Friday, March 17, 2017

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Not Finished, but Progress!

Hi, all!

Hey, everyone - it's Friday!!!  And not only Friday, but the day where EVERYONE is Irish!  Happy St. Patrick's Day to one and all.  And you know what else that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on once again!!  Are you ready?  Let's get started!


This week, once I did the Modernist post, I got to work on a project with a looming deadline - a puzzle style t-shirt quilt.  After deconstructing all the shirts and making all the t-shirt blocks, I laid it all out on the floor....

I sure am thankful I had a room where I could clear off the rug and lay this out until I could get it sewn up.  My husband hasn't been using his home office lately, so I took it over for this project!  I laid it out and let it sit overnight so I could look at it in the morning with fresh eyes.  

Everything still looked good in the morning, so I decided to start assembling the quilt top.  With the random placement of all the squares, this one is going to be really difficult to size up, so I started by assembling the top of the quilt, making sure it reached the size I needed it to be.

By the end of the day, I hadn't finished, but I did have a really good start on the quilt.  As you can see, I've done the left side all the way down, so that establishes the quilt's length.  Now I have a few more pieces to work in tomorrow, and the top will be finished!

Oh, and remember that Tuesday was Pi Day?  If the logic escapes you, it's called that because it was 3/14. Well, I got inspired and made a peach blueberry pie using some of the blueberries and peaches we collected all summer and put in the freezer - and oh my goodness is it yummy!!  

And one more really big whoop - as of this moment, thee are already 126 people signed up for the Hands2Help Challenge! Now that's something to really cheer about! 

And there's still time for you to sign up if you want to be in time for the signup giveaway - I'll be drawing a winner on Saturday evening, so hop on over and sign up now!! If you've missed the deadline, no worries - you can still sign up, and there will be more prizes at the end for those who participate!  Click here to go to the signup post.

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share - because we want to dance right along with you,
And it's alway more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until midnight Sunday.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. what a challenge with those t-shirts it is looking so good. Love the little dancing boy he made me chuckle

  2. Oh dear, down here the date would be 14/3, so could that be called "iP" day, as Pi in reverse? ( my crazy sense of humour) Lovely blocks hanging ready for some more sewing.And your pie,yummy.

  3. Your puzzle t-shirt quilt is going to be awesome! Send me a piece of that pie! It looks divine!!

  4. This is a repeat comment in case you get this twice...Google won't let me comment in Google Chrome...I have to switch to IG to be able to comment. Crazy but...
    Having made those crazy puzzle t-shirt quilts...I can see your accomplishment here is quite impressive! Nice work! They're going to love it :-)

  5. It is going to look awesome! I am yet to make a T-shirt quilt, but am warming up to it!

  6. Your quilt looks great. I made one, but had the blocks the same size...I love the way you are putting odd sizes together! I'll have to try that!

  7. Mmm-mmm, that pie is too pretty to eat.

  8. Looking great! How did you prep the shirt pieces? I've got bags of the girls' shirts that they'd like made into quilts, so I need to address that some time this year.

  9. Your T Shirt quilt is coming along nicely. I have one that needs to be done by July sometime. Not really looking forward to making it but seeing how easily people are making them I'm sure I'll do fine.


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