on Facebook. I will be ordering the mariners star! Thanks for the great share.
    Donna Weeks (aka Momma Llama)

  10. I really love the Mariner's Star barn quilt block. A 12 x 12 of it would look great on the front of my house.

  11. I do follow your blog (but for some reason I can see the linky.)

  12. Wow, makes me want a barn to display one of the quilt blocks. I do love the metal rusty quilt blocks. My favorite is the Bear Paw. What a great way to shout out "I'm a quilter!" Thanks for sharing an intro and the giveaway.

  13. I am a follower of your blog :-)

  14. I actually have one of their 12" rusty Americana signs. Super give away.

  15. You can Whoop it Up for all of the hard work you put into Hands 2 Help Charity Quilt much more.

    I visited Classic Metal Company's website...oh so much to love. One of my favorite pieces is the Americana Star and I love how they couple it with the Welcome Sign.

  16. Oooooh, that featheered star accent in your shrub bed is so cool.

  17. I think the Christmas ornaments would make great gifts.

  18. You know I follow your blog right? Of course it's too awesome not to.

  19. I love the metal barn quilts! I love your blog too, and I follow you on Bloglovin and IG.

  20. I've always liked their metal quilt signs. I thin the rusty signs are cool. The picture on your blog, above, with a store entrance, looks like The Fabric Center in Morris, IL.

  21. I checked out their Facebook page (it's open to the public, since I'm not on FB). The orange moose, way down the page, is also shown on my blog, way back in Sept 2013.

  22. Of course I'm a follower (and had a finish, so, I also added my link). Thanks Sarah.

  23. Love love the mariners compass I love reading your blog

  24. Love love the mariners compass I love reading your blog

  25. I love all the metal barn quilts they make...but I love the quilter lives here napkin holder... of course I would repurpose it for my sewing room! lol Kathi

  26. i love the led lighted quilts.

  27. I visited their facebook page and love the pillow they show with "A quilter lives here " logo :) Kathi

  28. i visited classic metal co.'s fb page and followed them.

  29. I am an avid follower of your blog and have been for about 4 years ;) Kathi

  30. i follow your blog on blog lovin'.

  31. I visited and liked Classic Metal Co on facebook.

  32. I love the metal barn quilts... 12 inch size... like the Ohio Star and the Sisters Choice !
    Susie - legato1958(at)aol(dot)com

  33. I am a follower by email!
    Susie legato1958(at)aol(dot)com

  34. I have had their website book marked for quite some time. I haven't purchased because I can't decide on which outdoor quilt I want.

  35. Oh my yes, they are sensational! I would love to give one to all my quilting buddies. Thanks for sharing!

  36. I love the quilter lives here designs also drooled over all the pictures in the gallery. crewsemarg[at]yahoo[dot]com

  37. I'm also a follower :) Here and on IG!

  38. I like all of their products but especially the tree ornaments.

  39. I am your follower.

  40. I'm a follower via email and blog lovin

  41. All there products look nice but I'm partial to the Mariner compass at that large size, 24 x 24 would be a perfect decor near my front door and covered porch.

  42. I linked up my WHOOP WHOOP and I LIKED Barn Quilts for Your Home Facebook page ;)

  43. I love all of them and I'm going to purchase 3 for gifts. thanks for sharing their site.

  44. love the barn quilts and am so happy they make smaller ones. thanks for the chance to win

  45. Love the metal Hunter's Star!!

  46. Following you on google connect

  47. I visited their Facebook page!

  48. I visited their Facebook page!

  49. Following you on google connect

  50. Those bouncing babies totally crack me up Sarah.
    I follow you just shy of being a stalker!

  51. I visited The Classic Metal Company and liked something so much that I ordered it. Their 12" Lone Star in white.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Liked their Facebook page too. Thanks for holding this giveaway Sarah!

