Friday, September 3, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Finish, and Progress!


Hi, all!

I know it's hard to believe, but it's September!  This year is just whipping along, isn't it?  Now's the time, though, when we'll all start having some finishes - some we can share, some we can't - but we can all cheer each other on as we work!  So gather up your whoop-whoop-worthy stuff and let's get started!


Well, it's been a couple of busy weeks around here, and I've finally got my sew-jo back, which means that things are moving right along on the quilting front.  First of all, here's the finish...

Remember when my friend moved and gave me a lot of her quilting supplies? Well, the deal was that in return I would finish two quilts she had started for her.  This is the first of those quilts, and it is ready to go, just waiting for me to quilt the second quilt so I can ship them off together.  

And then I finished piecing Emmy's annual quilt top.  I've also found a great back for this quilt, and it's ready to go on the frame soon.

And I've made a good start on this, another pattern by Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts (so is the unicorn, by the way).  This one is a little more complicated so I'm moving slower on it, but I'm still having fun!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!  

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Starting on two t-shirt quilts like you have done in the past. I have the shirts prepared and ready to plan the layout. Hope they go as well as yours have.

  2. Good work! The t-shirt quilt is a great idea!

  3. I am so happy that you have your sewjo back Sarah and what sweet projects you have been working on. The little hockey jersey has me thinking of some ideas for me grandson. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Sarah, I'm curious about the "annual" quilts you're making. Can you explain what that's about?

  5. I especially love your triangle quilt. It's beautiful!!

  6. That is one pink unicorn! I'm sure your granddaughter will love it. Have they seen the quilts, or do they have to wait?

  7. Cheers for the return of your sewjo and a completed quilt!!


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