Friday, June 30, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? More Progress..

Hi, all!

Can you believe it? It's Friday again - and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!  Are you ready?  Let's get started!


I've had a busy week - another week of working on multiple projects - but I have had some success in small accomplishments!

I finished the t-shirt quilt - here's the front...

...and the back!

I put together this fun top using twenty donated quarter-fan blocks. It really was a group effort, as several of us fiddled with the blocks to create the design, then auditioned borders for half an hour before we were satisfied!

I raided my Christmas scraps box and created this quilt back...

...and here's a sneak peek of the front!  There will be a tutorial/quiltalong for this quilt during the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop, starting on July 14th...

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until midnight Sunday.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Lovely quilt tops - especially love the T-shirt quilt! Nicely done with the purple sashes and yellow posts.

  2. Great quilts. Love the group effort!

  3. Nice quilts! You've had a productive week!

  4. Hey, I finally wrote a blog post! Yay!
    I love the simple quilting on your t-shirt quilt! Nice work! And great group job on those fan blocks! I'm not a "fan" of fan blocks but this looks great! ;-)

  5. Congrats! on a productive week. Looking forward to the tutorial for the Christmas quilt!!

  6. You do have lots of projects going on. They are all interesting and smart, but that group one with the fans is my favorite. So rare to see that design now but it's lovely, isn't it?

  7. HI Sarah! Especially LOVE that scrap busting quilt! Thanks for the Friday linky.

  8. Your quilts are great. I love the fan quilt.

  9. Wow!! Check out that Christmas quilt . . . two quilts in one! And I absolutely love the quarter fan block quilt. I need to try that some day . . . some day . . .

  10. The quarter fan block quilt was so intriguing! I looked for the rest of designs as my eye moved around the quilt! Such a great design! The rest of your quilts are lovely as well! Thank you for sharing!


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