  54. I have one of his creations! A friend bought a red Sister's choice, 24" size, at a show and had it sent to me. I would like to get an American in blue and have them both on my house front. I liked the photo of the one in a garden, too. Thanks to both of you for this great giveaway of the lighted one - three different blocks, that's a treat! dezertsuz at gmail

  55. I follow your blog, too. I'm not on FB, so can't do that one. I love the little babies in the Johnny Jump-ups! That is so cute. You find SO many of these little things! Almost every one of them makes me smile when I come look. =) dezertsuz at gmail

  56. I just finished a Hunter's Star quilt. So, the 24" sq. Hunter's Star sign would be my #1!. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  57. I follow on BlogLovin. Those little bouncy twins are adorable. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  58. So many to choose from but I think I like the Americana Star the best. Great product! Thanks for the chance to win!

  59. Lots of cool stuff at Barn Quilts! I found the Feathered Star 12" x12" which reminds me of a snowflake! duchick at gmail dot com

  60. I am a Bloglovin' follower of yours!

  61. I'm linking up! I'm happy dancing mostly because I got a new post out yesterday!

  62. My favourite product is the Night and Day block. It looks so dramatic! craftraditions at gmail
    dot com

  63. I liked the Barn Quilts Facebook page. It's quite cool - I won some of their Christmas ornaments in the Make it Handmade Christmas that Quiltshopgal hosted two years ago. I have plans to make a quilted wall hanging for them to be attached to so I can see them all year round :)

  64. I'd love to have one of the metal barn quilt blocks for the side of our garage.

  65. I visited their Facebook page.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I found the follow me button. Just had to open my eyes.

  68. I would love one of the 2- or 3-foot mariner's compass blocks for the street side of our garage. Love!

  69. That is hard to choose which block I like best! I like the Ohio Star and LeMoyne Star.

  70. I liked their FB page.

  71. I follow you !

  72. I like all of the napkin holders. I would have a tough time choosing a single block sign. Maybe Carpenter's Wheel or Mariner's Compass.

  73. I read your blog each time that you post, but have never signed up to follow you. I'll do that now using the email option. I really admire how much you accomplish.

  74. First of all, those bouncing babies remind me of baby Irish step dancers. Maybe that's how they learn, LOL. Cool giveaway! I'm a follower.

  75. Love the 12-inch Feathered Star on the company website, and those vinyl siding hooks are very cool.

  76. A great idea. I think I like the ruler holder the best.

  77. I love the Home is Where the quilt Is!!! They are soooo cool!! :) Love the Feathered Star Square too! Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way!! :)

  78. I follow on Bloglovin. Thanks for sharing.

  79. I visited their Facebook page...lots of cool info & pictures. (I don't do couldn't "Like" them)

  80. I already follow you thru Email & GFC :)

  81. That night light is awesome! I follow you via email notification. Off to their website next.
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  82. Checked out their website. I like the Heart Star.
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  83. I visited their Facebook page. I like that blue shed with 9 blocks mounted on it to look like a large quilt. Neat idea.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  84. I like the 24" X 24" Mariner's Compass sign. It would look great by my front door.

  85. I am a follower of your blog already.

  86. I visited and liked their Facebook page.

  87. I would love a Mariner's Compass to hang on my barn. Beautiful work Jmikebalou(at) aol (dot) com

  88. I follow you on BL. Jmikebalou(at) aol (dot) com

  89. what a wonderful gift any one of them would make for a quilter. I follow b email.

  90. I sure like his many quilt blocks, I may need one for my front porch. I always look forward to your blog posts.

  91. I checked put their site and like the napkin holder. I didn't see quilt holders for small quilts. I lloked under decor.

  92. I really like the larger 3' or 4' blocks for house or barn sides! I already have a 12" block of his on my front door, and actually didn't realize he made the larger ones. If I had the money, I'd go ahead and get a big one right now.

  93. I love the Rusty Carpenters Wheel! My dad was a carpenter and this block has special meaning to me. All of their products are lovely!

  94. A wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. Forgot to say I like the sign 'A Quilter lives here'

  95. I follow via Google. Thanks for the chance to win.

  96. I like the Mariner's Compass. That would look so cool on the side of my chicken coop. Shahann at yahoo dot com.

  97. I liked Barn Quilts for your Home on fb. There are some pretty cool pics there for eye candy too! Shahann at yahoo dot com.

