Friday, March 31, 2017

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Twirly Skirt for the Birthday Girl!

Hi, all!

Can you believe it?  It's Friday again, already!  And you know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  Then let's get started!


Earlier this week, I realized that my youngest granddaughter, Emmy, will be turning FIVE this coming Monday!

It's hard to believe that this little bundle...

...has turned into this sassy little miss!!

Well, every sassy little miss needs a bright new swirly skirt for her birthday, and since she was really upset about outgrowing the Shopkins outfit I made for her last year, I made her a new Shopkins skirt!!

I made this using the same tutorial I used for the Rambling Rose twirly skirt, except instead of adding the third tier to the skirt, I used a pretty hot pink gathered lace to finish it off.

And yes, it's going to be VERY twirly!!  This is a great pattern and really pretty simple to make - I don't do the reversible version, just changed it around so it's just one layer.

Also this week, I finally succumbed to a UFO in the corner that's been saying, "Why haven't you quilted me yet?" and threw it on the quilt frame!  It's nice to have this one finished and ready for cuddling!!

I love the colors in this quilt!  I made it using an Alison Glass jelly roll, and those saturated colors make me so happy!  

A nice swirly random meander finished this one off nicely - and now it's not hanging out in the corner shaming me!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. The quilt is so cute! Love the string quilt. The colors are so cheery.

  2. Your Jelly Roll Sprint (because it is better than a race) is eye-popping gorgeous. It is on my to-do list for next year, I think :-D

  3. She will love the skirt! The quilt is beautiful, I can't blame it for telling you to quilt it. lol. Happy Stitching!

  4. I think I must find the Shopkins fabric! I wonder if it's readily available?

  5. did you post a tutorial for that jelly roll quilt awhile back? I'm thinking you did really like how this turned out and like it so much better than the jelly roll race quilt

  6. Love the Alison Glass Jelly Roll quilt! Great use of a precut!

  7. LOVE your UFO quilt!!! Glad it called to you! and the skirt - too cute!

  8. Happy Birthday to Emmy. She is going to love her twirling skirt.

  9. Such fun finishes! Happy Birthday to Emmy! And the jelly roll quilt looks wonderful. Happy Friday! I'm putting the binding on my supernova :-)

  10. That skirt looks so fun! And I really love that bright colored quilt. Great finishes!

  11. PS, I accidentally linked up twice, if you could delete #37 with the broken image.

  12. Gorgeous! Can I give you my waist size??? :-)

  13. I always love your twirly skirts. I want one!!

  14. such a pretty skirt and your dancing GD will love it. My grandaughter has her birthday too on monday but she will be 19. What a beautiful quilt you have made too

  15. Didn't find a 'LOVE' button for the skirt but if I did I would press it twice! The skirt is as adorable as your granddaughter. I have 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. If my GD wasn't 24 and married I would make that skirt for her and she would love it too. Thank you so much for sharing. That beautiful smiling face brightened my day.

  16. That turned out beautiful! Now you can enjoy it (if someone doesn't try to talk you into giving it to them)

  17. Such a great skirt! Those grandchildren are the most spoiled/loved kids I've ever heard of!
    And the quilt I'd gorgeous, YES I love the bright colors, and how easy it is to make a beautiful quilt using just strips of fabric!

  18. Hmm. the comment thing is doing weird - Tried to say how fun the skirt is and what a cutie. :) Fun colors in the quilt, too. Always Whoop worthy for a UFO finish :D


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