Friday, March 3, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Mixed Bag...

Hi, all!

Hey, how did that happen?  It's Friday again!!  (Snuck up on me this time!)  Well, we know what Friday means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  I know I am!  Let's get started!


As the title to this post says, I have a mixed bag of things to whoop about this week...

As you probably know by now, I had a blast at QuiltCon2017 and got to meet some friends from blogging and Instagram, like Sharon1216....

I'm also seriously whooping because I went to Joann's for something small and found a bolt of Kona Shadow, NOT ON SALE, and had a 50% off coupon - so now I have a bolt of Kona Shadow!  Alas, Kona went on sale the next day...

I also finished this quilt this week, although I can't show it in full today, because it is this Sunday's Stunning Stars quilt!  And I used a new quilting design, courtesy of Christa Watson and her fun class on spirals and swirls...

And oh, this makes my heart happy!  No, it's not my personal swag from QuiltCon2017 - - - it's a donation from Free Spirit Fabrics to be used as giveaways for the participants of this year's Hands2Help Challenge!!  Isn't that AWESOME???? I made contacts with a bunch of other folks at QuiltCon2017 that will hopefully bring in some more donations, too.

And speaking of Hands2Help (which starts on 3/12/17!), I was going over my list of people who have signed on as guest bloggers:

Myra of Busy Hands Quilts
Laura of Scraps of Life
Joanne of Everyone Deserves a Quilt
Kat of Kat and Cat Quilts
Pam of Quilting Fun

...and I realized I still need one more guest blogger, unless I've missed someone who said they wanted to do it already. (If I have, please email me to remind me!) So - if you'd like to be a guest blogger during Hands2Help, leave a comment below with your email address, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.  I'm so excited about the Challenge this year - it's going to be fabulous!!  UPDATE:  Carole of From My Carolina Home has agreed to be our sixth guest blogger!  Thanks, Carole!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn! 

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Oh, that's some fantastic swag! And that's only from one sponsor? Wow! How will you keep your hands off all that lusciousness, Sarah? :)

    Just kidding, you're allowed to pet it all you want. I like what I'm seeing on the final star quilt. Your quilting looks great! Yay for new skillz!

  2. fantastic amount of prizes given to you from Free Spirit how cool is that.

  3. Great score on that Kona fabric! I would love to be a guest blogger for your event if you can give me some of the required details~ quiltlovefordomesticfelicity(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. It was so fun to see you at QuiltCon. I'm glad you had a great time :-)

  5. Oh my goodness, we watched the Lego Batman movie last week so I just have to say, the dancing Batman and Robin made me laugh so hard ;) So glad you had a great time at quilt con and got the great score on Kona. I always try to watch for those, but it is a special day indeed when you have the coupon and it is't already on sale ;)

  6. Sarah, I'm joining Hands2Help for the first time and want to "Grab the Button" but don't know how to do it. I just get messages saying there's illegal characters in the URL. Can you help?

  7. What a great week for you! I love these links. So far the Twitter Feed quilt is my favorite. It is so fun. I may have to make some of those birds :-)

  8. P.S. I'm finally finishing a quilt again. Yay!

  9. Another great score on the Kona!

  10. Hey Sarah, so funny to see my face in your! I'm still battling this head cold...ugh! My heart says "SEW" but my head just can't get it together. Maybe this weekend. Looking forward to seeing the new Stunning Stars quilt you've cooked up.

  11. Great job on the Kona!! Love the hump and bump swirls - that's a great quilting design and fun to use as a fill ;-)

  12. I don't know what thing I am most happy for you about...the Kona bolt or the sponsors. LOL I wish I could afford to buy full bolts of ALL the Kona colours.

  13. It's going to be a great H2H year! I already have plans. =)

  14. Oh my gosh! So jealous! We went last year and loved every minute of it. Such a fun, creative, and engaging way to get inspired! ~Katie at Hobbies Up To Here

  15. Sarah, I hate we didn't meet up at QuiltCon! The weekend few by!

  16. Awesome trip, awesome prizes, awesome finish! You, my dear, have had a great week! Thank you for hosting the party! It's so much fun to visit with other quilters!


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