Welcome to the Tuesday edition of Make-A-List Monday! I had a special post for Monday this week - projects made from Modernist by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit Fabrics - so MALM had to hit the back burner for a day. But I'm back on track again, so let's see how last week went...
1. Keep working on projects for the Free Spirit Fabric post.
Done! You can see all of them on this blogpost - but here's a peek, just to tease you!!
Done! You can see all of them on this blogpost - but here's a peek, just to tease you!!
2. Arrange a photo shoot for those projects.
Done! Had a lot of fun taking the pictures for this project - the smokehouse came back into the picture again!

Done! Had a lot of fun taking the pictures for this project - the smokehouse came back into the picture again!

3. Take photos of t-shirts for a commission job.
Done! I'm already working on turning them into interfaced blocks with about half of them done so far.
Done! I'm already working on turning them into interfaced blocks with about half of them done so far.
4. Write the first post for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge (which starts THIS SUNDAY!)
Done! If you haven't signed up already, there's still time - there is a giveaway for people who sign up before the end of the first week of the Challenge! There's already 115 people signed up - woohoo!! Click here to go to the signup post...
Done! If you haven't signed up already, there's still time - there is a giveaway for people who sign up before the end of the first week of the Challenge! There's already 115 people signed up - woohoo!! Click here to go to the signup post...
5. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Well, it was a very quiet week - no quilts went out, but we finished about six to add to the stash so we have them on hand when they are needed!
So I got all my Modernist projects finished, photographed, and written up, got Hands2Help up and running, and started on the commission quilt! A VERY good week! Here's what's on tap for this week...
1. Continue working on the commission quilt. Finish making all the t-shirt blocks and determine the arrangement of this puzzle style quilt, at a minimum. If I'm lucky, I'll finish piecing it this week!
2. File our income taxes.
3. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
That's a ridiculously short list, but I really need to get as much done as possible on that commission quilt, so I'm going to leave it as it stands. I've got plenty to throw in the mix if I should happen to get finished sooner than I think, though!
So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?
Now that the wedding quilt is finished and delivered, I found out Monday night that I need a baby quilt for a baby shower after church on Sunday. So I found a quick and easy pattern and cut is out last night. I also got the first 3 of 9 blocks finished. I hope to make more progress tonight before and after church. I would like to be able to start quilting it by Friday so I can have it finished. Good news is I think I have enough pieces cut for a second one. Happy Stitching!