  98. I visited their website--oh my! I like the barn quilts--the feathered star really caught my eye.

  99. I follow your blog. mep6758(at)gmail(dot)com

  100. I follow your blog. mep6758(at)gmail(dot)com

  101. I love everything on this website. We have a large Mariners compass quilt block hanging on our house. It is perfect for my husband and I. He is a us navy veteran and I am a quilter. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  102. I follow you through bloglovin

  103. I follow barn quilts on Facebook

  104. I'd love a barn quilt to hang on my backyard shed.

  105. I liked their Facebook page.

  106. What a great new idea! I love all the 'barn' quilts, both sizes! thanks for chance

  107. I liked them on the FAcebook page. thanks for chance

  108. I really like the big 36 or 48 inch signs for the side of my little green shed ! But I didn't see any info about the one standing in the flowerbed. I am ALL ABOUT my flowerbeds when I'm not quilting ! Please enter me in your drawing for the nightlight ! Thanks !

  109. I visited their facebook page and 'like'd them ! Please enter me again, I'd love to win that 'a quilter lives here' nightlight ! biking underscore dot(spelled-out, not the punctuation mark) at

  110. I thought that I ALREADY followed you because I've had you on my sidebar for quite a while ! Turns out I've just peekin' at you from the bushes ! Well, now I've come out in the open, following you openly and honestly, and while I'm at it, I'd like to tell you that I LOVE your little 'action videos' on whoop it up day ! I always get a kick out of watching them loop and loop ! Anyway, I would appreciate ONE LAST entry towards this barn quilt light ! Bless you, hon !

  111. I love that Ruler Holder - "A Quilter Rules Here"

  112. I follow your blog via

  113. I really love the favorite is the Feathered Star- so pretty!

  114. They have all kinds of neat things on their site. I love the quilt ruler holders. The led lights are really sweet.

  115. I am a follower by email, but I also have your post link on my blog.

  116. I visited Classic Metal Co on facebook and liked them.

  117. I like their napkin holders and the Christmas tree ornaments. There's some good ideas for gifts for quilting friends.

  118. I'm thinking of getting the 12" Rusty Americana Star for my garden...I love that idea of having one in the garden. Thanks for sharing this resource with us.

  119. I've been a happy follower and have ya right on my sidebar!

  120. I'd love to have one of the barn quilts for the exterior of my home! One of these little lights would be great to illuminate the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night too. So glad I was inspired to catch up on my blog feed this morning!

  121. I visited their site and really love all the Barn Quilts - now to decide my favorite! Decisions, decisions.

  122. I have followed your blog for a very long time!!! What a great giveaway!

  123. I Liked Classic Metal Company on Facebook too!

  124. I like the sister square. Thank you! I liked Classic Metal Company on Facebook.

  125. I visited them on FaceBook. Their other link did not work. Thanks for the giveaway chance. refusestofear at yahoo dot com

  126. I visited the Classic Metal company on facebook. The link above didn't work. tweetyb936(at)aol(dot)com

  127. Love the barn quilts! tweetyb936(at)aol(dot)com

  128. I follow on bloglovin! tweetyb936(at)aol(dot)com
    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  129. I couldn't get the link to work, but I have seen these signs in person and they are wonderful quality. I simply adore the feathered star.

  130. Oh my gosh, the quilts are beautiful, I love the idea of the lighted up quilt. what a wonderful idea, and thank you so much for the opportunity.

  131. I "like" their page and will enjoy watching as they add new products.

  132. I love all the Metal Barn Quilts! I especially like the A Quilter lives here! This is a great sign to have outside to attract other quilters. Especially since I just moved to a new home recently.

  133. These are great! I didn't know about this site and will be passing it along to Santa...

  134. I love the Feathered Star barn quilt. Perfect for my sewing room.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. I am following your blog :)

  137. How can you pick just one thing to like??

  138. Love the new LED lights as well as their Christmas ornaments! Thanks for the chance to win!

  139. Would love any of the star quilts! Wonderful giveaway!


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