Friday, October 22, 2021

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Another WIP Finished!


Hi, all!

It's Friday, y'all!  It sure seems like the weeks are just flying by, doesn't it?  I'm sure many of you are working on Christmas presents already, but I hope you'll have something to share that you are whooping about this week - so let's get started!


Earlier this year I decided I was going to cut into my precious hoard of Kate Spain fabrics and make a king size summer weight quilt for my own bed.  For those of you who have asked, a summer weight quilt is a little lighter/cooler than my winter weight quilt, which has a wool batting.  Originally I intended to use a silk batt, but I think the one I ordered in June is sitting in a container ship off the coast of southern California, so I decided to go ahead and finish it using a cotton batt.  And here's the finished quilt!

This quilt is really large - 100" x 110" - and is made of 2750 2.5" squares.  I used the teal, light blue, and light green prints from several Kate Spain collections, and a couple of prints that had a splash of bright coral in them, alternated with white Kona cotton.

As I've mentioned, this quilt is so large I had to make it in two sections and connect them after quilting.  It's not really hard to do - this is my second quilt made this way - and a postage stamp quilt really lends itself to this technique.  (Click here for a link to the tutorial I used.)  I basically went by the tutorial, except that I sewed the backing overlap down by hand instead of stitching in the ditch, and then I loaded it back on my quilt frame and quilted down the 8" wide strip where the two pieces were joined.  

Do you see my Gypsy Wife quilt hanging on the headboard?  It's a little bit bold compared to the bed quilt, but I still love having it on display.  And doesn't the long pillow go nicely with the quilt?  I really like having the two different patterns - log cabins and postage stamp - but made with the same fabrics.  

And here's the glamour shot - isn't portrait mode fun to play with?  This is my ninth finish in the WIPS-B-Gone 2021 Challenge, can you say hooray?

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight. 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. It's GORGEOUS! Love the soft look of these fabrics. It looks FRESH. Nicely done. Way to knock another WIP off the list.

  2. I love the soft colors of this quilt and the pillow, too. It goes so nicely with your Wanderer's Wife (or whatever it's being called these days).

  3. Love it - love the soft blue/aqua/green colourway in there. Also looks so beautiful with your pillow and splash of colour from your gypsy quilt. You did this beautifully!

  4. Your postage stamp quilt is beautiful! When I made my summer quilt, I didn't put any batting in the quilt, definitely lightweight for summer. Gypsy Wife looks great hanging on the headboard. Just curious, do you leave the quilt on the headboard all the time? I'd be afraid it would slide off at my house. Happy stitching!

  5. That quilt is stunning to me...there is something about all those little squares of precious colour against the stark white that makes it all shine. I will look up that link so thanks.

  6. That's one BEAUTIFUL bed, now that it's all dressed up with your quilted items, Sarah!!

  7. Love your summer quilt, Sarah. I was inspired to start quilting many years ago when I saw a similar quilt made from men's shirts, alternating with a light. I still haven't made that quilt, but I now have plenty of fabric to get it done! Thanks for the nudge.

  8. So, almost a quilt a month? Love your color choices, so cool and clean.

  9. Such a pretty quilt! It looks very coastal and relaxing, perfect for a summer weight quilt.

  10. I love the soft colors of this large quilt and the matching pillow! What's not to like about your Gypsy Wife quilt? It look lovely hanging on the headboard rail.

  11. This is an amazing finish--it looks so good to see it on the bed!

  12. Huge quilt. I've always thought that summer weight quilts might have a piece of flannel in it as a bat or no bat at all. Congrats on the finish of a beautiful quilt.

  13. I've been waiting to see this one together! All my favorites, 2.5 stamps and Kate Spain!!! Fabulous!!

  14. The new quilt is so beautiful with those calming colors. The Gypsy Wife, a quilt I always wanted to make. Maybe someday. Is that pattern even still available?

  15. I like your quilt. It looks so cool and crisp! I really like the settee at the end of your bed, too!


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